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Dogs Today_July_2023

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Dog crush Find out about the all American Australian Shepherd Best behaviour A modern approach to toilet training Advice that s easy to swallow The best way to give your dog a pill A nose for news and a heart of gold DogsToday Morebite moreheart Dog versus dog When should the law step in Cavalier owners beware Coconut oil can kill Living with arthritis How to make life less of a pain Sound advice Understanding noise phobias We ask the real Linda Biscuit What s the way Joe Lycett Robbie Williams Has got a lot of love and affection for dogs July 2023 5 99 He s heard the pet theft law has been snatched away Time to fight back

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YOUR PET THE BURNS WAY Developed by Veterinary Surgeon John Burns MBE BVMS MRCVS SCAN FOR 20 OFF Use code WOOF23 at checkout burnspet co uk Inside this month News features 6 When dogs kill dogs support for Emilie s law 18 Burning issue for Cavaliers a new health issue has emerged 20 He s the one Robbie Williams is a rescue superfan 38 Lifeline needed a Romanian rescuer is desperate for support 40 Linda Biscuits unmasked the new Labrador TV star Over to you 42 Great debate would you pay for a dog licence 52 Postbag and tributes what matters to you Training behaviour 22 Sound advice noise phobia isn t always about noise 24 How to build your dog s confidence 32 Don t go potty over toilet training Opinion 66 Confessions of a dogaholic column and row Investigation 10 Q A all about arthritis Cushing s disease how to give tablets to dogs 44 Dog crush meet the Australian Shepherd Competitions shopping 50 Subscribe and win 56 Pop the kettle on and tackle our prizes and competitions DogsToday The ethical pet magazine for people who really care about dogs Facebook Dogs Today Editorial beverleycuddy Editor Beverley Cuddy Dogs_Today Art Director Rosie Peace Chief Sub Editor Contributing Editor Claire Horton Bussey Deputy Editor Alessandra Pacelli Illustrator Kevin Brockbank Advertising sponsorship Sales Marketing Director Mike McGlynn 01276 402591 Sales Executive Print Digital Tom Jones 01276 402593 Office dogs Betty Old English Golden Retriever ish Honey Cocker Spaniel Lennie Staffie cross Loki Border Collie Kelpie cross Vicky Justine Poison Ivy Newfoundlands Sophie Jack Russell Triss Jack Russell Betty s Personal Trainer Kirsten Dillon IMDT A Dip CBM Dogs Today Brandshare Ltd The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA 01276 402599 enquiries dogstodaymagazine co uk www dogstodaymagazine co uk Publishers LIMITED Chief Operations Officer Graham Smith 01276 402598 graham wearebrandshare com Managing Director Beverley Cuddy 01276 402597 beverley dogstodaymagazine co uk Subscriptions For subscription queries call Brandshare on 01276 402599 or email subs dogstodaymagazine co uk Initial subscription rates UK BFPO 12 issues 39 50 24 issues 61 EU countries 12 issues 65 20 Rest of the world airmail 12 issues 79 80 Direct Debit offer UK only 9 99 for 3 months with 1 month free trial and a 1 sign up fee The editor is always pleased to consider articles and photos from freelancers However there is often a considerable delay before material can be assessed Please include an SAE if you want your work returned While every care will be taken no responsibility for loss or damage can be accepted Competition sponsors and their families are not eligible for any competition Dogs Today incorporating Perfect Pup is published by Brandshare Ltd The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA Tel 01276 402599 Brandshare Ltd reg office The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA Distributed by Marketforce UK Ltd 2nd Floor 5 Churchill Pl Canary Wharf London E14 5HU Tel 020 3148 3333 www marketforce co uk Printed by The Manson Group 2023 Dogs Today The world copyright of the editorial matter both illustrations and text is strictly reserved Registered as a newspaper for transmission in the UK Next issue on sale 10 August 2023 To download Dogs Today for iPad go to the App store Android and PC versions are available from Pocket Mags the Kindle edition from www amazon co uk Australian Shepherd Dog Photo by Tim Rose www timrosephotography co uk July 2023 Dogs Today 3

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Illustration by Beverley Cuddy Perfect f Pla Dear readers Beverley Cuddy Sadly the Kept Animals Bill will now be known as the Abandoned Animals Bill All possible attempts to revive it have been thwarted Why did the Conservatives create it only to cremate it One theory is that while the dog theft part was absolutely on message other parts of the bill possibly strayed into more controversial vote losing territory It was going to be a bumper package of great animal welfare reforms It would have restricted the keeping of primates as pets banned the export of livestock for slaughter and further fattening banned the import of dogs with cropped ears clarified livestock worrying and limited the noncommercial movement of dogs cats and ferrets Emma Slawinski director of policy at the RSPCA said While politicians dither animals suffer The Secretary of State has said that she wants to proceed separately with elements of the bill like ending live exports of animals for fattening and slaughter and clamping down on puppy smuggling but the proof of the pudding will be in the eating We want to see urgent legislative progress on everything that was in the bill including a ban on the import of dogs with cropped ears With a general election likely next year it is imperative that ministers honour all their manifesto commitments for animals before that happens We are facing the very real prospect of a dramatic downward spiral in animal welfare We are approaching 200 years since the birth of the animal welfare movement ironically started in a coffee shop not far from the Houses of Parliament by an MP and a member of the House of Lords We need to dramatically rethink our relationship with the animals we eat use for scientific research and share our homes with as well as the wildlife we rely on for survival The RSPCA will continue to push for a better world for all animals including people FAMOUS FIVE All of us at the Stolen and Missing Pet Alliance are not giving up either Dr Daniel Allen has launched a fifth official petition to encourage the government to make pet theft a specific offence Please do sign and share it and drop a line to your MP Do remind them that the law currently treats the theft of our best friend no more seriously than someone nicking a rusty old wheelbarrow We must find a way to make stealing pets much less appealing to the criminals The thieves are all too aware that this is still a very high reward low risk crime but for the victim there s maximum distress Pet theft has become the larceny of choice for the most cruel and cowardly low life in society It s time we changed that Five years ago when we had the first parliamentary debate would have been better but we just need to all push again and make the MPs realise that if all the pet lovers backed the party that put pets first they d all be in very safe seats they d even have a cushion and a footstool So once more to social media we go Let s get this petition to 100 000 and remind our MPs that dogs and cats might not vote but they can still swing an election https petition parliament uk petitions 640101 Beverley Cuddy is Dogs Today s Editor and publisher She shares her life with Betty an Old English Golden Retriever ish dog from Many Tears and Honey a Cocker Spaniel 4 Dogs Today July 2023 y Learn Grow Toget NEW TRAINING RANGE her and dogs or puppies 8 weeks All dogs regardless of age or breed require training The expertly designed Coachi range was created by the behaviour specialists at Company of Animals From training essentials sit stay and recall to more advanced distance training and agility The range is focused on training through positive learning experiences helping to create a loving bond between you and your dog Uniquely designed for all stages of dog training learn play fun tricks Find us Coachi is a trademark and copyright of the Company of Animals 2023 Company of Animals To explore our collection visit www companyofanimals com

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Words BEVERLEY CUDDY Illustration KEVIN BROCKBANK When dogs kill Currently the police appear to be reluctant to get involved in even fatal dog on dog attacks But if a new bill passes into law that may change n May Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation I CAWF patron Anna Firth MP launched her Private Members Bill the Animal Welfare Responsibility for Dog Attacks Bill Current law only specifically covers a dog injuring an assistance or service dog unless another human is injured or seen to be at risk In the five years between 2016 and 2021 there was a 700 per cent increase in reported dog on dog attacks rising to 11 559 from just 1 700 Anna Firth said I am delighted to launch Emilie s Law in memory of my constituent Michael s beautiful Bichon Frise who was tragically killed in a dog attack in 2021 It is frankly scandalous that irresponsible dog owners are currently able to shirk all responsibility when their dog fatally attacks another creating untold distress and harm to the deceased dog s owner and wider family Of course not all dogs are dangerous and not all dog owners are irresponsible but it is crucial we have accountability under the law so that in instances such as Michael s justice can be pursued Henry Smith MP commented Emilie s Law is about justice for the many dogs who lose their lives each year at the hands of irresponsible dog owners with no legal consequence Dog attacks are on the rise and clearly something must be done to ensure owners are held accountable when their dog fatally attacks another Lorraine Platt co founder of Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation said Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation is delighted to support the launch of Emilie s Law Pet dogs provide loving companionship for millions across the UK yet there is no law to enforce justice when a dog is fatally attacked by another We hope Emilie s Law will incentivise responsible dog ownership and help to prevent such devastating attacks in the future WE SURVEYED 100 PEOPLE WHO HAD EXPERIENCED A DOG ON DOG ATTACK TO CAPTURE THEIR EXPERIENCES AND SEE IF THEY HAD ANY SUGGESTIONS FOR WHAT MIGHT LESSEN THE CHANCE OF IT HAPPENING TO OTHERS What happened 13 Our dog was killed 42 Our dog needed veterinary attention 56 Our dog was fearful or reactive after the attack 40 It traumatised me and adversely affected my mental health 27 Someone was injured trying to break up the fight What did the other dog s owner do 16 They did everything possible to help paying vets fees giving their contact details 31 They left the scene wouldn t give their details and didn t pay vet costs What happened to the dogs that attacked 79 Nothing I still see them 7 They are now muzzled or under better control 14 I believe they were put to sleep 6 Dogs Today July 2023 Did the police help 75 No 25 Yes The police response was that if it wasn t a child or a person they couldn t help The police wanted to act but the magistrates were lenient and did little I reported it and nothing came of it Being qualified in animal welfare law myself I knew it was pointless but I felt I wanted to report it so it had a record somewhere The dogs had attacked before but I was the first to report to police No CCTV No proof My word against his Police did nothing Not interested in dog on dog attacks Local police did not want to know about dog dog incidents I did tell the dog warden but nothing was done The police did nothing to help asking What are you telling us for They were terrible until I rang the dog warden the councillor my MP and then the police again stating the Dangerous Dogs Act They then opened an investigation but didn t have any actions despite constant chasing Eventually they acted after a complaint was threatened and they contacted the owner of the dog which finally pressured him to pay the vet bill They were informed but said it was a dog on dog attack so they said they couldn t do anything The police were very kind and helpful They managed to track down the dog and the people involved The people accepted full responsibility but could not be charged with anything They told the police they wanted to help with vet costs but unsurprisingly they did no such thing They asked the owner to come in to be questioned They only warned them I did call to get a case number but they were not very helpful What should happen 71 The owner of the aggressor should be required to attend a course and the dog should be muzzled and on a lead until it is assessed to be safe 67 There needs to be monitoring of dog and owner after a reported event July 2023 Dogs Today 7

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and a series of measures that could lead to the dog being seized if not complied with 65 The Dangerous Dogs Act isn t working it needs scrapping and something better replacing it 60 There needs to be mandatory third party insurance for all dogs so a claim can be made for vet fees loss or distress 51 Parks should have rules such as no dog should be allowed to approach another dog that is on the lead consent should be obtained before dogs interact 51 We need more safe areas for dogs to exercise in where they can be off lead without being fearful of attack by other dogs Who bit whom In a public park well away from anyone else a Labrador bounded across the field with an owner shouting He s OK Well he wasn t He pinned my nine month old Staffie and bit him on the neck The owner eventually reached us and got it away I was furious and shaken by the incident They said it was because my dog was a nasty breed a Staffie even though he was just a pup They left refusing to accept any blame Nine years on my previously dog friendly Staffie is still terrified of larger dogs approaching him It has changed forever the walks we can enjoy I am constantly on the lookout for other dogs in the vicinity He is now fear reactive with larger dogs although he s still great with small ones 8 Dogs Today July 2023 An Akita on the other side of the road barked at mine then rushed across the road breaking a pretty useless extendable lead Husky approached at speed offlead Very overly confident body language tail up high Owners present Knew from his demeanour and approach that he was potentially a problem A Golden Retriever just charged and attacked completely unprovoked The owner struggled to get the dog off my dogs At the second attack the owner was getting the dog out of the car it slipped the lead and attacked The owner just stood there and did nothing The owner was behind a Range Rover putting a child into a seat I was walking past with my dog on a lead It was a gap between rows of vehicles parked up at a farm sale The gap was for vehicles to drive through to park and leave the sale One dog came over and sniffed my dog and all was OK until another dog came from behind the Range Rover and attacked my dog and the first dog joined in Both black Labradors were loose even though there was moving traffic Owner just said sorry and drove off Owners were dopes They just watched it all go on from a distance Their dogs had run at us First time a GSD second occasion a Boxer Two large mastiff bull types were loose in a garden with the gate open while the owner worked on a car They burst out of the gateway attacked my dog and pulled me off my bike I kicked the dogs while the owner went in to fetch his son who then assaulted me for kicking his dogs Bully breeds twice XL Bullies one Husky All bit my or my family s small dogs once killing one included bad damage to a relative s hands lower arms and several bad puncture wounds on our pups costing us thousands Black Labs on a beach Their owners were under the influence not in control The aggressor was a recently rescued Boxer who was out with a 15 year old child off lead As soon as he saw my dog he flew at him and attacked him The child helped was very apologetic and did get hold of the dog to keep him away The aggressor was a Pit Bull cross or Am Staff cross type He was off lead and muzzled Our dog had met him before and played with him with no problem The muzzle on the aggressor dog slipped and he bit our dog without provocation The bite was close to the eye and our dog also sustained a bite to his rear flank He escaped further injury thanks to his superior speed Both bites required veterinary attention and two small scars remained for the rest of his life The female owner was present but didn t know what to do Three off lead Jack Russells ran over to my GSD who was on a lead The owner had seen me and proceeded to let them off They ran over and began jumping up and nipping my dog The owner very brazenly said What do you expect They re Jack Russells I had to pull my dog away and told her to get her dogs away or I d kick them all in the head very unlike me but it was the only thing that got her moving after telling her to get them multiple times Walking my on lead Greyhound in a public nature wildlife park an offlead Rottweiler locked on visually as we came into view and ran straight at my dog and immediately bared teeth and went for her back Fortunately my dog was wearing a thick fleece coat so the attacking dog didn t make contact with the skin The arrogant owner totally unperturbed didn t even intervene she walked away no apology and didn t put her dog on the lead Two German Shepherds were let out of the car in the owner s driveway saw us walk by and attacked my 6kg dog in the street The aggressor was a Rhodesian Ridgeback just walking along sniffing the ground until she spotted my dog Then she locked her eyes on him and charged The teenager walking it was extremely useless and did very little to get her dog under control or help in any way The aggressor dog was a Staffie bitch the owner and a friend were cycling with the dog they punched their dog I was walking my nine year old Greyhound in the park on a lead when he was charged by an offlead Border Collie leading to a very badly broken back leg It happened in a matter of seconds and ended with my dog screaming in pain with a snapped leg It was not a bite injury but rather a strike Despite the best efforts of a leading veterinary hospital he died three weeks later We later learned that the collie was known to be reactive aggressive to sighthounds Despite this the owner exercised it off lead in a park They left their contact details and contacted their insurer They denied any responsibility as insurers advise that liability is not admitted This is often a reason why vet fees are not settled by individuals because it risks admitting liability It was reported to the police They did not do anything to help asking What are you telling us for I still see them nothing has changed The dog is still off lead and running free A Staffie killed my grandma s dog in an on lead only park The owner had his dog off lead and it ran and attacked my grandma s Chihuahua who was rushed to the vet and later died of her injuries My grandma subsequently had a stroke from the stress of it all and it has ruined her life She now can t live independently and has moved into full time residential care whereas she was fully independent before this happened The police were informed but it was a battle to get them to take any action and I had to fight for the owner of the dog to pay any fees and threaten to lodge a police complaint about their lack of care and knowledge on the subject The first attack was where a drug dealer had set his dog on another dealer s mother and her son s dog It resulted in seven PCs trying to get the dog to release The woman was badly hurt and their dog was dead by the time we got the attacking dog to loosen its grip The second was when a drug dealer set his Staffie Bully on my Border Collie It was an encouraged attack resulting in the dogs going through a glass door Fortunately I and 10 others got the dogs apart He was given a slapped wrist in a magistrates court and I was left with a massive vet bill The owners were present on both occasions and did nothing until the police arrived Both attacks lasted over 20 minutes Both times the owners were arrested by police and received minimal punishment in the magistrates court which included a conditional discharge Although their dogs were taken from them they quickly replaced them with similar dogs Often dogs are owned as an aggressive tool These people crave big heavy dogs that are walking threats to others We need to phase out large aggressive bully breeds My dog was six months old A Lab owner threw a ball and my young dog obviously thought it was for her But the other dog ripped my dog s ear The owner of the other dog ran away and my dog needed stitches A larger dog came running over and pounced on Kev my Toy Poodle Rolled him over then bit him and shook him I took Kev to the emergency vet where he died of his injuries The dog s owners ran over and pulled it away They left without leaving any details I had to break the news to my children I am nervous about walking alone now The police were very kind and helpful They managed to track down the dog and the people involved The people accepted full responsibility but could not be charged with anything They told the police they wanted to help with vet costs but unsurprisingly they did no such thing My dog was very friendly and I was training him not to rush over to other on lead dogs and working on his recall When I felt I had reasonable recall I began letting him play with dogs off lead that liked one another Another dog wanted to join the fun so there were four dogs happily chasing around with their owners watching Suddenly that last dog to join lunged and my dog laid down to try to appease this dog but he snarled and bit my dog just below the ear before the owner dived in pulling him away I was traumatised and rushed him home yanking him away from any dog I saw on my way This was a mistake and the combination of the attack and my fearful response to all other dogs has left my dog very anxious So now I have a reactive dog and if we turn a corner and he sees a dog walking towards him sometimes he gets aggressive and I have been injured blocking him from confronting them Two off lead Labs killed my Papillon puppy they ripped him to pieces The walker shouted they were friendly but by then they were attacking My pup tried to run I couldn t stop them I am still traumatised Owners left the scene and wouldn t give their details They were eventually caught as the dogs had killed multiple dogs The dogs were put down P July 2023 Dogs Today 9

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Labrador Photo posed by a model Quick question Do you have a problem you d like answered by an expert Or do you want advice from someone with personal experience of the issue Email your question to enquiries dogstodaymagazine co uk How can I help my arthritic dog to live more comfortably EXPERT ADVICE Experts at Canine Arthritis Management CAM explain how to spot the signs of arthritis in dogs and how you can help with it Osteoarthritis affects at least one in five dogs and its prevalence increases as a dog ages The sad truth is that your dog has or will get osteoarthritis at some point in life At least 80 per cent of dogs over the age of eight years old suffer from arthritis so it is likely that your dog will develop arthritis in one or more joints at some stage Dogs are incredible at coping with discomfort Some suggest it is due to them wishing to mask their pain and avoid appearing vulnerable Others believe the only option is to cope when you do not understand there is an alternative And some feel they demonstrate tolerance to musculoskeletal pain due to the insidious chronic nature of its development and through the ability to shift weight away from the pain into other regions of the body Whatever the reason dogs often have significant disease even before it is suspected as detecting it can be very difficult Pain is typically classed as either being acute or chronic This is an important distinction as while acute pain serves a useful biological purpose chronic pain does not RECOGNISING CANINE ARTHRITIS Behavioural signs can be playing less with toys licking joints excessively pacing at night and low mood Changes in posture may include a hunched back avoiding putting weight on one leg low head carriage and a low tucked in tail Mobility issues may arise such as slowing down on walks stiffness after rest periods lameness and dragging feet Recognition of any of these in your dog is the most important factor as the earlier it is identified the shorter your beloved dog will be in pain and discomfort The first actionable step if your dog is diagnosed is weight management If your dog is overweight weight loss will have a significant positive impact on the pain of arthritis and will slow the progression of the disease Studies have shown that losing six per cent of excess body weight will significantly reduce an arthritic dog s lameness An estimated 63 per cent of all dogs are overweight and 90 per cent of owners cannot see that their dog is overweight What is often surprising is that the most important steps in managing canine arthritis rest with us as owners and many can be done prior to veterinary intervention and medicines HOME ADAPTATIONS Like humans our pets are also vulnerable to harm from obstacles of daily living that were once easy to navigate but with a physical impairment become a risky challenge Simple inexpensive modifications are hugely beneficial to assist our companions achieving a comfortable life well into old age These interventions are often overlooked as there is a belief that a dog is more agile and stable than a human because they have four legs Unfortunately this is not true With diseases like arthritis which cause pain and reduced function the dog will offload that limb and use it less Muscle mass and function reduces as if you don t use it you will lose it This functional loss also includes strength balance reaction times and agility They lose their physical coping mechanisms and what was once easy becomes hard A few steps from the living room to the kitchen become a balance challenge The stairs to the bedroom become hard work for weak wobbly limbs leaving them liable to falling By adapting your dog s environment you will not only improve their physical comfort levels and reduce the risk of injury you will likely slow the progression of the disease and positively influence their emotional state through reducing stress and anxiety Owners must remember that dogs are incredible at coping with the world that we surround them in They will continue as best they can no matter the circumstance A dog with painful weak limbs will continue to cross a slippery floor to reach the resources that are important to them such as their food and water or their exit point to the garden or to simply be with their owner friend This does not mean that that activity is not painful or dangerous to them Comprehending their capability being aware of the risks and adjusting to improve safety and comfort is an essential part of a chronic pain management plan Floors For Paws PawSafe flooring is a CAM approved product that ensures safe and cushioned footing for your dog Visit https www floorsforpaws com commercial EXERCISE Managing your dog s exercise levels is essential to the management of arthritis We must remember that our dogs don t have the forethought that hours of boisterous play ball chasing or running off the lead is likely to cause them pain later At the time they will be under the influence of endorphins and other painrelieving neurochemicals The pain is likely to come later and will not be associated with the activity due to the time delay This is well illustrated through clicker training theory A click is an effective reward if done at the time of wanted behaviour It will not be effective an hour after the wanted behaviour has occurred because it will not be associated With the dog s inability to link activity with deterioration in pain later we must influence what they do As mentioned previously there are countless presentations of arthritis from very mild undetectable arthritis that does not affect their capabilities to severe arthritis that debilitates their every move and their quality of life Offering advice that can support such a wide spectrum of disease presentation is nigh on impossible but there are some crucial points to understand when making an exercise plan Dogs that like to chase balls will run through discomfort and moderate pain Just because they can still chase balls doesn t mean they should Consider what you do on your walks and be prepared to change Stopping high intensity games and replacing them with more mentally stimulating challenges like hide and seek the ball may reduce the forces aggravating their vulnerable joints Dogs do not plan ahead and conserve energy for the journey home They will walk until it is too painful or they are too weak Watch your dog on your walk and observe how fast or slow they are Are they dragging behind have they become a bit wobbly are they beginning to intermittently stumble or scuff 10 Dogs Today July 2023 July 2023 Dogs Today 11

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Labrador Photo posed by a model Quick question their feet If you see changes that indicate they are tired starting to fatigue or beginning to have difficulties turn around and head home sooner rather than later Dogs are loyal and even more so in their older years They will walk where you walk and for as long as they can Be observant on walks not distracted by your mobile phone your friends and everything else that is going on Watch them walking with you take note of stumbles trips trembles and distraction which may indicate they are fatiguing and is likely to lead to further harm Take a break or head back home or to the car sooner than planned to prevent overdoing it Dogs have four legs and are very agile but certain terrains can be harder to walk on than others such as sand stones hills Be considerate when choosing where to walk the surface and terrain could be too hard for your dog and is best avoided Replacing a shingle beach with firm predictable flat short grass will reduce the forces being placed through and aggravating arthritic joints and surrounding supportive muscle As a dog s arthritis progresses they will lose strength power endurance and coordination they will lose the ability to negotiate obstacles like stairs jump distances such as over ditches and other activities that they once found easy Negotiating steps etc can be hazardous and lead to injuries on top of their arthritis If you have noticed a reduced capability and are in doubt whether they can manage a physical activity avoid it and do not risk them injuring themselves further Ideally avoid obstacles routes and activities that will be hazardous and that could lead to stumbles and falls This will reduce the pressures placed on your dog and should lead to less acute flares Dogs rarely vocalise and generally tolerate moderate pain As they get older like us they don t bounce A trip stumble or fall is likely to be painful even if they don t show it Ideally avoid obstacles routes and activities that will be hazardous and that could lead to stumbles and falls This will reduce the pressures placed on your dog and should lead to less acute flares deterioration in their pain DIET AND NUTRITION It is globally agreed that the most important factor that may influence the choice of diet for an arthritic dog is reaching and maintaining optimal body weight Being overweight 110 per cent of their recommended bodyweight or obese 120 per cent of their recommended bodyweight has a significant impact on pain control and progression of arthritis Ensuring the diet chosen enables controlled weight loss if needed or maintained weight if already at the appropriate weight is a priority HELP ON HAND Canine Arthritis Management offers owners a huge amount of essential information and advice for dog owners Even if your dog is not arthritic CAM will give priceless advice for staying that way Visit https caninearthritis co uk P 12 Dogs Today July 2023 2023 06 08_ADSPDCONP SuperDog takes our 50 years of award winning nutritional expertise even further all the innovation and careful effective formulation you d expect from Vitabiotics now available for your special companion From vitality to healthy joints and bones SuperDog formulations provide optimum levels of micro nutrients to safeguard the diet of your furriest family member From Amazon Ocado Paws com and Vitabiotics com Nielsen GB ScanTrack Total Coverage Value Unit Retail Sales 52 w e 22 4 23 To verify contact Vitabiotics Ltd 1 Apsley Way London NW2 7HF Vitabiotics Ltd will donate 35p VAT from the sale of each SuperDog product to Battersea Dogs Home Limited which donates its profits to Battersea Dogs Cats Home registered charity number 206394 Stockists may vary Joints Bones 60 Chewable Tablets Health Vitality 60 Chewable Tablets Proud supporter of Battersea caring for dogs and cats since 1860

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Quick question Welsh Corgi Pembroke Photo posed by a model How do you get a dog to take a tablet EXPERT ADVICE Rebecca Walters from Pupstarts Breeders shares her top tips to make sure the medicine goes down Inevitably at some stage of your doggie carer role you are going to have to administer the little darling a tablet Predictably the dog who historically gobbled everything up like a vacuum immediately develops the ability to smell a tablet at a thousand paces Getting them to open their mouths and swallow it soon deteriorates into a game of catch me if you can the result quite often a soggy mushed up tablet and a stressed dog and owner So how do we make this simple Here are my simple steps to stress free administration A dog s sense of smell is epic so don t allow them to investigate while you are preparing the medicine They will spot what you are doing and be on guard from the outset Pop the dog in another room and prepare the tablets out of sight Dogs recognise sequences of behaviour For example when getting ready to go for a walk they learn that popping your shoes and coat on and grabbing your keys phone and lead means they are going for a walk The same applies to lots of other circumstances They will recognise the sound of the packaging being popped open while you are standing in the same place in the kitchen If we repeat behaviours ourselves it becomes very easy for the dog to recognise them and work out what is coming next This is another reason to prepare the tablets out of sight of the dog Prepare the tablet inside a form of treat Dog pate is great for this Cube it and then cut a slice across the cube in which you can conceal the tablets Opt for the smelliest variety of pate for this to disguise the smell of the tablets The fish variety is great Instead of administering medication let s play a game with our dogs and have them take the tablets without even realising that they have Set up some simple practice sessions of a treat game with no tablets involved Don t start the process as if you are administering medication let s keep it fun Practise a short game for a behaviour like a simple sit or a down Giving the dog lots of tasty rewards for easy behaviour During one of these sessions add in the tablet slip it in make no other changes repeat what you have been doing with the treat game and administer the tablet without the dog realising what you are doing Voil tablet swallowed No stress and no anxiety in fact it turns what can be a stressful experience into a fun game P 14 Dogs Today July 2023 Applications Now Open Online learning 100 Accredited Fully mentored Theory and Practical Referrals once you graduate Register now at becomeadogpro com Or scan the QR code

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Penny a Staffordshire Bull Terrier Quick question What is Cushing s disease in dogs EXPERT ADVICE Yorkshire Vet star and Harringtons vet Peter Wright explains what Cushing s disease is how it presents in dogs and how it can be managed WHAT IS CUSHING S DISEASE Cushing s disease is a condition properly known as hyperadrenocorticism and is caused by an overproduction of cortisone in the body We may all have heard of cortisone the naturally occurring cortisone is a hormone called cortisol and for various reasons dogs can experience excessive production of this hormone WHAT ROLE DO THE ADRENAL GLANDS AND PITUITARY GLAND PLAY IN THE DISEASE One of the most common reasons for the overproduction of cortisol is that the pituitary gland situated at the base of the brain produces a hormone called ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTH stimulates the adrenal glands small glands that sit near the kidneys to produce cortisol which is vital to life ACTH can be overproduced in the brain leading to the adrenal glands being overstimulated to produce excessive levels of cortisol This overproduction creates problems in your dog s body WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS There are various symptoms of Cushing s disease Firstly dogs develop a large appetite Secondly they drink excessively Their skin also starts to thin and becomes fragile over time it can become like tissue paper as it loses its elasticity and becomes more susceptible to infection In most cases their coat also becomes very thin over nearly all parts of the body The other symptom worth noting for Cushing s disease is that dogs that develop this condition often take on a pot bellied appearance In other words they begin to look quite podgy and fat even though they haven t actually put on weight What s happening here is that the collagen the fibrous network that holds our bodies together becomes weaker causing the pot belly as a result If you notice any of these problems beginning to develop over time then it s time for a trip to the vet Your vet will look at the clinical signs your dog is showing and likely perform a series of tests to reach a diagnosis Unfortunately Cushing s disease can be tricky to diagnose sometimes but a couple of blood samples are often sufficient in most cases Once your vet has identified a higher production of cortisol in the body treatment can begin HOW IS IT TREATED To treat Cushing s disease in the UK vets often use a medication called trilostane which usually works very well Sadly Cushing s disease is incurable but it is controllable Dogs with the disease will need to be on trilostane for the rest of their lives What happens during the treatment is that many of your pet s symptoms can be reversed Hair starts to grow again and the body s connective tissue regains strength Dogs don t appear particularly ill even though significant changes occur within their bodies Once diagnosed with the disease your dog must visit the vet regularly for periodic blood tests to ensure they are on the correct trilostane dose HOW CAN A DOG S DIET IMPACT CUSHING S Cushing s disease in dogs is a condition that isn t particularly affected by diet a vet approved dog food is often the best option for your dog whether suffering from a medical condition or not The disease usually affects middle aged dogs onwards and as with humans our diet changes with age so older dogs need good quality protein rather than a high volume They also don t need as many carbohydrates because they are less active as they age Omega oils are also beneficial in supporting skin and coat health P 16 Dogs Today July 2023 Advertorial Pitter patter of paws PetPerfectPaws are happy to announce we are expecting a litter of Rottiedoodles a cross between a Standard Poodle and a Rottweiler Iam Karen a qualified small breeder who only breeds one litter a year I have a level 3 qualification in Dog Breeding Litter Socialisation and Welfare and am currently studying for the Diploma Your new puppy is in the best hands to have a solid foundation of extensive socialisation for modern life I am available for ongoing support and advice throughout the lifetime of your puppy If you are ever in a situation where you can no longer care for your dog I will take them back at any age The parents Poppy and Hunter have excellent temperaments are KC registered and both have had DNA testing to ensure they are clear from genetic diseases Both are family pets living in our home where the pups will be born and brought up socialised from birth to give them the very best foundation for their new lives We start our enrichment and socialisation from the moment they are born The first three days are spent getting them used to our smell and touch We start early scent introduction and early neurological stimulation until day 16 These exercises enhance the development of the brain and senses As their ears and eyes begin to open we introduce sight and sounds so they become empowered to thrive in any new environment Our enrichment programme includes car trips and visits to shops pubs and parks to help develop confident individuals P Petperfectpawsuk on Instagram We will be updating our Instagram page with regular photos and videos www PetPerfectPaws co uk

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Words BEVERLEY CUDDY Every Cavalier owner needs to read this it could save their dog s life Please do pass it on Illustration by Beverley Cuddy Burning issue for Cavaliers A serious new condition has been spotted in the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel but the good news is there s a DNA test and some changes you can make that will save your dog s life The condition s name is a bit of a mouthful it s a fatty acid oxidation disorder called medium chain acyl coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency MCADD 18 Dogs Today July 2023 If your dog has this problem when their body has used up all available glucose it won t be able to switch to burning stored fat for energy like other dogs You may notice that after exercise or stress or if there s a long gap between meals they could suffer seizures lethargy and even coma or sudden death Vets will not have known to look for MCADD previously as it s otherwise incredibly rare so previous generations of Cavaliers may have slipped away without diagnosis The good news is there s now a simple and affordable DNA test and if you know your dog is affected you can take some very simple steps to keep them healthy OFF THE MENU Affected dogs need to avoid MCT medium chain triglyceride oils for example those fats derived from coconut oil and palm kernel oil that we normally think of as being good for us Owners are advised not to feed MCT oils to any Cavalier unless their dog has been tested clear for the mutation causing the MCADdeficiency That means avoiding any dog foods that have MCTs as their primary oils for example ketogenic diets Purina Pro Plan Bright Mind Purina Pro Plan CardioCare and MCT oil supplements eg coconut oil Unfortunately many of the existing special diets advised for Cavaliers will be unsuitable for MCADD affected dogs because they contain MCT so you need to read the ingredient labels very carefully to keep your dog safe If your Cavalier has ever had a seizure even if it s just a oneoff after exercise intolerance it is strongly recommended you get the MCADD DNA test P HELP SUPPORT Cavalier breeder Bridgette Davy has started an excellent Facebook group for anyone wanting more information or support about managing this new health problem www facebook com groups 1362538764293286 DNA TEST FOR MCADD www laboklin co uk laboklin showGeneticTest jsp testID 8288 Dog Insurance Up to 30 discount The maximum discount is 30 this is a combination of 20 Introductory Discount 10 Multi pet Discount and 5 Dogs Today Reader Discount The Introductory and Dogs Today Reader Discounts are available for the first year of premium payments on lunar and calendar monthly policies or one premium payment on annual policies PROMO CODE WOOF99 Not available in conjunction with any other promo code ends 31 12 2023 Visit theinsuranceemporium co uk WOOF99 or call 03300 243 980 today Lifestyle Policy Limited and Entertainment Leisure Insurance Services Limited are appointed representatives of The Equine and Livestock Insurance Company Limited The Insurance Emporium is a trading name of The Equine and Livestock Insurance Company Limited registered in England and Wales no 294940 which is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority no 202748 Need care taken of a property under probate including any pets pending sale and administration We offer an excellent reasonable flat monthly rate to provide you with one of our professional handpicked insured sitters with excellent references who will take care of everything for you www houseandhomesitters co uk info houseandhomesitters co uk House Home_QP indd 1 22 02 2023 22 28

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Words BERNARD BALE Photos Instagram robbiewilliams aydafieldwilliams He s the one Robbie Williams is the biggest fan of rescue animals with his diverse canine gang all finding their forever homes with the singing superstar and his family W hat do you do when you are living in Britain while your dogs are living in America Well if you are international singing star Robbie Williams you simply cross the Atlantic to visit them until you are able to move them closer to home 20 Dogs Today July 2023 It s true said Robbie For a while we were living back in the UK but could not bring our family of dogs straight away so they stayed in the US It was a pretty dreadful situation They were not too keen to talk on the phone or go on a Zoom meeting so there was nothing for it but to go back and visit them until they could join us in Britain Robbie Williams has been a great dog lover all his life and knows what it is like to not have your dog family around LONG DISTANCE LOVE It s a bit like a bereavement he explained It s not as bad as that really but it is pretty horrible to know that your dogs are thousands of miles away and even if you can see them you cannot touch them It happened because we bought another property here in Britain but we couldn t just bring the dogs with us because they had to have special injections and then six months in quarantine just to be allowed to leave our other home in LA It was pretty dreadful so we just went back to visit them and spend time with them and that was fantastic completely crazy Once the quarantine was over we could bring them here and we couldn t wait to do that STOKE AND STROKES Robbie Williams is of course one of the biggest stars of recent decades having had hit after hit as a solo artist as well as with Take That He has won 18 Brit Awards and sold more than 20 million albums around the world in addition to sell out concerts in the world s biggest arenas I don t think anyone in their wildest dreams could have anticipated what has happened he said I am very very grateful and I feel so humble that all the things I ever wanted to do have happened I wanted to be a singer but I never imagined anything quite like this People have been very kind Modesty prevents him from going into much detail but anyone who can sell 1 6 million concert tickets in a single day has to be pretty special He might be a megastar now but his beginnings were fairly humble We had a pub in Stoke and of course we had a dog Robbie revealed I grew up with dogs and They are a mix of dogs because we are very big on rescue dogs I know not everyone is prepared to have anything other than a brand new puppy and that s their choice but if you can see your way to having a rescue dog I can really recommend it Once they have settled and got their confidence up they are just so loyal people and also music My mum and dad loved big band swing music and I grew up with that too all great influences that have stayed with me throughout my life Since then Robbie a committed Stoke City football fan has had a street named after him in his home town but he has never lost sight of those early beginnings and that first dog in his life I remember him being a bit special and we were pals I have had a number of dogs and loved every one of them It is always horrible when one dies but the memory of them never goes It is almost impossible to count how many dogs are in the Williams household they don t keep still long enough I like to have a family of dogs Robbie said Every dog has Robbie s enthusiasm and zest for life They include a Labrador cross a German Shepherd a Rottweiler a Bullmastiff and a Chow and all of them are the best of pals RESCUE SUPERFAN They all get on well and look out for each other play tricks on each other and generally have a good time said Robbie They are a mix of dogs because we are very big on rescue dogs I know not everyone is prepared to have anything other than a brand new puppy and that s their choice but if you can see your way to having a rescue dog I can really recommend it Once they have settled and got their confidence up they are just so loyal Yes of course they need a lot of love we all do They give so much in return though and it is good to watch them start to feel at home and then begin to play around and enjoy themselves a bit It is not a good thing that dogs need rescuing but since they do it is good to be able to do your bit to make at least one of them have a new and happy life P July 2023 Dogs Today 21

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Words DR ERICA COSIJN The art and science of noise Noise phobia is a catch all term for any dog that acts out during a noisy event whether it is a gunshot vacuum cleaner or fireworks display But the truth is more complex In fact noise phobia is not always about noise 22 Dogs Today July 2023 Bertie was my rescue dog that suffered from extreme storm phobia but he was never actually noise sensitive or noise phobic He would shiver and drool long before the storm hit When the storm was upon us he would hide out in the bathroom where technically the noise is much louder than in a softer room like a bedroom Other noises like fireworks or plane overflights never bothered him So what was he scared of As an acoustician doing environmental noise impact assessments where a full analysis of the environmental factors is an important part I wondered if analysing a storm might shed some light on Bertie s fears I came to the realisation that what we may perceive as a noisy event is often a much more intricate confluence of factors that affect more senses than hearing alone and that any one or more of these could be triggers EAR OF THE STORM A thunderstorm for example has visual triggers like lightning flashes darkening skies and unusual movement from wind In addition to the noise there are also smells shifting electrical charges in the air changes in barometric pressure and a metallic taste in the air In fact a thunderstorm affects all seven senses hearing sight smell touch taste vestibular balance and proprioception the sense of one s own body position in space In addition to Bertie s advance knowledge of an impending storm there were also tell tale signs that a lightning strike was imminent He would sit up start to shiver violently and as the thunderclap happened he would exhale and settle down only for this process to be repeated just before the next strike Comparing Bertie s normal demeanour and behaviour to his behaviour during a thunderstorm I concluded that he was most likely concerned by the change in barometric pressure before and during a storm and the electrical charge in the air that causes lightning strikes If I had tried to desensitise him to thunder by playing recorded sounds or turned up the TV really loudly to drown out the noise it would not have worked And if a dog is truly noise phobic overwhelming background noise like a loud TV would simply make the fear worse My new book Nasty Noises From Cowering to Calm was written from my experience as an acoustician a Tellington TTouch practitioner and Bertie s human I wrote this book for dog guardians who experience the trauma of living with a noise phobic dog Pet parents are guided through an explanation of the difference between sound and noise and the differences between fear phobia and anxiety Understanding the issues from the dog s perspective is also important a dog s senses differ from those of humans and in order to really help our animals we need to understand what they see hear and feel because it is not the same as what we see hear or feel Although Bertie was storm phobic many other events that we perceive as noise events are multisensory experiences Fireworks for example are not only noisy but there are also smells like sulphur saltpetre and gunpowder the explosions cause physical shock waves and there are sudden flashes of light If we look at the use of a vacuum cleaner from a dog s point of view it is not only noisy and there are sounds that they can hear that we can t there are also smells snaking cords and the pet parent attached to the monstrosity The approach is that if we understand the physics of sound and the physiology and psychology of fear we can apply this knowledge to manage the environment and support the emotions of the animal Examples of managing the environment include the use of white sound and certain types of music dog laughter soft rooms and ways to reduce static electricity in the air The chapter on supporting the dog s emotions deal with the use of prescription medication under the guidance of a veterinarian as well as many natural alternatives such as various supplements homoeopathy aromatherapy and Tellington TTouch My book answers many questions for example Why does my dog hide out in the bathroom during a storm Your dog is scared of the electrical charge in the air and the bathroom is earthed through the pipes going into the ground Why does my dog not want to lie in his own bed but rather in the middle of the passage during fireworks displays His bed is next to a wall where reverberation and standing sound waves cause the sound to be much louder If one of my dogs are noise phobic will he also teach the other dogs in the household to be noise phobic Most likely not My dog has never been scared of gunshots and now she is What s up with that Studies show that noise sensitivity likely increases with age Will it help if I play really loud rock music during fireworks display to drown out the noise No if your dog is already noise sensitive it will only make things worse Soft slow simple singleinstrument music is much better for calming What about wrapping a scarf around my dog in a criss cross manner The book explains how this works the correct way to apply the wrap and the type of wrap to use The book is available at https xdog me nnbook or call Cetacea Publishing on for 0330 088 3647 for wholesale enquiries Illustration KEVIN BROCKBANK Dr Erica Cosijn holds a Master s degree in Logic and Ethics and a DPhil in Information Science She has worked as an information specialist university lecturer noiseimpact assessment consultant Tellington TTouch practitioner and content developer for information literacy at tertiary level She is the author of many articles on Information Retrieval is co author of a book on Information Literacy and has written over 200 noise impact assessment reports All these skills combined perfectly for the development of the Nasty Noises course and subsequent book Dr Erica lives in Pretoria South Africa with her elderly rescued dogs and is quite well known for her love of orangeeyebrowed dogs One of the chapters is dedicated to two case studies a full analysis of the specific triggers and phobias and possible solutions Bertie specifically benefited from a ThunderShirt that helped prevent static electricity on his fur a custom blend of aromatherapy oils slow soft piano music and regular Tellington TTouch groundwork to improve his balance and proprioception Every dog is different and not all dogs that are phobic are triggered by the noise element of a noisy event This book will offer pet parents the know how to identify the triggers and to compile a treatment plan for their own pets P July 2023 Dogs Today 23

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Words photos LIZELLE CHAPMAN Confidence building How can you build your dog s self assurance in an uncertain world The Oxford Dictionary defines confidence as a feeling of self assurance arising from an appreciation of one s own abilities or qualities It is possible for people to meet life s trials without hesitancy because we know we can succeed in most situations Practising these specific skills and abilities over time can reinforce this feeling of success This feeling of success can be transferred to our canine companions A dog who has received the necessary skills opportunities and training to handle the challenges life throws at him without the feeling of fear or uncertainty is better equipped to handle life s difficulties and in turn likely to be a more confident dog LOW SELF ESTEEM Like people dogs can also have low self esteem and this can be due to a number of factors Genetics can play a role in a 24 Dogs Today July 2023 dog s confidence Although not set in stone genetics and a lack of socialisation and training can result in a dog developing low self esteem It could be that a dog had a bad experience which knocked his self esteem by either not having the skills to defend himself or the skills that he has did not work It could be that he was never exposed to a particular event object person or environment resulting in not having the skills to manage that situation poor socialisation His current way of living is compelling him to act or react in a certain way around specific situations because he has learned that is what works Think about a feral dog who has learned to steal food or scavenge around waste facilities He has learned to get food avoid human contact but wait around where people are until something worthwhile comes around to eat His skill in avoiding human contact makes him confident in getting food but his uncertainty about people results in low self esteem A dog s body language can be a clue as to their emotional state or confidence level in a certain situation The signs can be as subtle as lip licking freezing yawning and shivering to the other end of the low self esteem scale such as growling lunging and in some severe cases biting Suppose a dog is experiencing a moment of low self esteem which is most likely due to fear and uncertainty and he has not been taught the proper and correct skills to handle that moment or he is not receiving assistance and guidance from his person on how to handle the situation In that case he may react in a manner that gives him the confidence to make the scary event disappear A dog with low self esteem can open the door for disastrous accidents which can result in extremely traumatic events for everyone involved or even legislative action against the owner of that dog WHY IS CONFIDENCE BUILDING IMPORTANT A dog who is confident and happy has the opportunity to enjoy more in life A confident dog has a ripple effect on his guardians and the environment around him He can bounce back relatively quickly after a mishap and is willing to try again He understands that mistakes happen and things might sometimes go differently than planned A happy dog will have the opportunity to be exposed to new things with his guardians He might have the opportunity to compete in competitions and trials go on family holidays or just experience life in general which results in a stronger relationship with his guardian A dog with confidence in himself makes for happier guardians as he can manage himself in most situations In turn he will give his guardians the confidence to not have to police him or be concerned that he might react in an extreme way in a specific situation The guardians will have the confidence to take their dog on adventures compete in sports or enjoy life with him HOW DO YOU HELP YOUR DOG GAIN CONFIDENCE Understand your dog s body language Dogs have a very limited repertoire of expressing their emotions and it is important for us guardians to understand everything happening in that moment For example if you have a dog who is nervous about being in a park something as simple as another dog running past can result in a reaction One of the easiest ways to help your dog is by understanding his body language and being able to interpret what he is feeling in that moment Educate yourself on dog body language and what certain behaviours could mean within a particular situation Suppose you are able to read and understand your dog s feelings in a situation In that case you will be able to remove him from a stressful situation before it needs to escalate to expressions such as growling lunging or biting Many books and online resources are available from experienced behaviourists and trainers to help educate a guardian on canine body language Advocate for your dog There is an unverified rule that has popped up from time to time on social media social groups and even in dog training situations that Dogs must like everyone and everything Dogs must be tolerant of every situation they are in Guardians are not allowed to say no to other people when it comes to their own dogs Just like people dogs do not have to like everyone they meet They might not feel comfortable in every situation and they have the right to want to go home They have the right to say no As a guardian you have the right to decline someone who wants to invade your dog s space you have the right not to want to expose your dog to a specific situation and importantly you have the right to advocate for your dog s feelings capabilities and confidence in any situation As your dog s guardian you are his voice security and support in building his confidence If he knows he can rely on you to help him decide or listen to him when he feels unconfident his confidence will grow TRAINING BUILDS CONFIDENCE Training benefits everyone involved the dog and the guardian and builds the foundation in helping your dog get confidence in life You do not need loads of weird and fancy training techniques to train your dog Simple is better LIZELLE CHAPMAN Lizelle Chapman has been involved in academia throughout her life She was admitted as an attorney in the courts of South Africa in 2015 and obtained a Master in Fraud and Risk Management and a Postgraduate in Digital Innovation in 2018 and 2020 respectively Lizelle is currently specialising in Risk and Governance at a financial institution in South Africa Whilst pursuing a corporate career Lizelle took an interest in animal training and behaviour by completing her ThinkingPets training certificate in 2011 and opening her dog training school in 2012 Lizelle obtained her Diploma in Animal Behaviour with Coape International in 2018 and expanded to MHERA in 2021 Lizelle completed her Diploma in Parrot Behaviour in 2021 and is providing consults and advice to owners across the globe Lizelle is currently completing her course in sniffer training fitness classes and aggression and is also working on a programme to educate owners regarding parrot behaviour July 2023 Dogs Today 25

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Coape International s Karin Pienaar takes the baton from longtime contributor Peter Neville to present training and behaviour features on all aspects of living with dogs A dog who is confident and happy has the opportunity to enjoy more in life Training at home with videos books or enrolling for classes at a force free positive reinforcement school will help you and your dog start the confidence building journey and is certainly better than no training at all or bad training By training your dog using positive reinforcement you are allowing your dog to understand what is expected of him in a reward based manner and the consequences of his behaviour unwanted behaviours no reward This will motivate your dog to be more willing to cooperate teaching him the confidence he needs to manage life SOCIALISATION AND DESENSITISATION Early socialisation and desensitisation are so important in puppy development and there can be clear signs in older dogs when they have missed this opportunity However life is never so simple and many times when dogs are rescued from shelters or collected from the streets it is unknown if they ever had the opportunity to socialise Even if pups were purchased from breeders and went to good families it is still not to say they had the opportunity for good socialisation Some breeders are starting to incorporate puppy culture programmes into their organisations with the main focus on helping raise confident wellrounded puppies Additionally enrolling your pup in puppy classes will also help him socialise and gain 26 Dogs Today July 2023 those confidence building skills When an older dog joins the family that early socialisation period is long gone and the opportunities to socialise must be approached differently Getting professional help to guide you on the socialisation of an older dog is always a good idea Discuss your expectations with your Coape qualified behaviourist and let them assist you in helping your dog It is also important to remember that not all dogs are the same when it comes to socialisation and your idea of socialisation and your dog s ability to socialise might be different It helps to be realistic in this case and continue to build your dog s confidence and your relationship within your dog s abilities EASY CONFIDENCE BUILDING GAMES TO TRY Target training Target training or the touch game is a confidence building exercise that teaches your dog to target touch a certain object person other dog with a part of his body Your dog will often be taught to use his nose paw or mouth to do a touch This is one of the easiest tools to have in your confidence building kit and involves very little As simple as one two three you can hold out your hand in front of your dog When he approaches your hand to sniff reward your dog with a Yes and feed him a treat You can continue this exercise and once he is offering you this behaviour willingly every time you can add the verbal cue Touch to the behaviour KARIN PIENAAR Coape International Partner DipCABT Coape OCN CertCAB CAPBT Practitioner ICAN Member CAB Karin has worked in animal behaviour therapy since 1997 After more than 20 years of consulting with dog and cat owners Karin now focuses mainly on managing Coape International www coape org presenting the Coape Diploma and mentoring students Karin is also responsible for course advancement and developed the industrychanging MHERATM concept Her book MHERA Mood Matters is available in both paperback and e book format from DogWise Publishers and is a must read for anyone working in the industry Karin is the behaviour consultant to numerous pet companies such as Eukanuba and Ascendis Animal Health and is a regular contributor to several local and international magazines as well as appearing on television and radio when time allows She is often a guest speaker at behaviour related events and conferences When she has time to spare she consults on particularly challenging cases and as an expert witness in legal cases involving animal behaviour

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Find it One of the simplest and easiest tools you can use to help your dog build confidence is to allow him to use his nose By hiding treats under cups in a rolled up towel or just scattering his kibble in the garden you are allowing your dog to use his nose and to decompress in the process Find it is a simple game that allows your dog to win every time When he sniffs and locates a treat he is rewarded by eating the goody This is also a useful tool in your bag to divert your dog s attention from a scary or uncertain thing when out and about For example if another dog is walking on the other side of the road you can divert your dog s focus by dropping a few treats in the opposite direction giving your dog something else to concentrate on and to destress at that moment Trick training Everyone enjoys doing tricks with their dogs be it as simple as a give paw or more experienced such as fetching objects for you in and around your house Because tricks are fun this builds up your dog s confidence and your relationship along the way Tricks such as paw spin or even chin rest can be incorporated into your obedience training regime for extra confidence building fuel GAMES GAMES AND MORE GAMES Playing a game whether tugging fetching or going for a walk can help your dog tremendously with his confidence A dog who is playing is in a positive mindset and will also be more willing to learn new things or enjoy spending a bit of extra time with you These types of interactions must be done within your dog s physical and mental capabilities and you should not over exercise your dog Mental enrichment puzzles such as a Kong a Buster Cube snuffle mat or lick mat can bring your dog hours of joy By starting with easy puzzles such as the tube of a toilet roll filled with treats you are allowing your dog to enjoy himself and use his mind to get his food out There are many enrichment toys you can purchase or make at home Explore your dog s preferences give him his favourite toy in an area where he might need a distraction and build confidence along the way REWARD YOUR DOG FOR BEING HIMSELF Finally reward your dog for being himself Sitting on the couch or outside with your dog just being in his presence should be a reward If your dog is giving you a behaviour you enjoy seeing or you know it makes him feel good in a healthy manner reward him for that By acknowledging your dog s existence in day to day situations you are teaching him that it is OK to be himself and that you will walk this confidence building road with him P For more information on confidence building contact a qualified force free professional in your area to assist you 28 Dogs Today July 2023

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Words BEVERLEY CUDDY The story of last month s cover star has already touched so many people s hearts Pirate is hoping he will strike gold and find his forever home Freedom s fame spreads Y ou must remember Freedom from Saving Strays UK our cover star from last month She s yet to make the journey to the UK from Bosnia but when she does she will be seeking a forever home The charity s patron Peter Egan shared the magazine and a short film about Freedom s rescue with his followers and it was then retweeted widely included a much coveted Ricky Gervais share We thought we d catch up with Maria Slough and find out some more about the charity Saving Strays UK believes there should be no discrimination in rescue she told us We aim to advance animal welfare for the benefit of the public to relieve the suffering of animals in need of care and attention and to provide and maintain a rescue and rehoming service for the reception care and treatment of stray dogs in the UK Bosnia and Herzegovina and other European countries Dogs that have been abandoned neglected or mistreated need our urgent support Saving Strays achieved charity status in 2020 having been run by a board of trustees in waiting since 2018 There is an extended team of volunteers who are committed to alleviating the suffering of stray dogs We respond to urgent calls from concerned members of the public and we support the incredible work of those on the frontline of stray dog rescue in the UK and across Europe as we believe that Every Single Life Matters We have our own in house team of home checkers who are trained to find the best possible homes for our dogs and we find adopters and fosterers for dogs that come under our care which includes offering rescue back up to other rescues in emergency situations While we understand that we cannot save every life or every dog although we would like to we see every dog and in fact every animal as a sentient being with the right to live without fear and without anxiety We believe that all animals have a right to their own life 30 Dogs Today July 2023 PIRATE NEEDS TREASURING Pirate has a lot of love to give He is the gentlest of boys with such a big heart He is nine years young and very people friendly Pirate is looking for a home with children over 12 and would prefer to be an only dog He is neutered and fully vaccinated This beautiful boy is here in the UK Please come and meet him in the fur He is a very special soul If you are looking for a best friend and companion this boy will be the one to complete your family If you are interested in Pirate please fill out an application form at http savingstrays org uk adoption form and that they should be treated with respect and care and compassion Our long term goal is to run a small education programme in the local area in Europe that we operate in and help people of all ages interact with dogs in a kind and caring way without any fear for either party When you rescue a shelter dog you save two dogs The one you adopt and the dog that takes its place P GENERAL ENQUIRIES enquiries savingstrays org uk TO DONATE TO FREEDOM S FUND https justgiving com campaign thefreedomfund

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Words SALLY BRADBURY 32 Dogs Today July 2023 Illustrations KEVIN BROCKBANK Don t go potty over toilet training Toilet training is all about creating good habits Young pups have small bladders and very little bladder control so they need to be in the right place when nature calls T oilet training is all about creating good habits Young pups have very small bladders and very little bladder control so they need to be in the right place when nature calls To toilet train successfully in as short a time as possible you must take your puppy to the garden When they wake After eating After taking a drink Before during and after a period of activity When you come in Before you go out Before bedtime During the adverts And every 20 30 minutes in between unless they are asleep during periods of activity change that to every 10 20 minutes Stay outdoors with your pup Do not nag or distract him Just mooch about and he will do the same and eventually eliminate Quiet praise is sufficient Once pup has eliminated you can either stay out and play or go back indoors If you stay out for a game then he will often need to go again before you go back indoors So stop the game and stay out for a while longer to give him a chance to go again If puppy doesn t eliminate outdoors after a few minutes take him back in and sit him on your lap or if he is a small breed tuck him under your arm as you go about your chores Try again in five minutes It is imperative that you do this especially if you have started off by laying down newspaper or puppy pads because your puppy may prefer to pee indoors and he could simply be waiting to be taken back in Give him zero opportunity to go wrong If your puppy toilets in the house it is because you haven t toilet trained him yet and didn t take him outdoors when he needed to go When this happens take a rolled up newspaper and hit yourself over the head while repeating the words I forgot to watch my puppy I forgot to watch my puppy If your puppy laughs at you when you do this praise him This article is from the fabulous Dog Training and Behaviour Solutions book which is now available as an audiobook from Kobo and Audiobooks at 9 99 and coming soon to Amazon and Google Play The print and e books are available on Amazon COMMON MISTAKES DURING TOILET TRAINING Using newspaper or puppy training pads While it may aid the cleaning up process it can be very confusing for a pup that is taught or allowed to toilet in the house to then make the transition to going outdoors It will often result in a pup that when playing in the garden will simply hold on until they are back indoors because that is where the toilet is Leaving the door open Without a physical barrier there is no difference between outdoors and indoors Reprimands for toileting in the house This will result in a dog that believes you disapprove of what he did not where he did it and is damaging to your relationship with your pup Giving treats for toileting in the garden Again the dog is being rewarded July 2023 Dogs Today 33

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WHY PUNISHMENT DOESN T WORK FOR TOILET TRAINING A typical morning in the life of an eight week old pup 7 00am Puppy pees in the garden Owner present Gets praised 7 30am Puppy pees in the kitchen Owner present Gets a reprimand 8 15am Puppy pees in the lounge Owner not present Nothing happens except relief 9 00am Puppy pees in the lounge Owner present Gets a reprimand 9 30am Puppy pees in the kitchen Owner not present Nothing just relief 11 00am Puppy pees in the garden Owner doesn t notice Just relief again 11 30am Puppy pees under the dining room table Owner not present Nothing happens 12 15pm Puppy pees in the garden Owner present Gets praise What we think we are teaching the puppy is that it is good to pee in the garden and wrong to pee in the house What the pup is actually learning is that sometimes it is rewarding to pee when the owner is present and sometimes it is dangerous However it is always safe to go when the owner is not present and so far the safest place is under the dining room table for what he did not where he did it While this is not going to be as big a problem as the reprimand the clever dog will learn to do lots of little wees and never fully empty their bladder The insecure dog may wee indoors to appease you if you get cross about something else because they know that this is something that pleases you and gets rewarded Note using both reprimands and rewards for eliminating is very confusing for your pup n Expecting your pup to tell you when he needs to go out Once a pup understands that outdoors is where the toilet is then he may start to let you know he needs to go out However if you are not there to ask or you fail to notice him asking then the housetraining will break down It s far better to have a dog go out to the toilet on your schedule once they are toilet trained n Giving your pup an en suite in his crate Do not encourage your pup to 34 Dogs Today July 2023 toilet in his crate by putting puppy kidney problems or urinary tract pads in there If you have to leave infections if the dog drinks greedily puppy for a while and he is DgTo03i2n0g_029 indd 69 and excessively when it is available to need to go then it s best to knowing it will be taken away have the crate inside a larger pen Dogs must have clean fresh water or blocked off area and leave the available all the time crate door open so that he can get away from his bed to toilet OVERNIGHT Young pups will need to go to the Areas indoors where pup has had toilet once or twice in the night for an accident are best cleaned with a anything from a few days to a few dilute solution of biological washing weeks powder laundry detergent which If your pup is sleeping in a contains enzymes Avoid using crate in the bedroom with you disinfectant that contains ammonia then they will wake and should as this will encourage pup to pee let you know they need to go there again out Carry pup to the garden to No puppy is going to be reliably eliminate and then straight back toilet trained under about seven to bed again A few nights of this to eight months old That doesn t and it will take you longer to find mean that you will have regular your slippers because of sleep accidents in the house just that deprivation Consequently pup is they are still learning and if there learning to hold on and will soon are accidents it is human error be sleeping all night If you choose Never deny your dog water in to leave puppy in the kitchen or the mistaken belief that this will aid utility room to sleep then do not toilet training It won t It will make shut them in a crate and simply the urine stronger and may affect clean up in the morning without your dog s health It could cause comment 01206 251 941 info bentleysdogfood co uk www bentleysdogfood co uk KIEZEBRINK UK Ltd FOCUS ON FOOD Exotic Animal Feeds Raw Food Diets TOP QUALITY RAW FOODS Extensive range of raw meat BARF and whole prey diets Single source proteins and elimination diets Fast frozen and next day delivery Online ordering facility See our full range of products on our website www kiezebrink co uk Email office kiezebrink co uk 01284 810779 03 02 2020 15 56

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Words SALLY BRADBURY Illustration KEVIN BROCKBANK THE FORCE FREE WAY TO A HAPPY CONFIDENT PUP AND A GREAT RELATIONSHIP There are four steps to a harmonious relationship Prevent Reinforce Teach Interrupt positively Prevent Prevent what you can wherever possible and manage the pup s environment so that he has little or no opportunity to go wrong This means puppy proofing the house and includes moving books from the lower shelves on the bookshelves I had to relocate the bottles in the wine rack in the kitchen when my pup was younger putting bins behind cupboard doors picking up all Persian rugs temporarily using stair gates and closing doors to prevent access to areas where the pup may chew precious furnishings Most importantly it involves putting things away such as shoes and children s toys Any time your dog engages in an unwanted behaviour take a step back and ask yourself how you could have prevented it Reinforce Reinforce your pup for offering behaviours that are agreeable This can even be the absence of an unwanted behaviour The best way to do this is to have a pot of small yummy treats such as hotdog sausage liver or cheese say 30 in number and set yourself a challenge to catch your dog doing something that you like and would like him to do again 30 times during the day It could be lying in his bed choosing to keep his front feet on the floor when a visitor comes in coming in from the garden chewing his chew toy the possibilities are endless To start with you may struggle to find 30 opportunities However as dogs do what works for them you will soon need more treats in that pot because your dog is going to be throwing these behaviours at you left right and centre These are behaviours that you haven t asked for by the way and this is by far the easiest way for a dog to learn Teach Teach your dog what you would like him to do The obvious things are to walk nicely on a lead come when called sit lie down and stay There are lots of ways to teach your dog but it is important that whatever method you choose it is easy to understand and fair to the dog Think back to how you learned in school I bet your favourite subject was the one where the teacher made it fun and enjoyable to learn and motivated you with praise and rewards for good work I tend to teach all of my dogs during play with lots of fetch and tug games used as rewards so the dog is having a ton of fun while learning Interrupt unwanted behaviour I know from experience that it is not always possible to prevent all unwanted behaviours when you have a puppy It is very difficult not to get cross when your pup chews your smartphone or expensive shoes it is human nature However in terms of your relationship with your dog and ensuring that the behaviour doesn t continue into adulthood you really do have to take a deep breath and try not to scowl The damage is done and nothing will undo it now So you teach your dog a positive interrupter This can be a word or a noise anything you like as long as it doesn t frighten or startle your pup My pup s positive interrupter is Moss said in a happy voice I can use his name because I have never said it crossly or to tell him off You could use a Yay or a kissy noise for example All you do is use food treats you can move to a toy later and say the word as you give him a treat Repeat a few hundred times Yes really Now watch his response to that word next time you say it when he is doing something you would like to interrupt Once interrupted redirect him on to something more productive If you interrupt unwanted behaviours in a way that frightens your dog he will simply learn that these behaviours are dangerous to do when you are present and will seek opportunities to engage in them when your back is turned And yes the dog could learn to engage in the behaviours in order to be positively interrupted but he will only do it when you are watching no point when you are not so now you can interrupt before the damage is done Meanwhile teach the dog a more rewarding behaviour instead Think of your relationship with your puppy as a bank account Every positive interaction is a deposit every time you punish you make a withdrawal As soon as your account becomes overdrawn then things will just go from bad to worse Keep a nice healthy bank balance and you and you pup will soon end up as millionaires in the relationship stakes P 36 Dogs Today July 2023 Six of the best Products Services Wahl 5 in 1 Sheddy Brush Wahl have been helping to keep hair looking its best for 100 years not just human hair but animal hair too Pet shedding can seem like a mountain of a task That s why Wahl created the Pet Sheddy Brush designed to make removing dead hair easier with less effort and more enjoyment With a 5 in 1 capability the dual head system gently removes dirt debris and dead hair and soothes skin to stimulate circulation for a healthier shinier coat Perfect to use on wet or dry coats the Pet Sheddy is a must have for short to medium haired pets RRP 9 99 www wahl co uk product pet sheddy brush Bio one Pet Odour Eliminator We love our pups but not their pongs Bio oneTM harnesses the power of nature to eliminate even the toughest doggie smells caused by urine faeces vomit wet fur and muddy paws Free from toxins and chemicals its 100 natural eco friendly enzyme formulation is safe to use around pets and children and all around the home Unlike many conventional odour eliminators that simply mask or overpower smells the enzymes break down the source of the problem eradicating it completely Winning the accolade of Best Odour Eliminator and Cleaning Company 2023 Bio oneTM is a game changer in the world of pet care www aromacaresolutions co uk 20 discount and free delivery for readers of Dogs Today code dogstoday20 PurrfectlyYappy com PurrfectlyYappy com is the one stop destination for pet lovers looking for the best goodies for their furry friends The Ruffwear Webmaster Harness is one of our top selling harnesses and has been rated 5 stars by our customers The harness features five points of adjustment a carry handle two lead connection points reflective trim and is padded with foam for a comfortable fit Available in three colours and many sizes 52 45 www PurrfectlyYappy com Dogmatic Headcollar Do you want a headcollar that is comfortable to wear and does not ride up or go near the eyes The award winning Dogmatic Headcollar stops dogs pulling on the lead and is the five times winner in the Product you can t live without category as voted for by dog owners in a recent poll Recommended and endorsed by behaviourists trainers vets rescues and breeders worldwide Dogmatic offers the widest range of dog headcollars in leather and padded cushioned webbing all with matching collars and specialised leads training leads to fit all sizes See the website for testimonials 01952 245330 www dogmatic org uk Zoe Willingham Dog Behaviourist A highly respected and accomplished online dog behaviourist Zoe assists dog owners in addressing various behavioural issues that their furry companions may face Zoe has successfully helped countless dog owners establish harmonious relationships with their pets UK wide Her unique approach combines compassion science based techniques and a deep understanding of canine psychology to address a wide range of behavioural challenges Zoe s holistic and individualised methods aim to provide comprehensive solutions for longlasting behavioural improvements Zoe s areas of expertise include separation anxiety aggression fear and phobias leash reactivity excessive barking destructive behaviour and much more www zoewillinghamdog behaviourist co uk Vetrition Unlock your dog s boundless energy with Vetrition s Everyday Collagen for Dogs Our scientifically formulated supplement ensures your canine companion maintains their zest for life Formulated with specific Bioactive Collagen Peptides Everyday Collagen for Dogs effectively supports joint and muscle health Don t let age slow down your furry friend Experience the transformation as they rediscover mobility and embrace an active lifestyle Give your dog the gift of youthful vitality Visit vetrition co uk today July 2023 Dogs Today 37

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With 400 dogs in her care and no space to take in more a Romanian dog rescuer can only watch as dogs are killed in public shelters She is now looking for a reputable rescue organisation to help her rehome some of her dogs to the UK to free up space and save more lives Rescue lifeline 38 Dogs Today July 2023 W hen Laura Calugaru first stepped inside a public dog shelter in Romania her native country seven years ago she was shocked by the conditions She immediately got to work to help them seeing how skinny they were she began bringing them food Sadly it was not enough to save them Two weeks later I arrived and there were no dogs None of the dogs I had supported was there because they were put to sleep she says This is the law in Romania if no one adopts them in two weeks they re put to sleep Distraught by the news Laura returned home unable to think of anything but the fate of the dogs she d tried to help and the fate of the dogs who d take their place I was very very sad I was crying all day I didn t have a life any more because my mind was always on dogs in public shelters she recalls But I ll never forget these words my husband said If you stay here and cry you can t help them you have to do something Yes I had to do something And so she did At the first opportunity Laura went to the city hall and spoke to the mayor at the time She asked for a piece of land to keep dogs she pulled out of shelters and she got it it was the beginning of her rescue mission She built the first kennels on the piece Words ALESSANDRA PACELLI CAN YOU HELP LAURA THE ROMANIAN DOGS If you re part of such an organisation or know someone who might help get in touch at marco_ paulhd yahoo com Donations to help keep the dogs fed and healthy are gratefully accepted via PayPal through the same email address You can follow Laura s updates on Facebook at www facebook com laura calugaru 5 of land and things moved quickly from there Sufletele Nimanui Nobody s Souls was born It was kennel after kennel dog after dog it was going so fast she recalls I looked for an organisation to help me and I found it They helped me a lot and I was able to rehome about a thousand dogs in seven years and in those seven years no dogs were killed at my local public shelter One way or another I was able to pull them all out One of the dogs she was able to save from Romanian public shelters was Dennis who originally came to the UK as a foster two years ago His adopter Gill Ashton says He was an older dog put up for adoption by a UK rescue I was following He had numerous battle scars wonky teeth and only one eye and walked with a limp but we instantly fell in love with him Laura was trying to build the kennels into something more comfortable for the dogs at the time and that is how my husband and I became involved just under two years ago DOWN AND OUT At the time Laura had been forced to leave the piece of land she had originally been given by the previous mayor He told me they needed that land and I had to go It was like a clock ticking down tick tock tick tock I had no money no land At the time I had almost 300 dogs and I just had to go Where I didn t know A fundraiser helped raise some money and I managed somehow to buy some land and here comes Gill my angel from the UK She adopted a dog from me who came to my shelter after being hit by a car She got in touch and I told her my story She decided to help me and she really is my angel I am sure that without her help I wouldn t have my own shelter which is beautiful and big and new with spacious kennels for the dogs Gill and her husband went to visit Laura s kennels in person last October to see the new kennels Laura was building We wanted to see the situation for ourselves Laura is an amazing lady totally devoted to her dogs and working tirelessly day in day out to provide food shelter and veterinary care for these vulnerable animals Just imagine feeding and keeping clean 400 dogs each and every day as well as ensuring they are happy and healthy Despite the huge amounts of work and care and the high number of dogs she was able to rescue the situation in Romania remains dire leaving Laura to feel as though all her hard work has been but a drop in the ocean If I look back now it s like I did nothing because it s full full full of dogs in Romania and associations from other countries are not able to help me any more she says They just can t find homes for the dogs and are unable to get enough financial support to help me in turn At this moment I have 400 dogs I have a lady helping out in France some wonderful organisations in the UK are trying their best but they can manage two or three adoptions a month it s really not enough And most of my dogs don t have sponsors so it s hard to keep buying enough food for them all I really never thought it would end up like this with very little help Gill adds Laura has had problems getting her dogs adopted in the UK Prior to Covid things were moving a little bit better but then there was the closing down borders and the Defra ban on bringing dogs over That really put an abrupt stop to everything and with her own kennels full Laura simply cannot rescue more dogs and puppies from kill shelters Sometimes she feels like she cannot carry on but in the end she always does Someone has to BAN LIFTED The ban which was placed by Defra on the importation of dogs from several east European countries due to concerns about the spread of diseases has since lapsed Now anyone bringing in dogs from Romania Belarus Ukraine or Poland must apply for Approved Importer Status This is why Laura is now looking for help from rescue organisations Funding is always a problem but what Laura desperately needs is help getting more dogs fostered and rehomed abroad including in the UK Gill says This is why Laura is seeking help from reputable rescue organisations who may be able to take some of the dogs in the UK for fostering and adoption Her ultimate aim is to find safe permanent and loving homes for as many of these dogs as possible Any financial help however small the donation or sponsorship of a dog in the form of regular monthly payments would ensure Laura is able to continue the incredible work she is doing caring for the abandoned and abused dogs of Romania P July 2023 Dogs Today 39

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Words CLAIRE HORTON BUSSEY Linda Biscuits unmasked The four year old Labrador who won the nation s hearts on Channel 4 s Late Night Lycett has an inspiring backstory Linda Biscuits real name is Chilli and she belongs to qualified veterinary nurse Rachel Bean in Saddleworth Greater Manchester Rachel and a colleague own a 40 Dogs Today July 2023 company called Vet on Set which is based in Media City in Salford Quays Manchester It advises TV directors and producers on risk assessments when using animals on set Vet on Set also sends vets and veterinary nurses to TV and film sets ensuring the animals are looked after and meet welfare standards Many programmes and companies have used their expertise including Brassic Judge Rinder Steph s Packed Lunch Emmerdale Aldi Regatta More Than Pet Insurance and Harringtons to name a few This is how Chilli got the call A producer called Chilli s agent Animal Direction for a one off appearance on a new live show written by Joe Lycett The role was simply to be a camera operator as part of an introduction by Joe saying he is employing staff that have never worked on TV He then sacked her THE NATION SPEAKS That was supposed to be the end of the sketch but fans got behind Linda and started a UK wide petition to reinstate her via Change org Channel 4 gave her an Instagram account and she gained more than 4 500 followers in a matter of days She was featured in the press countrywide and even mentioned on Zoe Ball s Radio 2 show Joe Lycett quipped She s become this whole character in the show after what started as one joke It s like does Linda Biscuits now run this thing Is she going to be hosting the whole show As the episodes progressed Linda saw herself as a sound engineer director and then host even sitting in Joe s chair But who is the real Linda Biscuits Since Chilli was 10 weeks old she and Rachel have travelled the country giving canine first aid training and Ofqual qualifications to pet professionals and dog owners Chilli s demonstrations have already helped to save hundreds of canine lives Rachel said Chilli absolutely loved playing Linda Biscuits on Late Night Lycett and we think she was the star of the show Joe was lovely and took a shine to her as did the show s guests especially Jonathan Ross CHILLI PUPPER But her real job helping me show pet professionals how to save dog s lives is her true calling She is amazing at our sessions and is trained to act out worst case scenarios so that I can demonstrate what to do in that particular crisis She has a paw and ear bandaged at the sessions so students can practise their bandaging on guest dogs Without Chilli the courses would not be as engaging or fun and she is the perfect sidekick She is loving her TV fame but there is so much more to her than simply Linda Biscuits Indeed there is Chilli has recently qualified as an operational search dog for North K9 Lost Dog Team in West Yorkshire She has exceptional skill using her nose to find lost articles and now lost dogs Chilli is no stranger to showbiz appearances and has also appeared in TV shows including Dragons Den and other advertising campaigns So what is next for Chilli Rachel says that the canine star has not let stardom go to her head too much But her agent Animal Direction is open to offers and hopefully Joe will have a second series of Late Night Lycett so you never know P To find out more about Rachel Bean go to www rachelbean co uk July 2023 Dogs Today 41

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Crossbreed Photo posed by models Great Debate If you have an opinion on this subject that is not already covered here putting Great Debate in the subject line Please limit your response to In a recent survey by Johnson s Veterinary Products 71 of pet owners surveyed said they would be willing to pay for a dog licence and over 38 per licence if they were reintroduced by the government We decided to turn the question to you our readers would you be willing to pay for a dog licence Jacqueline Baker Who or what body would be responsible for checking whether people buy one or not Kerena Marchant I don t think it s a dog licence that s needed it s third party insurance Sharon Hough These are the owners that have insurance have regular vet checks do quality walks and give quality food and take time to fill in questionnaires Now if you include those that make their dogs live in the backyard eat leftover curry don t change the water till it s green slime will they be the ones to get a licence for their dog What would it change Jo Flanders I would be in favour if it included a common sense dog behaviour and training test to pass Nikki Gozzett Once microchipped a licence is given And who will implement the licence and check we all have one Wasn t chipping dogs supposed to do all the above email enquiries dogstodaymagazine co uk This month s result 100 words Anne Greensmith The responsible owners would get a licence and the irresponsible ones wouldn t so it would solve absolutely nothing Plus I can t see this government being prepared to put in the effort and or resources to start such an initiative nor indeed having the ability to do so since they seem incapable of doing anything at all Meredith Brown Personally yes if the money goes towards dog welfare For example if it funded more welfare checks on breeders then it would be worth it Janet Devereux Only the responsible dog owners would get one and the responsible owners would not bother Linda Ward Licence for what What s the benefit other than generating income Do dog services and vets have to check a dog is licensed before we can offer services No I don t feel like getting a useless piece of paper plastic costing nearly 40 for my dogs Maybe bikes and horses should be licensed to use the roads if we re going to be doing impossible tasks Hazel Szmidt Dog licensing is unenforceable The responsible would pay the others wouldn t As a responsible dog owner who cares for my pets properly I really can t see what the benefit would be It would just be an additional tax we already pay millions in VAT on most pet related items This money should be used to provide education and dog wardens who with all the cuts have become a dying breed Dawn Archer If the government would be transparent with where the funds go so that we know they re getting spent on dog welfare initiatives then yes I d be willing But I am not very optimistic it would be the case so it s a maybe for me Olwen Turns What would a licence achieve It sounds like a tax on dogs We already have microchips that are supposed to be compulsory but every day you see posts where people have found a dog taken it to be checked and no chip was found Again responsible owners would be paying and those who need targeting wouldn t We already have insurance and chips train our dogs etc Idiot Jo e status dog owner who encourages antisocial behaviour in their pet isn t going to change just because of a piece of paper Dog licences didn t work in the past I don t see them working in the future Lin Gates It s usually the same compliant people who will do this that are the very same people who don t need to The people who should do this are the people who won t because they already haven t chipped their dogs And even that process is a nightmare of non compliance I m old enough to remember this first time around and the government then dropped it And who is going to police it There s no money from the government an additional tax on council tax 7 13 80 No Yes Maybe Robert Stuhldreer It s all semantics The infrastructure just isn t there to monitor reinforce or even implement a dog licence All government parties wallow in the same cesspit I wouldn t trust any party to potentially reintroduce a dog licence Look at the shady way Major s government sneaked the appalling DDA into being Who would the dog licence be aimed at I can just see all the criminal elements with their status dogs queuing at the Post Office to get one not Dead in the water Carole Morton Licences don t work They didn t last time so why would they this time The people who need to do it most are the ones that won t It s just another extra expense on top of everything else All that will happen is more people will let their dogs go P Next month s topic is Should all dog on dog attacks be criminalised the same way as attacks on assistance and service dogs Email editorial dogstodaymagazine co uk with your thoughts putting Great Debate in the subject line or write to Great Debate Dogs Today The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA 42 Dogs Today July 2023 July 2023 Dogs Today 43

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My Dog Crush Many of us have dog crushes soft spots for breeds or types that we love but know we ll probably never own for lots of terribly sensible reasons Maybe you don t have enough hours in the day for the dog you dream of Perhaps you have a wandering eye and there are just too many dogs to fit into a lifetime Or you already have a house squashed full of adored allsorts that chose you In this feature we go through popular dog crushes and take a fresh look at what it would be like to actually live with them Australian Shepherd 44 Dogs Today July 2023 NEW TRAINING RANGE The shepherd dog that s an all American Aussie SPONSORED BY Our survey of Australian Shepherd owners revealed Character Everyone that completed the survey agreed that Australian Shepherds are big characters 68 said their dogs are big softies and a lap dog if given the opportunity 83 described them as very affectionate Loving wannabe lapdogs they might be when they are resting but 68 of respondents agreed that the breed isn t totally happy unless it has a job to do The love of their family extends to people in general 77 and even other animals 62 are good with cats and 67 like almost every dog we meet Only 16 are natural hunters and chase anything that moves Unsurprisingly for an active peoplefocused breed the Aussie doesn t like being left with 33 expressing separation distress Training Most guardians say their dogs are intelligent but Aussies really do seem to outshine many of their peers 58 of owners said their dogs are very clever for a dog and 42 agreed that their dogs are genuises and smarter than many humans As you d expect of a smart cookie the Aussie s training record is impressive 62 of owners reported a very reliable recall and 39 said their dogs recall most of the time if there are no distractions 89 reliably sit and lie down when asked and 83 are good at retrieving 56 nose nudge and give a paw on request and 44 high five Exercise The largest section of owners 37 give their adult Aussies two hours or more of daily exercise 26 give more than an hour 16 give one hour and 21 give 45 minutes They are active dogs but most owners agreed that mental stimulation in the form of training and brain games are just as important as physical exercise An incredible 78 of our respondents train their Aussies in agility and 22 in flyball Coat grooming The coat is medium length but shorter on the head ears front of the forelegs and below the hocks It is double coated with a thick undercoat and straight or slightly wavy top coat There is a visible ruff or mane which is more prominent in male dogs 42 agreed that they shed a lot and it can be a pain and 47 said that although the breed sheds quite a lot it can be managed with regular grooming 42 of our owners groom once a week 31 more than weekly 16 daily and 11 every fortnight Health There are a number of health tests for the breed hip and elbow testing eye screening and DNA tests for hereditary cataracts HC HSF4 collie eye anomaly choroidal hypoplasia CEA CH multiple drug sensitivity MDR1 progressive retinal atrophy prcd PRA and Imerslun Grasbeck syndrome cobalamin malabsorption IGS There is also a breed club blood test for Pelger Huet anomaly The Kennel Club page for the Australian Shepherd has a health test section with further links about these conditions 45 of our respondents had experienced cancer in the breed 27 heart problems and 18 epilepsy skin problems allergies and autoimmune issues NEW TRAINING RANGE July 2023 Dogs Today 45 Photos by Tim Rose www timrosephotography co uk

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My Dog Crush Origins You d think the Australian Shepherd would be as Aussie as Crocodile Dundee throwing another shrimp on the barbie but actually the breed was mostly developed in America Australia does feature in the breed s history Basque shepherds took their Spanish sheepdogs Down Under when they emigrated in the 19th century before others also emigrated to America In both countries the dogs were used on ranches but it was in the States that the breed was developed and really took off becoming popular working dogs sporting dogs show dogs and pets 46 Dogs Today July 2023 Traits Smart Loyal Driven Energetic Mischievous Vocal Best names Bruce Matilda Tilly Dundee Sheila Bluey Ozzy River Barbie Boomerang Owner s view Compared to other breeds the Aussie is top dog according to the owners who answered the survey I m absolutely thrilled with the versatility of this breed gushed one owner Beautiful go anywhere family dogs great with the kids and helped me through the loss of my father I will always have at least one Aussie for the rest of my life shared another owner I ve had German Shepherds Labs and Poodles growing up Aussies are the smartest most packed with personality eager to please loyal dogs I ve known and I m a vet tech so have had exposure to and love many breeds You do need to understand the herder mentality though and each individual Aussie has his her own way of herding The herding mentality can be a challenge and certainly needs channelling in training and sports but it came in very handy for one of our other owners who told us Meesha saved me from a herd of bullocks that appeared behind me and hit the first one on the nose and herded them away from me Summing up another Aussie guardian said Australian Shepherds are an incredible breed Once you have one you stick to it They are so smart and driven and live to please they are very resilient and always go above my expectations in every aspect Over the past six years I have totally fallen in love with the breed and will probably only get Aussies for the rest of my life They require a lot of mental and physical stimulation So if you are able to give them the proper things they need to thrive not just survive then Aussies are perfect for you P What is so special about the breed You can t be sad when you have an Aussie Their personality and how clever they are They are loyal loving healthy easy to train and fun with a great sense of humour They are incredibly smart active loyal and driven and the perfect dog for an active household They are good looking loyal and can put their paw to anything Their attitude of being up for anything and their general athleticism What would you change Make them a little less noisy They can be stubborn but that s what makes them who they are I wish they lived forever Their demand barking when they want something learn NEW TRAINING RANGE Whistles Training Lines Toilet Bells July 2023 Dogs Today 47

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My Dog Crush Best Facebook group Australian Shepherd Club of the UK Love the breed Shop the breed Advice for wannabe owners They are like Pringles you can t have just one Do your research and go to the breeder s home to meet their dogs Make sure you have enough time and energy They can be very needy and require a lot of stimulation Do your research and really make sure you are in the right head space and have the right amount of time to put into this breed Get training decide what you d like to try and just give it a go Aussie antics If our youngest dog has a toy that the older dog wants the older dog barks at the back door as a distraction Once the youngest dog goes outside the eldest runs back for the wanted toy When we have houseguests he tucks them in He has to hop up on their bed and make sure they re OK before coming back to our room to settle in for the night My oldest Aussie Thomas has a ton of herding instincts while my youngest Percy doesn t have as much Percy likes to be chased while Thomas likes to herd They will go around and around the house for hours playing this game play 48 Dogs Today July 2023 NEW TRAINING RANGE Tuggi Reward Toys Chase Engagement Toys 11oz handcrafted Aussie Shepherd mug 8 46 from the ArtfulMugCo on etsy com Aussie splash design cotton tote bag It has a 10cm gusset providing extra space to carry more 11 99 from Tailzgifts on etsy com Rustic garden art available in two sizes Made from steel the product is designed to rust when exposed to the elements but it can be painted and treated if you d prefer it to remain rust free From 47 99 from TheImageIndustry on etsy com A4 or A5 Australian Shepherd portrait with personalisation options name decoration of pawprints or flowers and choice of accessories 7 99 9 99 from BeadazzleDesigns on etsy com and a print of the definition of the Aussie unframed Available This Aussie garden bracket is perfect for a hanging basket lantern A4 or 8 x 10 inches 4 49 from CafeGuerbois on etsy com or wind chimes 37 95 from SteelImagesUK on etsy com fun tricks NEW TRAINING RANGE Clickers Treat Bags Retrieval Toys July 2023 Dogs Today 49

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Join our exclusive Sub Club With newsagents and supermarkets reducing their shelf space for magazines it s getting harder to find us Help us by subscribing and reap the rewards Get your first issue for only 1 then it s 9 99 quarterly by Direct Debit Buy s da3vi5reeacaytlmeaanords t Save money enjoy almost a 35 saving over the year Delivered free to your door SUBSCRIBE NOW Prices held for this month but must go up soon 15 voucher for PurrfectlyYappy com minimum spend 75 Call us for the special code Chance to win one of 50 Nerf dog toys Call 01276 402599 lines open weekdays 9am 5pm or subscribe online www dogstodaymagazine co uk product dogs today uk subscriptions All new subscriptions will commence with the current issue Overseas prices Europe 65 20 for 12 issues Rest of World 79 80 for 12 issues The first 50 new or renewing subscribers this month will receive a fabulous Nerf dog toy so even your dog can benefit It s a win win win situation Please remember to include your dog s breed size and age in Dog breed and size during checkout Subscription gifts are only available to the first 50 subscribers each month sorry UK subscribers only UK only By entering you confirm that your details will be passed on to the company providing prizes for distribution marketing purposes 50 Dogs Today July 2023 Advertorial by Dr Alice Judge Dr Gavin Gan Pet Impact Founders Environmental pawprints Uncovering the Hidden Truths of Biodegradable Compostable Poop Bags with Pet Impact Pet Impact is dedicated to minimising the environmental pawprints of our pets Like many dog owners we first believed that biodegradable and compostable poop bags were eco friendly But after a year of research and consulting sustainability experts we uncovered many false claims and misconceptions around them We found that only 5 of people home compost their dog s poop and there are no industrial composting facilities that accept dog waste This means almost all poop bags go straight to landfill or incineration rendering biodegradability irrelevant Considering this fact using precious food crops and huge amounts of scarce water land chemicals and GMOs to make them now becomes questionable What s more despite plant based and plastic free claims they still contain 50 80 PBAT a fossil fuel derived biodegradable plastic Research also shows that biodegradable plastic does not truly biodegrade in the real world persisting for years before fragmenting into microplastics Landfill lacks the necessary oxygen for biodegradation meaning biodegradable poop bags cannot breakdown properly and will release methane a potent greenhouse gas Having now recognised this myth of biodegradability and the unsustainable materials in biodegradable poop bags we decided it s time for change Our new ReSEAcled Poop Bags are made from a special blend of oyster shell waste and recycled plastic Recycling plastic consumes less energy and produces fewer carbon emissions than making plastic from virgin materials Reusing waste that was already destined for landfill reduces the total volume of waste sent there and fights plastic pollution P Learn more at www petimpact co uk poop bags Find your local Just for Pets store at justforpets co uk find a store

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Postbag Your news views on being responsible pet owners taking every measure to ensure the well being of our animals However this unforeseen tragedy reminded us of the potential risks associated with keeping dogs and small pets under the same roof We share our story as a reminder to never become complacent in such situations Even the kindest and most well behaved dogs can TRAGIC INCIDENT act on instinct causing harm to smaller animals It is our duty to I m writing after a Great Debate remain vigilant and take necessary topic was brought to my attention precautions to prevent such namely whether it is ever a good incidents from occurring idea to have both small pets and We urge all pet owners to dogs in the same household prioritise the safety of their Last year our pet hamster furry companions Ensure that Pumpkin managed to escape from cages and enclosures are secure a cage we had thought secure We designate separate play areas had no time to even realise it had and never leave dogs and small happened before our dog found pets unsupervised together him first and ended Pumpkin s life Thank you for your attention and in a matter of seconds consideration Together we can The shock and guilt that create a safer environment for all followed were overwhelming animals in our homes We had always prided ourselves Eleanor Thompson Get in touch We love to hear your news and views and see photos of your dogs Email editorial dogstodaymagazine co uk Write to us at Dogs Today The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA Join the debate Voice your opinions on news stories and other topics on our Dogs Today Magazine Facebook page or through our website www dogstoday magazine co uk A MAN ABOUT TOWN London based dog photographer Amie Barron has been awarded first place and Gold in The WPE Awards 2023 and we re happy to publish the winning photo as well as her words The WPE Photography Awards is a globally recognized competition celebrating the art of photography My winning photograph titled A Man About Town stood out from over 11 000 other photographers from all over the world to win first place The image features a spitz dog and was taken on the doorstep of a house in Shoreditch London I am honestly a little speechless that this has happened I noticed the doorstep while photographing a lovely group of dogs on a street art walking tour and knew it was special but I would never have thought that I would win a prestigious photography award let alone place first in a category Amie Barron Photo Amie Barron Dog Photography London 52 Dogs Today July 2023

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Photo posed by models Postbag continued PROTECTION DOGS I was glad to see the issue of so called protection dogs brought up in your magazine April 2023 edition when discussing breedspecific legislation BSL I have watched in dismay as two of my neighbours acquired dogs to as they said protect the house They were not the only ones to do it in the area and those protection dogs have already bitten them not seriously for now but it s just a horrible accident waiting to happen I don t know what to do because I fear that by voicing my concerns I ll just sentence two dogs to death they never asked for this We have sadly become accustomed to horrible people getting big strong dogs to train for aggression nothing BSL has ever stopped and now we also have to watch this happen with people who train their dogs for aggression while thinking they re teaching them to protect Those poor dogs are under socialised and lunge at everyone they see even out on walks They re nervous unhappy dogs who are keeping no one safe It s horrible to see this trend on the rise just as I thought we had finally abandoned the old idea of dogs as alarm systems and theft deterrents and embraced them as companions Name withheld Obituaries If you want to pay tribute to a departed pet or have a suggestion for a lost star dog write to us at the address on page 3 or email editorial dogstodaymagazine co uk and put Tribute in the subject line Ellie Holding Ellie Holding June 1989 to 9 June 2002 Remembering Ellie I saw you in my dreams Why should I be out of mind Because I am out of sight I am but waiting for you for an interval Something very near just round the corner All is well Nothing is hurt nothing is lost One brief moment and all will be as it was before How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting When we meet again Still loved as always Ellie Sweep Derek Georgia Ferdinand Emily Phil Sunshine Spike Ned and Shadow Love Pat Holding From Facebook WE ASKED OUR FOLLOWERS TO TELL US ABOUT A TIME THEIR DOGS CAUGHT THEM BY SURPRISE Ava Mitchell One day out of nowhere my dog suddenly started howling along to a song on the radio He was four years old and had never done it before His timing and pitch were surprisingly accurate and it was as if he had developed a love for music overnight We couldn t help but join in and have a mini sing along session Liam Reynolds I came home to find my dog sitting by my laptop staring at the screen intently I had left a video playing and he was fully engrossed in watching it He even tilted his head and wagged his tail at the funny moments Emma Sullivan My dog once startled me when she jumped on to the kitchen counter and grabbed a banana Instead of devouring it as it was she carefully peeled it and ate it in tiny bites as if she were savouring a gourmet meal Mary Cooper While out for a walk my dog suddenly stopped and refused to move I couldn t understand why until I noticed a small injured bird lying on the ground My dog gently nudged it with his nose trying to revive it then looked at me and cried I took the bird home and later handed it in to a wildlife clinic it lived by the way 54 Dogs Today July 2023 June 2020 Dogs Today 37

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Photos by Tim Rose www timrosephotography co uk Kodi Bizzie Roxy Photo submitted by Jenny Hillis Criss cross answers 1 Rough Collie 2 Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier 3 Smooth Fox Terrier 4 Smooth Collie 5 Wire Fox Terrier 6 Bearded Collie 7 Curly Coated Retriever Tea break Put the kettle on and have a go at our competitions Criss cross Just for fun Use the clues to fill in the words below and solve the anagrams of these breeds that start with a vowel Words can go across or down Letters are shared when the words intersect Across 4 Loch toilsome 6 6 5 Foxier rewriter 4 3 7 7 Reducer retroactively 5 6 9 2 1 3 Down 1 Cello orig uh 5 6 4 2 Acton storewide thereafter 4 6 7 7 3 Exterior form shot 6 3 7 6 Blade recoiled 7 6 5 6 7 Check your chip Since April 2016 it has been compulsory for all dogs over 8 weeks of age to be microchipped and details registered and kept up to date with an authorised database Have you checked that your dog s chip is working is correctly registered and all contact information is up to date Don t know which database your dog s microchip is registered with Type your chip number into www check a chip co uk T P Keep a note of your dog s microchip number and database details on your mobile phone Notify the microchip company immediately if your dog goes missing and register on www doglost co uk In the ring Just for fun Unscramble the jumbled letters in the circles Can you find these big small and inbetween breeds A B CANZ AU DPOM IN TER SHG I LEO TERRY C 56 Dogs Today July 2023 Caption this Do you have a funny pic you d like us to feature Please email it to us at comps dogstoday magazine co uk Can you come up with a witty and amusing caption for this photo Winners of the Cross Question and Caption Competition will win a prize from Purrfectly Yappy The winning caption will win a Fuzzu A Gorilly Named Billy Dog Toy worth 13 99 from www purrfectlyyappy com The person who sends the first correct answer to the Cross Question will win a pack of SmartBones a healthy alternative to rawhide from www purrfectlyyappy com How to enter Send your Caption Competition Cross Question entries together with your contact details via email to comps dogstoday magazine co uk or post to July Competitions Dogs Today The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA to arrive by 10 August 2023 I think they are taking this toilet training malarkey a bit far Winning caption Katherine Marsden May Caption Runners up The neighbours were driving the dogs up the wall Helen Whitney Cross Question Welcome to dog ballet classes Who knows next year we could win Britain s Got Talent Rachael Whitehead Old habits die hard the retired police dog regularly frisked the others to check if they were concealing Dana Howell Can you guess which breeds Taffy s parents are Can we have our ball back Sally Blundell May Cross Question Solution Kingsley s parents are a Pomeranian and a Husky The first correct answer came from Tracey Burton In the ring answers A Giant Schnauzer B Miniature Poodle C English Toy Terrier July 2023 Dogs Today 57 Chilli aka Linda Biscuit from Lycett Live Photo submitted by owned by Rachel Bean Pomeranian Husky by Tim Rose Photo submitted by Helen Williams

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Prize crossword Compiled by Gyles Brandreth Quick clues Across 6 Dog which traditionally pursued animals into burrows 7 7 Regal Corgi owner 5 8 Shelter for pooch 6 9 Birds such a sandpipers or herons 6 10 Hound that joins in the chase 7 3 12 101 appeared in a famous Disney cartoon 10 16 Type of Setter 6 17 Fill with air 6 18 Brush dog s coat 5 19 Chihuahua s nationality 7 Down 1 He s robbed to pay Paul 5 2 Poodle s nationality 6 3 Long bodied swift 6 Across originally from the north east of England 10 4 Canine trained to work with shooting party 6 5 Sleeping quarters 7 9 Large type of 4 Down 10 11 Gives support to 7 13 Frenzied canine 3 3 14 Violent effort 6 15 Wandering dog 5 1 2 3 6 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 14 15 17 18 19 Name _________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ____________________________ Postcode _________________ Telephone _____________________________________________ Email address ___________________________________________ Breed type of dog _______________________________________ We occasionally loan our address list to charities and companies we feel may be of interest to you Please tick if you do not wish to receive this information Q Cryptic clues Across 6 Highland breed perhaps half terrifying 7 7 this lady partner of Charles the spaniel 5 8 Club for those in the dog house 6 9 Birds saw red when disturbed 6 10 Setter German sound as a bell before return of deity 7 3 12 They were spotted in a Disney cartoon 10 16 The Setter could be a gay dancer 6 17 Excite Affenpinscher initially near a tree perhaps 6 18 Member of the wedding is to brush Rover s coat 5 19 Top of the class in exam possibly he could be hairless 7 Down 1 Blue TV chap has a dog maybe round about 5 2 Polish Could that describe a Griffon Vendeen 6 3 Dog needs somewhere to sleep heather Possibly not 10 4 Might your favourite magazine do a report on this canine 6 5 Part of house where 3 Down starts off 7 9 A German republic HPR 10 11 Indulgences associated with the graces 7 13 Englishman s rabid partner in the noonday sun 3 3 14 Breed s muscle injury 6 15 Homeless dog say going round Turkey 5 How to enter Complete the crossword grid then post your entry to arrive by 10 August 2023 to July Crossword Dogs Today The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA The first correct entry pulled out of the hat after the closing date will win the prize The judge s decision is final 58 Dogs Today July 2023 Shetland Sheepdog posed by a model Dogue de Bordeaux by Tim Rose www timrosephotography co uk Win this The winner of this month s crossword will receive a Kong Wild Knot bird a squeaky plush toy with internal knotted rope and minimal stuffing for minimal mess Available from PurrfectlyYappy com June Solution Across 1 Alaska 5 Bowl 7 May 8 Hungary 9 Tyrol 11 Mark 12 Water rat 16 Give a dog a bone 17 Airedale 18 Kerb 20 Dogue 22 Belgian 23 Roo 24 Pups 25 Baying Down 2 Landrover 3 Stay 4 Amy 5 By the way 6 War 8 Home guard 10 Litter bin 13 Atoll 14 Rhodesian 15 Handlers 19 Play 21 Gnu 22 Bob Wordsearch Just for fun R SMOO T H CO L L I E B D I YM L O D OSO I S NU TOG I A E HKNNVN RR THPDCBOSRNYGSUKPGA E OA T I L Z HMU YOUN B L Y L F I I N Y NWH K MN T MO J C L AWE H L RE I RRE TKCAL BNA I S SURA R E XUGE I Z S SUR E KCOR P S T EWI UMU B L U J Z ZOK C V Y P L I T C K F B KQ T E AA T E CUVNCGO EGRMF TGE NR PMKRN F R TD I YCPKDASCH I PPERKEOBSG K U J X A O T Q V X A DWUWR U E C U S L E I NAP S X E S SUS YDG I HG CYKSUHNA I RE B I S I ZHSNE RHODE S I ANR I DGE BACKOS MAH Y L A E S GNXQPD POO F OG C J NQ JWX I R N R R T Y T A L MD T S JWU A K D D G Y A K B T L X L M L S GV F R YRMA JH F Z I RX E I QE F S H E T L AND S H E E PDOG E V T R Can you find these breeds Search up down forward backward and on the diagonal Rhodesian Ridgeback Rottweiler Rough Collie Russian Black Terrier Saint Bernard Saluki Samoyed Schipperke Schnauzer Schnoodle Scottie Sealyham Segugio Italiano Shar Pei Shetland Sheepdog Shih Tzu Siberian Husky Skye Terrier Sloughi Smooth Collie Sprocker Staffie Sussex Spaniel July 2023 Dogs Today 59

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Classified adverts Holidays Training Services Products Want to advertise your business in our classified adverts section Call Mike McGlynn now on 01276 402591 or send an email to mike dogstoday magazine co uk Boturnell Farm Cottages Dogs stay free Home from home for you and your dogs If they are relaxed then you can relax Every cottage has an enclosed garden for those late night early morning comfort breaks PLUS 8 acres of woods Throws for the furniture Animal first aid kit www dogs holiday co uk TIME FOR A NEW BED FIND A WARM COSY BED TODAY AT PURRFECTLYYAPPY COM Advertising feature Advertising feature Canine Friendly Holiday Home Park of the Month New Pines Holiday Home Park in Rhyl North Wales Enjoy forever holidays with your pet pooch at New Pines Holiday Home Park in Rhyl North Wales Surrounded by mountains and countryside but only a 10 minute drive to the sandy beach there are lots of dog friendly places to explore and a range of walks and hikes to enjoy in the local area New Pines is home to a friendly community of owners with a pet friendly bar and restaurant and a dedicated enclosed dog field for your dog to run free in Call them to find out more www darwinescapes co uk ownership Tel 0800 717707 60 Dogs Today July 2023 Dog Food of the Month PpY06s1in_gDloegpsaMgoen itnhdlydAp1r19 indd 1 4PAWSRAW 4PAWSRAW isn t just a pet food store We are pet people pet lovers and pet parents We are just like you When you shop with us either online or in store you can feel confident knowing that we wouldn t sell anything we wouldn t give to our own pets We have a clear vision which allows us to focus on providing your dogs with the best possible products To improve and maintain the health and well being of your dog To help our friends enjoy a more natural and suitable lifestyle To help introduce and educate dog owners to a whole new healthy way that brings great benefits Provide our customers with advice support and the best possible customer service Our natural raw dog food gives you peace of mind that it provides your best friend with all the nutrition and goodness they need for a healthy body and mind www 4pawsraw co uk 252 60 21 12 0210918 161 71 658 July 2023 Dogs Today 61

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Classified adverts Charities Training Products Holidays Advertising feature Advertising feature Treats of the Month Keep Calm and Buy Our Treats Park Life Chill Bix and Chill Stix with Honey Chamomile are the perfect bedtime treat Ideal for anxious or boustrous dogs or just for when it s time to Petflix Chill Follow parklife dog on instagram and Facebook Available now at www parklife dog Save 15 with reward code TODAY15 62 Dogs Today July 2023 Holiday of the Month We are a family owned business with self drive narrowboats for weekends and short breaks and week long holidays from both bases Stockton or Warwick We also have boats available for longer hire periods when you want to escape and include your canine family member This is not camping on water the boats come equipped with everything you need for a relaxing holiday afloat fully equipped galley including fridge and 4 hob gas cooker a bathroom with a flushing toilet and a shower plenty of hot water central heating and a TV for the days you need to catch up with the real world Don t forget with narrowboat hire the boat is the holiday you don t need to allow for those expensive days out during the week Our quoted prices INCLUDE diesel and damage waiver and linen and car parking if you are comparing prices with other narrowboat holiday firms make sure you compare like for like Star ratings for each narrowboat are displayed on the relevant pages and online availability and reservation is now also a feature but feel free to phone or email if you would like to discuss your canal holiday plans www kateboats co uk Email enquiries kateboats co uk Tel 01926 492968 July 2023 Dogs Today 63

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ME OF RY d r CChhaarriittyySSppoottlliigghhtt WWeellccoommeettoo CChhaarriityySSppoottlliigghht a handy rreference point for good ffoollkkddooininggggrreeaattwwoorrkk WWee r erehheelplpininggttoorraaiisseetthheepprroofifillee ooff this ddiivveerrsseeggrroouuppaonfdpewoepelencaonudrwageeeynocuotuoraggeet yinovuotlvoegdewt inthvothlveemd bwyitohfftehreinmg abefoirtefvuenrdhraoimsineg fournedvraeinsivnogluonr tveoelurintge ering established 1958 We are a non destruction sanctuary for abandoned unwanted dogs PRIORY ROAD ASCOT BERKSHIRE SL5 8RJ 01344 882689 National Animal Welfare Trust NAWT is an Registered Charity No 256728 animal welfare charity operating five rehoming centres based in Bedfordshire Berkshire Cornwall Essex and Hertfordshire At NAWT we are working towards a world where every pet thrives in a loving home To achieve this vision we provide rehoming www foreverhoundstrust org educational and practical support to animal lovers The charity cares for and rehomes over 1 200 animals a year and is active in all the local communities it serves Our Bedfordshire centre has been undergoing redevelopment to make sure it Chilterns Dog Recue Charity of the month can remain a lifeline to hundreds of abandoned dogs each year The Buy a Brick fundraising Founded in 1963 Chilterns Dog Rescue cSaomcpieatigyn CgiDveRsSre ahdaesrsathleong history of rescue and rehoming and conoptipnourteusnittoy tgorboewcomtheapnakrtsotfo Cthhearditeydiocfatihoen manodnethnthusiasm of manyitsdpoergmlaonveentrsh istory and build a brighter future for homeless National Animal animals Your brick will be WAelfare Trust fter many years of hard work CDRS bought its own premises CDRenSgisraavneidndweitpheandmeenstscahgaeroitfy It receiveysounrocGhovoesirnngm wenhticfhunmdignhgtand in Chivery near Tring Herts and relies ebnetiaretlryibountethtoe agelonveerdosoitnyeoofrtahe ndoetveeolof pheodpepuforrpfousteurbeupilteftascwilihtioesrefsoirde therpeu bBlriiccktos acroenbtieniuneg itnssvtaitllaeldressocouneaanndd adllobgrsicwk iothwnnoewrshwerilel beelseintvoitetudrnto the grandreohpoemniningginwSoerpk teYmoubresrutpopsoeret twhoeiurld bricTkhine sRiteus cPuleeaCseencthroeohsaesy4o0urkbernicnkelvsia thbeeQgRrecaotdlye aApSpArPetcoiactreeda te your living laengdacaysamt aolul rtecaemntroef fhoigr hdloygtsrawinheodneed it most NEUTER AND SPAY NO MORE STRAYS staff who provide outstanding wcawre fwor dnoagws otf aoll ragge su ktypes and RbegaicstkergedroCuhanridtysNion 10n9e0e49d9 of protection training and rehoming in addition to a 5 star licence for boarding For further information please contact CDRS Tel 01296 623885 enquiries cdrs org uk www chilternsdogrescue org uk We neuter and spay thousands of dogs and cats in Romania every year Large kennels have under floor heating plenty of natural light with indoor and outdoor areas Green www animalsni uk Your cChhaaritny Ncoe 11t7o231w6 in at www aht org uk lottery PayPal eRmegiasteilr eddCohanriatytNioumnbse r 2a09n6i4m2 alsni uk technology has been incorporated to reduce running costs Sensitive Dogs Today 2018 Charity spotlight lottery2a3d v0e1r t2v031 8ind1d4 417 10 landscaping has created a woodland walk for potential adopters to get to know the dogs wildlife areas and If you d like to see your two DogZones to provide grassy organisation featured in these enrichment paddocks for the dogs to pages please call us on 01276 play soIcfiyaloisue danlidkeretlaoxs ee your organisation fe8a5t8u8r8e0dfoinr mthoerseedpetaagiless please call us on 01276 402591 for more details 6644DDooggssTTooddaayyJJuulyly22002230 Help us to help more We rescue and rehome 100s of dogs and cats in London every year themayhew org 020 8962 8000 Registered Charity No 1077588 We rescue and rehome collies and collie crosses throughout the UK Why not subscribe to our Border Collie World quarterly magazine Only 10 00 pa BORDER COLLIE TRUST GB Please contact us or visit our website for more information Heathway Colton Rugeley Staffs WS15 3LY Tel 0871 560 2282 www bordercollietrustgb org uk Reg Charity No 1053585 Rescue centre open daily 9 11 am 2 4 pm Sponsor a puppy from just 1 a week Visit guidedogs org uk DogsToday A charity registered in England and Wales 209617 and Scotland SC038979 BCT_0310 4x1RR CSinEHeAEdAANsdYS4NcONSuN1ETiLnEgDE BacaraSennlunrohdiisdmnossemegapxrliisenntioggonpgpleeetthser woodgreen org uk 4 1 10 16 55 42 www raystede org 01825 840252 Registered charity no 237696 Registered Charity No 298348 00526nc0819 Smokey Paws provides pet oxygen masks to the fire service But many more masks are needed The next pet saved could be yours You can donate via www smokeypaws co uk or email info smokeypaws co uk Legacy Gift Improve the lives of Type 1 Diabetic children by leaving a gift in your Will Help us train dogs to give children back their lives hypohounds org uk WE RESCUE KILL SHELTER AND ABANDONED DOGS FROM ROMANIA AND REHOME THEM IN THE UK AND GERMANY barkingmaddogrescue bmdrdogs www barkingmaddogrescue co uk We are a small dog and cat rescue that specialises in the rehabilitation of pets who need their second chance at happiness No matter your age location or family status PAWS gives everyone a chance to be a part of the rescue story www pennineanimalwelfare society org We rescue and rehome 100s of dogs and cats in London every year Please help us to help more www themayhew org 020 8962 8000 Registered Charity No 1077588 Saving We rescue and rehome collies and collie crosses Yorkshirthero usghout the UK Why not subscribe to our Border Dogs Collie World quarterly magazine Only 10 00 pa Registered Charity No 1167291 BOTRoDreEscRue CreOhaLbLiliItEateTaRndUrSehTomGe B Pvleualsneecroantbaclet uas nordvisaittoruirswkebdsoitegfsorfmroorme inYfoorrmkastihonir e HSTteaeaftfhsl wWa0Sy17 5C5o3Ll6tYo2n R9ug8e6le1y 01 TEeml 0a8i7l1 5s6a0v2in28g2yorkshiresdogs gmail com wWwewb bworwdewrc oslyldierterussctugbe oorgrg u kuk Reg Charity No 1053585 RFeinscduuescoenntre open daily 9 11 am 2 4 pm Become a Companion RegisteredCharityinEnglandandWalesNo 113B9C99T9_0310 4x1K CSinEHeEdAAeNdS4NpOWNTN1EiLatihlsaWRaeggguilnagr Gift As a rescue charity Rushton helps abandoned abused and unwanted dogs on a international scale Rescuing dogs from all over the world Bringing pets and people especially the meat trade in Asia and China closer together woodgreen org uk 4 1 10 16 55 42 GreySheonuinodrsSmtaakfefygrCelautbpets Lincolnshire GreyOhouurndaims are Trust has been rehoming Greyhounds since 1988 We have rehomed over 2 300 retired Greyhounds Kennels in Lincolnshire Oxfordshire Epping www lincolnshiregreyhoundtrust co uk www sen0io79r4s1ta3ff13y0c2l5ub co uk skeenvi olrinsctaolffnyshcliruebg reyhhootumndatirlu csot c uomk Call Now 44 0 1823 49 10 52 mail rushtondogrescue co uk Rescue and rehoming centre for dogs and cats www leicesteranimalaid org uk Tel 01455 888257 Registered Charity No 242560 Finding the cures for serious pet illnesses helping them live longer healthier lives www petsavers org uk Smokey Paws provides pet oxygen masks to the fire service But many more masks are needed Registered Charity No 298348 00526nc0819 Scottish Charity No SC006914 barki www JuJluyly20220023DDogosgsToToddaayy6655 We r of do

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Confessions of a dogaholic My Cosmopolitan magazine award attracted us a very influential new reader the National Magazine Company boss Terry Mansfield whom I soon discovered was a massive dog lover He asked me to help him source his next rescue Rottweiler Many years later he called me in to organise a very posh dog show at Kensington Palace I ended up being made a palace ambassador which was unexpected Yes his calls were always interesting Terry didn t phone up very often but I vividly remember his call about the August and September 1995 edition It contained an appeal for a Greyhound who had his ears cut off and needed our readers help Terry told me how one of his wife s friends had picked up Dogs Today for the first time in the supermarket She only meant to flick through but this feature had caught her eye so she started reading the story Terry said she abandoned her shopping trolley and rushed to a phone box to donate money to save this poor dog This was a very long time ago before everyone had mobiles Terry told me I should be very proud I d be chuffed if one of my magazines had ever moved a reader that much I wanted you to know immediately Keep up the good work Of course our readers are amazing all the money was raised for the dog with no ears Another story around the same time also had a very strong reader response Only now do I feel able to talk about it as hopefully I can t get anyone into trouble being so long after the event The magazine was always looking at quarantine as a welfare issue and our agony aunt Katie Boyle compiled Column and row a list of the better kennels as some were really terrible Dogs had died in quarantine in some shockingly bad circumstances One of our newest readers had sadly encountered one of the bad characters in this industry The lady had left South Africa in a hurry with lots of Chihuahuas Quarantine was horribly expensive even for one dog and then she hit a real problem getting all her savings out of Africa The kennel owner was not in any way sympathetic Even though she d paid most of the bill and her tiny dogs had served their six months in isolation he held them all hostage until she could settle the remainder MYSTERY CALLER Worse the bill kept climbing every day as he was charging her for the overstay and he d moved them out of the heated wing The poor little things were now freezing The owner was worried sick about her dogs as the weather was getting colder by the day so she turned to us for help I phoned the kennel owner but there really was no reasoning with him The dogs were out in the cold until she paid him every penny I wrote the story up for my weekly newspaper column in the Mail on Sunday A couple of days after it was published I got a strange call from a withheld number The man on the phone just said It s done and hung up An hour or so later I got a call from the South African lady She was crying and said she couldn t ever thank me enough It transpired that my mystery caller had broken into the quarantine kennels liberated all the Chihuahuas and helped our reader disappear from her rented accommodation The quarantine owner s security must have been as lax as his morals P 66 Dogs Today July 2023 Illustration KEVIN BROCKBANK 2020 G1l0ob0al WINNER Best Dog Collar Manufacturer 2020 UK Winners 2013 2023 For Dog People by Dog People Because your dog deserves the BEST REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR Stops dogs pulling on the lead and gives you back control Life Changing products for you and your dog PRODUCT I CAN T LIVE WITHOUT NO MORE PULLING NO MORE RIDING UP NO MORE RUBBING NO MORE COMING OFF NO MORE DISCOMFORT Matching accessories in a selection of colours with high quality workmanship and fittings Also available Collars Non Slip Leads and Gripper Training Leads offering added security and confidence throughout the winter months Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at www dogmatic org uk Endorsed by Dr David Sands BSc PhD CFBA Fellow of the Canine Feline Behaviour Association AWARDED Best Dog Collar Manufacturer 2020 21 UK and Most Innovative Dog Collar Manufacturers 2019

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