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Dogs Today_June_2023

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Dog crush As Buddha says True love is born from understanding Tibetan Spaniels aren t spaniels Allergic reaction How to spot if your dog suffers from hayfever Dog Sitter Detective signed copies Watch dogs solve crimes A nose for news easy on the eye and a heart of gold DogsToday Morebite moreheart Great debate Should small furry animals hang out with dogs Police drama Millions and Marshall why were shots fired in Limehouse Dining dilemmas How to change from ready meals to raw Big no no Why you need a healthy aversion to aversive methods Love actually Hugh Grant hugely loves dogs Freedom is worth fighting for But not every dog can be saved June 2023 5 99

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REmembeR them today and every day WITH A SMILE As Pet Remembrance Day approaches on 5th July take a moment to remember the special pets who are no longer with us but brought endless joy and happiness to our lives At Battersea we know how unique every animal is and understand just how hard the loss of a beloved pet can be Today we re asking you to remember your pets by donating in their memory to help other dogs and cats at Battersea still waiting to find a home where they ll raise smiles every day DONATE IN MEMORY Telephone Monday to Friday 10am 4pm 0300 3231 216 Visit battersea org uk inmemory Battersea Dogs Cats Home is a charity registered in England and Wales 206394 Inside this month News features 6 Slaughtered in the street justice for Marshall and Millions 20 Dog Sitter Detective win copies of a new doggie crime series 30 Love actually that s what Hugh Grant feels for dogkind 36 Alfie the Great the rock of recovering from a terrorist attack 40 Those left behind sadness as not every stray can be saved in Sarajevo Over to you 42 Great debate is it ever a good idea to have small animals as well as dogs Training behaviour 24 Behaviourist burnout how to protect your own mental health when working with difficult cases 32 Positive thinking the dangers of aversives in dog training Opinion 66 Confessions of a dogaholic weekend supplements Investigation 12 Q A how to spot and treat hayfever in dogs should we flick a poo to cut plastic waste how do I transition my dog to a raw diet how not to lose your licence when driving with your dog 44 Dog crush meet the Tibetan Spaniel Competitions shopping 50 Subscribe and win 56 Pop the kettle on and tackle our prizes and competitions DogsToday The ethical pet magazine for people who really care about dogs Facebook Dogs Today Editorial beverleycuddy Editor Beverley Cuddy Dogs_Today Art Director Rosie Peace Chief Sub Editor Contributing Editor Claire Horton Bussey Deputy Editor Alessandra Pacelli Illustrator Kevin Brockbank Advertising sponsorship Sales Marketing Director Mike McGlynn 01276 402591 Sales Executive Print Digital Tom Jones 01276 402593 Office dogs Betty Old English Golden Retriever ish Honey Cocker Spaniel Lennie Staffie cross Loki Border Collie Kelpie cross Vicky Justine Poison Ivy Newfoundlands Sophie Jack Russell Triss Jack Russell Betty s Personal Trainer Kirsten Dillon IMDT A Dip CBM Dogs Today Brandshare Ltd The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA 01276 402599 enquiries dogstodaymagazine co uk www dogstodaymagazine co uk Publishers LIMITED Chief Operations Officer Graham Smith 01276 402598 graham wearebrandshare com Managing Director Beverley Cuddy 01276 402597 beverley dogstodaymagazine co uk Subscriptions For subscription queries call Brandshare on 01276 402599 or email subs dogstodaymagazine co uk Initial subscription rates UK BFPO 12 issues 39 50 24 issues 61 EU countries 12 issues 65 20 Rest of the world airmail 12 issues 79 80 Direct Debit offer UK only 9 99 for 3 months with 1 month free trial and a 1 sign up fee The editor is always pleased to consider articles and photos from freelancers However there is often a considerable delay before material can be assessed Please include an SAE if you want your work returned While every care will be taken no responsibility for loss or damage can be accepted Competition sponsors and their families are not eligible for any competition Dogs Today incorporating Perfect Pup is published by Brandshare Ltd The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA Tel 01276 402599 Brandshare Ltd reg office The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA Distributed by Marketforce UK Ltd 2nd Floor 5 Churchill Pl Canary Wharf London E14 5HU Tel 020 3148 3333 www marketforce co uk Printed by The Manson Group 2023 Dogs Today The world copyright of the editorial matter both illustrations and text is strictly reserved Registered as a newspaper for transmission in the UK Cover Photo Freedom Read her story on page 40 Photo by Mersad Sehic Next issue on sale 13 July 2023 To download Dogs Today for iPad go to the App store Android and PC versions are available from Pocket Mags the Kindle edition from www amazon co uk Tibetan Spaniels Photo by Tim Rose www timrosephotography co uk June 2023 Dogs Today 3

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Illustration by Beverley Cuddy Hoody design www sashadesigns ca 2023 03 15_ADSPDCONP Dear readers Beverley Cuddy What could the Government do to reduce the number of people who get bitten by dogs They ll no doubt be looking at the optics what measure gets them the most votes But is it inevitable that a small number of people will get badly bitten by dogs just like others are going to drown die of sepsis be struck by lightning or be trampled by cows It s a sad fact but not all deaths are treated by society as statistically significant How many people must die on a stretch of road before traffic calming measures are implemented It ll usually be more than one A car accident may get written up in the local paper if it s a slow news day Even violent crime drug deaths and domestic violence must be in some way unique to make it on to the news cycle Novelty makes death a news story If a dog kills it s always national news because it is thankfully very rare There are now 13 million dogs in the UK and 99 99 per cent of them will never bite anyone So if the politicians do ban another type of dog what is the chance it will stop even one person dying There s a US website that goes behind the statistics to detail each death by dogs When you look closely you start to spot how many more connecting factors there are other than the type of dog It s true we have had more lethal bites in the last couple of years than previously but we ve also never had so many dogs before either Every death is tragic but if we always just blame it on the dog it d be like scrapping the brand of car most seen in drink driver deaths Or banning all ponds and swimming pools Making it the law to wear wellingtons in case there s a thunderstorm No longer letting cows roam in fields The last breed ban didn t stop fatal dog bites so why would this one If only we could persuade people to take fewer risks point out the folly of living with an unsocialised untrained enormous dog Each time there s a shocking case I wonder why it doesn t make the next person that bit more cautious We need to accept human failings and free will It s not as if we ve had an invasion of aliens posing as XL Bullies who are now plotting how to kill us Adding yet another breed to the banned list may get some of the most vocal constituents out of their MP s in boxes but is that enough reason to do it The inevitable consequences of the vilification and demonisation of one type of dog above others will be very hard to erase Is it the poor dog s fault they re popular with some very scary people who mess them up They re also very popular with lots of lovely good dog owners who in no way deserve what is coming But it s always much easier to punish the dog they don t vote On a more uplifting note while trying to dissuade people from asking for more BSL I bumped into lovely Sean Pogson the famous anti DDA campaigning fairy doing the same He told me of a wonderful project called Restart Prisoners and young offenders are being shown how to use positive training methods to produce assistance dogs Isn t that a wonderful idea teaching inmates a new skill and sending them back out into the world knowing the best way to bring up dogs Perhaps we should teach it in schools too It would save a lot more lives than another ban P Beverley Cuddy is Dogs Today s Editor and publisher She shares her life with Betty an Old English Golden Retriever ish dog from Many Tears and Honey a Cocker Spaniel 4 Dogs Today June 2023 SuperDog takes our 50 years of award winning nutritional expertise even further all the innovation and careful effective formulation you d expect from Vitabiotics now available for your special companion From vitality to healthy joints and bones SuperDog formulations provide optimum levels of micro nutrients to safeguard the diet of your furriest family member From Amazon Ocado Paws com and Vitabiotics com Nielsen GB ScanTrack Total Coverage Value Unit Retail Sales 52 w e 28 1 23 To verify contact Vitabiotics Ltd 1 Apsley Way London NW2 7HF Vitabiotics Ltd will donate 35p VAT from the sale of each SuperDog product to Battersea Dogs Home Limited which donates its profits to Battersea Dogs Cats Home registered charity number 206394 Stockists may vary 2 Dogs Today June 2020 Joints Bones 60 Chewable Tablets Health Vitality 60 Chewable Tablets Proud supporter of Battersea caring for dogs and cats since 1860

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Words BEVERLEY CUDDY When armed police killed a homeless man s dogs it was caught on camera and watched by millions While very many people mourned them a vocal faction began baying for all their kind to be banned Where were you when M M were shot D id you watch the footage of the Met policeman shooting Marshall and Millions I wish I hadn t It felt like our version of when Kennedy was shot or Diana died I certainly needed to talk about it so many of us were in shock Soon the story found its way around the world Fairly early we learned that Louie Turnbull was banned from owning dogs He was also technically homeless He certainly wasn t exactly Dog Owner of the Year material But why did these dogs end up dead and not seized Why were armed police on those London streets following Louie that day Louie said he was heading back to the ramshackle barge moored in Limehouse that he called home He said later that he d wanted to put the dogs away before he talked to the police He was almost there Startled onlookers living in flats overlooking the canal starting filming Louie and the dogs as the group of police began following him You could really sense the shock and you could hear people shouting Why did you shoot the dogs Well why did they The blood had splashed all over Louie Marshall was on a short lead when the officer fired at very close range The next clip showed Millions still a pup on a catch pole Louie was by this time on the floor being tasered and arrested Four shots were heard and then the puppy was dead too PAST FOOTAGE Historic footage of the dogs being affectionate was quickly circulated on social media by those who had remembered meeting them We waited to hear what atrocity must have happened for an armed police presence to be working in this residential area I remember thinking how my own dogs might have reacted to men following and shouting Any dog would have barked Footage was shared of a woman with a white fluffy dog she was screaming at a bemused Marshall and Millions but that turned out to be from another day Then there was talk of another woman having fallen over and her dog being hurt but allegedly she hadn t wanted the police called She was reportedly horrified by what had later happened to the two dogs The Met Police quickly reviewed the body camera footage and stood by their officers conduct They didn t seem to have any issues with what had happened MORE THAN 800 PEOPLE TOOK PART IN OUR SURVEY No 92 Don t know 3 Yes 5 Do you think the police were right to shoot these dogs The police were 7 just doing their job The owner had already been disqualified from owning dogs If he had behaved differently his dogs wouldn t have been shot 78 No matter what the owner might have done those dogs did not deserve this 67 I am still deeply traumatised by seeing the footage 61 I have cried about this I am terrified of 6 dogs like Millions and Marshall attacking my dog but I still don t think they should have been shot If the police 5 believed the dogs had just seriously injured someone they d be right to shoot the dogs 57 If the policemen had been better trained in dog behaviour these dogs would still be alive 43 If the dogs had been Poodles they d not have been shot 4 I hope the Dangerous Dogs Act will ban more breeds 2 I think the police did the right thing but dare not say it on social media 20 If Louie wasn t homeless the dogs wouldn t have been shot No one should 1 own dogs that large they should be banned 14 Dog on dog attacks need taking more seriously Homeless 1 people shouldn t own dogs 6 Dogs Today June 2023 June 2023 Dogs Today 7

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Louie was charged with owning dogs while he was banned and having two dogs dangerously out of control He pleaded guilty to the first charge but not the second Dogs on the Street Dots quickly set up a fund for Louie s legal costs The 10k target was soon triple that More than a million people signed a Change org petition to ask the Home Office for an independent review into what happened A sizeable chunk of the population shook their heads and wanted answers THE FLIP SIDE My survey reached 800 responses but in trying to attract as wide a range of views as possible I found myself in corners of the internet I don t normally visit There was obviously an over arching outpouring of grief but if I lurked in closed groups there was another emotion bubbling up Hate I was shocked to hear some people saying that Louie deserved this how he was responsible for the dogs deaths That dogs like Marshall and Millions should be banned That if they had hurt another dog they were a danger to the police The next week Anna Firth MP launched a bill called Emilie s Law that would make dog on dog attacks a criminal offence When she spoke in parliament she said this might stop dangerous dogs from going on to hurt people I sensed from those huddled in closed groups that small dog owners might be starting to turn on all bull breeds and calling them generically dangerous An increasingly vocal lobby started demanding more breed specific legislation BSL In trying to attract as wide a range of views as possible I found myself in corners of the internet I don t normally visit There was obviously an overarching outpouring of grief but if I lurked in closed groups there was another emotion bubbling up Hate Then the Spectator carried an article by Julia Lewis calling for all Bully XLs to be banned Julia wrote The blame the deed not the breed thinking has caused carnage and grief Most dogs bite and release what makes Pit Bull type dogs uniquely dangerous is that they can latch on and do not let go Such dogs are too dangerous to be pets You cannot train out their genes Too many people and animals are being killed or severely mauled The existing ban should be widened and enforced It s time to crack down on Britain s dangerous dogs before more people are killed I don t know about you but I remember all too well the demonisation of the Pit Bull in the 1990s and how that led the politicians to jerk their knees and enact the disastrous and ineffective Dangerous Dogs Act I fear we may be heading down that blood soaked road again DEMONISATION While every fatal dog attack is tragic most dog bite related fatalities are usually found to be the result of human controlled factors When a drink driver kills someone wouldn t it be ludicrous to call for a ban of that make of car So why do we keep blaming the breed not the deed I ve found a fascinating academic article that analysed the way dog attacks are covered by the media It is so easy to understand how a breed can quickly become demonised Could the Met police officers have got sucked into this mass hysteria Did they wrongly judge Marshall and Millions to be devil dogs Vet and clinical behaviourist Kendal Shepherd watched the videos She told the Vet Times 8 Dogs Today June 2023

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The dogs were relaxed and happy to begin with despite the shouting and being followed there is no reason they could not have remained so if the officers had carried dog treats instead of guns I think there s been an outbreak of what the academics call social catastrophising That Spectator article was peppered with hyperbolic language By repeating commonly held myths they have jaws that lock etc people start to perceive the XL Bully as fundamentally different to other dogs Rather like those poor women accused of witchcraft during the medieval period They depict a breed of dog as genetically mean rather than making the differential between a dog who is a cared for companion and one lacking proper human socialisation and conditioned often through abuse and neglect to be fearful and defensive toward humans STRONGER TOGETHER By conflating dogs kept as pets with dogs kept in other ways the conclusion is that all these dogs are dangerous In no time at all a very complicated issue is reduced to a battle between good and evil with calls to exterminate those they label as dangerous Dog owners need to stick together P PETITION https www change org p hold the met police criminallyaccountable for the barbaric killing of two leashed dogs LEGAL FUND https www peoplesfundraising com fundraising justice formillions marshall SUPPORTING MARSHALL MILLIONS There are many dogs that bark at people and other dogs but that has absolutely nothing to do with them being a danger to anyone It s natural behaviour If those dogs had been any other breed they would not have been shot But when the police taser elderly people and 11 year old kids what hope is there for a reasonable response to dogs I would also note that the first dog shot did not die immediately and was left to suffer The Met police already has a bad reputation and this behaviour reinforces it This event and BSL terrifies me I have a rescue Staffie who is big and has severe fear aggression He s old now so happy not to be walked I should add that he was always on a lead and never a danger to anybody and he s a sweetheart when at home in his own surroundings but had anybody reported him I m convinced he d have been taken and had that happened and they tried to assess him he wouldn t have reacted well and would likely have been put to sleep I m also convinced had Louie not been homeless this tragedy probably wouldn t have happened I can still see and hear what happened in the videos from that day in my head and really feel for anyone who had to witness that in person After watching all the videos available in my opinion these dogs were not a threat to human life and they were provoked into their barking state by armed officers shouting and screaming at them This should never have happened and this should be investigated thoroughly by the IOPC I am traumatised by what I have seen and this will stay with me for life As a dog owner I will never trust the police again around dogs It was shoot first ask questions later I ll never forgive the police for that and certainly will never trust them again I sobbed my heart out watching the video They need holding accountable There s never going to be a reason for these dogs to have been shot No matter what police say what they did was murder in my eyes If we the public did that we be in prison And to pat each other on the back heartless I think even an inexperienced person could see that these dogs were not behaving aggressively Unfortunately I think the police were caught up in the excitement of chasing the dogs down and shooting them In my opinion they aren t safe to be carrying a gun 10 Dogs Today June 2023 SUPPORTING THE POLICE Justified killing 100 Illegal dogs unmuzzled not even their owner walking them he was in jail He refused to comply What if these cruel dogs had been seized They d have been returned to their irresponsible owner and probably ended up killing more pets or killing another human being I am now petrified to walk my own dogs for fear of attacks from out of control off lead American XL Bullies used by irresponsible owners as ammunition and as a macho image My anxiety levels are through the roof and I now hate going for walks My mental health has been greatly affected I now must pay to rent a secure dog field All dogs present a risk It is not for the population to play Russian roulette with their animals and their own physical integrity being close to those types of dogs I am afraid of this type of dog owner These dogs are high risk no mistake monsters One mistake by the cop he d be dead Far better the dog died There are way too many mauling incidents and most are due to dogs like these Bully breeds are too dangerous My dog was mauled badly by an XL Bully She barely made it and now can t walk The owner was banned from having dogs and has a criminal record He waved his dogs at the police and there had been an incident of some sort with the dogs earlier that day It s the owner s fault they re dead These big powerful dogs are terrifying Keep them safe from everyone else or the police may shoot them I don t blame the police at all SEEING BOTH VIEWPOINTS Having seen the video I very much agree with the officer s decision when the first dog was shot it clearly shows the dog lunging toward officers Anyone in this situation would feel threatened However the second dog wasn t even facing officers when he was shot he was only trying to escape a situation he didn t put himself in Absolutely heart breaking The owner had already been banned from owning animals and his behaviour undoubtedly contributed massively to the police actions Regrettably he must take some of the blame but the police response looks completely disproportionate The police actions need investigating and officers need disciplining The dogs were doing nothing wrong they were just as scared as the police were but the dogs were more defenceless I cried watching the video they were on a lead they were not attacking It s just disgusting I ve seen more aggressive Chihuahuas This was a case of unconscious bias see the breed think the worst This wouldn t have happened to a Springer or Labrador Totally unjustified unwarranted abuse of power and victimisation of a vulnerable person The police never thought anyone would believe his side of any story Thank God people had the presence of mind to record this travesty Now millions around the world are angered by the actions of unaccountable thugs in uniform The video I watched will haunt me for ever Justice for those poor dogs The only dangerous breed on our streets right now is the police Treat them as such June 2023 Dogs Today 11

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Beagle Photo posed by a model Jack Russell Terrier Photo posed by a model Quick question Do you have a problem you d like answered by an expert Or do you want advice from someone with personal experience of the issue Email your question to enquiries dogstodaymagazine co uk How to spot and treat hayfever in dogs EXPERT ADVICE TV vet Dr Scott Miller expert vet for Barking Heads shares tips on getting through hayfever season THE TELL TALE SIGNS Excessive grooming or body biting Pets who are allergic to pollen are susceptible to suffering with skin irritation As a result cats could groom and lick themselves more regularly or more fiercely in a bid to soothe themselves whereas dogs are more prone to biting or rubbing themselves Skin scratching Like humans pets can also be plagued with the sensation of itchiness which they will reactively look to scratch as a solution Bald patches and sores Excessive scratching can lead to visible sores on the skin and even bald patches of fur from the friction caused Sounds such as sneezing or snoring It might be unusual to hear certain sounds coming from your pet but listen out for sneezing wheezing snoring or coughing as these could indicate they re experiencing inflammation in the throat from hayfever Itchy or watering eyes We can all relate to this symptom Pets can also be prone to itchy and runny eyes just as we do when afflicted with seasonal allergies Pay attention to their paws Cats could chew at their paws and rashes can manifest on your pooch s paws so keep an eye out for irritation 12 Dogs Today June 2023 HOW TO MITIGATE HAYFEVER IN PETS Look out for the pollen count Get into the habit of checking the pollen forecast daily That way you ll know which days are particularly high and can try to keep the pets indoors or change your walking route to avoid grassy locations Where and when to go for walks Dogs love their walks and cats like to roam so keeping them locked up inside isn t an entirely practical solution Be strategic when it comes to outings Generally the pollen count is considered to be lowest in the morning so aim to let them out or schedule a walk earlier in the day And keep an eye on the weather A blustery windy day will only blow the pollen particles around and enhance symptoms Wash your pets paws and coat before they come inside Pets can carry pollen on their paws and their fur into the house So if they ve been out and about make sure to wipe down their pads and give their coats a wash to avoid pollen particles entering the home Avoid flowers in the home Yes flowers are a lovely aesthetic addition to the home but they can really wreak havoc when it comes to pets and allergies So try to avoid having arrangements in the house if your pet is prone to hayfever Stay on top of spring cleaning To avoid pollen and dust particles building up in the house which can aggravate allergies vacuum floors frequently and wipe down surfaces and sides where dust can collect Also wash your pets bedding on a high heat Keep your garden groomed Regularly mow your lawn to keep the grass cut short Stay on top of the weeding too HOW TO HELP ALLEVIATE SYMPTOMS Get to the vet First if your pet is being afflicted from allergies or even if you think they might be suffering speak to your vet immediately They can help with a course of treatment to soothe symptoms of hayfever and recommended remedies They can also cancel out anything more sinister such as fleas or dry eye a condition that manifests in irritation of the eyes Don t give human antihistamines It can be heartbreaking to watch your pet suffer but self medicating without veterinary advice can be to the detriment of your pet even when similar medications are used for both humans and animals Doses vary greatly between species so it is always worth asking your vet to prescribe suitable medications at a suitable dose for your allergic pet Treatments available There are various options available that your vet might recommend or prescribe These could vary from medical eye drops and nasal sprays to injections There are also creams and shampoos that can help with skin irritation P June 2023 Dogs Today 13

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Crossbreed Photo posed by a model Quick question How do I transition my dog to a raw diet EXPERT ADVICE Naturaw a raw dog food company shares five top tips on how to introduce a raw diet to your dog There are a number of reasons why dog owners are switching to a raw diet allergies itchiness upset tummies and ear problems to name a few If you want to introduce raw food to your dog here s how to go about it Go cold turkey Feed them their usual kibble or tinned food in the evening then switch to raw dog food the following morning Gently does it When first transitioning to a raw diet it s best to start with something gentle for the first few days for example chicken But don t start slow We don t recommend a phased approach when introducing raw Lots of people ask if it s better to ease dogs in by mixing raw and dry food together There is no benefit to mixing you would simply be diluting the benefits of the raw food Keep going when the going gets tough If you have a stubborn dog try not to give in and offer them their old food Providing they are healthy keep offering the new raw food Even the most stubborn dog won t go hungry For dogs who resist try crumbling up their favourite treats on top to get the tastebuds going Fridge or freezer Raw dog food should be stored in the freezer Take it out of the freezer and pop it into the fridge to defrost the day before If you re short on time you can set the tub in tepid water to speed up the process Any not used should be kept in the fridge and used within three days One of the most common questions is how much raw dog food should you feed your dog You re meant to feed two to three per cent of your dog s weight daily we suggest splitting this across two meals You know your dog best so feed them within that range based on their activity levels and metabolism For example if your dog is 10kg they would eat 200 300g of raw dog food this works out as 100 150g per meal P 14 Dogs Today June 2023 Enrich their lives and enjoy a bit of quiet time 10 Discount online use code DTJ2023 Bursting full of the best Pet Brands discount not available on sale clearance items

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Staffoedshire Bull Terrier Photo posed by models Quick question Should we flick a poo to cut plastic waste LOVE AT FIRST BARK EXPERT ADVICE Crufts 2023 saw the launch of a campaign by a dog owner urging others to ditch their plastic bags and simply leave their dog s poo in a bid to cut down on single use plastics The Professional Association of Canine Trainers PACT says it would do more harm than good Natalie Light one of the directors at PACT has a degree in zoology and worked for almost a decade with the local wildlife trust on projects aiming to minimise the impact of dog walking on ecology She said While we know this campaign came from a good place and Carina is absolutely right in cracking down on single use plastics the approach needs to be different Not only is dog poo gross to step in but it can also have serious environmental implications for the plants that grow there and the grazing livestock Dog poo contains a high level of nutrients that can significantly alter local habitats Wildflower meadows for example thrive in low nutrient environments and over time may transition to becoming grass monoculture reducing ecology and the quality of the environment for humans Dog poo can contain pesticides which could cause damage to the local ecology if left There is also a risk posed to humans such as toxocariasis PACT believes that condoning one form of littering will encourage other littering and could lead to an increase in rubbish on the streets and in sensitive environments Jason Light another director at PACT is a chartered environmentalist and said The real response to this issue is to change human behaviour and encourage people to pick up the poo and put it in a bin There are also perfectly good compostable bags on the market which will degrade should one be dropped or someone accidentally leaves a poo in one in a sensitive location Instead of campaigning for the opposite of picking up poo we would suggest the energy would be better focused on banning non compostable poo bags P 16 Dogs Today June 2023 Early Sign Ups Receive 3 months of VIP features on BiteMe Exclusive discounts on gourmet chow and trendy apparel Romantic dinner discounts to win hearts both furry and human Access to BiteMe community events FANCY A BITE Follow us and be the first to know as we prepare to launch bitemedating

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Golden Retriever Photo posed by models Quick question Don t lose your licence when driving with your dog EXPERT ADVICE According to the used car buying service ChooseMyCar com one rule of the Highway Code means that drivers who don t adequately restrain their pet while driving could find themselves in hot water It might be a popular sight with many British road users but drivers who allow their dog to hang their head out the car window while driving could face a ban Allowing a dog to place their head outside of the vehicle is a sure fire way to demonstrate that the animal is not sufficiently secured and is therefore likely to result in a driver being pulled over Rule 57 states that When in a vehicle make sure dogs or other animals are suitably restrained so they cannot distract you while you are driving or injure you or themselves if you stop quickly A seat belt harness pet carrier dog cage or dog guard are ways of safely restraining animals in cars If a driver is stopped and found not to be following this guidance they can face on the spot fines to a maximum of 5 000 up to nine points on their licence and even a full ban and compulsory retest Founder of ChooseMyCar com Nick Zapolski said many drivers are not aware of rule 57 and are therefore vulnerable to losing their licence It always raises a smile when you see a happy dog with its head hanging out the window ears flopping in the wind but it s an obvious way to demonstrate that you aren t following rule 57 and that could cost you your licence And it s not just that in the event of an accident an unrestrained dog could do serious damage to itself and the people in the car It s cheap and simple to get a seatbelt for your dog or a dog guard for the boot and can save a lot of heartache P 18 Dogs Today June 2023 Connecting pet adopters with dogs in Animal Shelters Free to join Exclusive discounts and offers from pet suppliers Give Them A Furever Home 01223 739678 www relovablepets co uk Dog Insurance Up to 30 discount The maximum discount is 30 this is a combination of 20 Introductory Discount 10 Multi pet Discount and 5 Dogs Today Reader Discount The Introductory and Dogs Today Reader Discounts are available for the first year of premium payments on lunar and calendar monthly policies or one premium payment on annual policies PROMO CODE WOOF99 Not available in conjunction with any other promo code ends 31 12 2023 Visit theinsuranceemporium co uk WOOF99 or call 03300 243 980 today Lifestyle Policy Limited and Entertainment Leisure Insurance Services Limited are appointed representatives of The Equine and Livestock Insurance Company Limited The Insurance Emporium is a trading name of The Equine and Livestock Insurance Company Limited registered in England and Wales no 294940 which is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority no 202748

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Photo posed by a model Words ANTONY JOHNSTON Sleuth s Saluki sidekicks Bestselling author Antony Johnston launches a brand new contemporary cosy crime series The Dog Sitter Detective following former actress Guinevere Gwinny Tuffel who stumbles upon murder cases and embarks on a burgeoning romance often accompanied by her canine companions Each book follows a different breed of dog influenced by the author s lifelong love for dogs and support of rescue charities Retired actress Guinevere Gwinny Tuffel is finding life hard after inheriting her late father s run down house and discovering she s broke So she is delighted to be at Hayburn Stead in Hertfordshire for her best friend Tina s upmarket wedding to a handsome Italian business magnate But when the big day ends with a dead body and not a happilyever after Gwinny s friend is accused of murder and so she takes it upon herself to sniff out the true culprit with her two pedigree Salukis in tow The Dog Sitter Detective by Antony Johnston is published by Allison Busby in hardback at 16 99 and is also available as an eBook and as an audiobook WIN We have four hardback copies of the book to give away To enter email your full contact details to comps dogstodaymagazine co uk putting Dog Sitter Detective in the subject line or post your details to Dog Sitter Detective competition Dogs Today The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA Winners will be picked at random after noon UK time on Fri 4 August 2023 Dog Sitter Detective To celebrate the launch of Antony Johnston s new crime series we hear from the man himself about his own love of rescue dogs and the sighthounds that inspired him I adore all kinds of dogs from the littlest Chihuahua to the greatest Dane But anyone who s seen me stomping around Pendle where I live in East Lancashire over the past 15 plus years would say I m obviously a sighthound kind of guy It wasn t always that way Growing up my family had a Border Collie while friends dogs ranged from spaniels to Shelties the only 20 Dogs Today June 2023 thing bigger was a Rough Collie which as a pre teen I thought was enormous My love of dogs never diminished but as I grew older my opportunities for owning and knowing them did I moved several times for work and every place I rented had a strict no pets policy Not that I could have owned a dog anyway I worked in magazine editorial spending long deadline chasing hours in the office and lived alone Then in the early 2000s everything changed I met my partner Marcia I became a full time writer together we moved from the south up to Lancashire and we bought a house deliberately picking one that backed on to a local park so we could get a dog like me with collies Marcia grew up around terriers I d soon realised that sighthounds are the perfect writer s dog A morning blast around the local field will have them sleeping for the rest of the day leaving a writer or really anyone working at home to work uninterrupted Over the years I ve written hundreds of thousands of words with a hound or two happily snoozing at my feet Photo Sarah Walton Photography I told a local dog rescue I was interested in fostering partly to ensure I could cope before I took the plunge to adopt permanently I said I could look after a collie perhaps nothing bigger A week later they brought me a Lurcher standing 26 inches at the withers The rescue explained he was found wandering the streets by a dog warden and had been due to be put to sleep the day the rescue took him in I had to admit that Connor as they d named him was an uncommonly handsome dog light tan with kohl rimmed eyes and a sleek profile Besides we were only fostering Surely a goodlooking hound like this would be adopted in no time at all And I was right Soon after someone did adopt Connor me I suppose you might have predicted that part particularly if you re also a failed fosterer What I couldn t predict was how it would completely change my life Not only had I never looked after a Lurcher I d never encountered any kind of sighthound before and knew nothing about them But I m a writer research is part of the job So I began to learn everything I could about sighthounds particularly Lurchers becoming fascinated and enchanted by them FOSTER HOME Before long we were fostering regularly for local sighthound rescues looking after everything from purebred Greyhounds to traditional grey collie Lurchers to shaggy Saluki crosses We helped with fundraising attended events transported dogs around the country and carried out home checks of prospective adopters near to us Fostering was chaotic sometimes taking in a dog at a moment s notice or suddenly driving one to their forever home just as we were getting used to them But we loved every minute and retain fond memories of all the hounds who passed through our hands on their way to a better life Even the ones who d never seen stairs before and had to be carried up and down every day or the ones who d been so isolated we had to teach them it was OK to do zoomies on the beach There were also a few who had no idea how to play fetch but to be honest that s fairly normal in sighthounds Most of them lose interest the moment the ball stops moving Six months after we formally adopted Connor we found our second permanent Lurcher Rosie June 2023 Dogs Today 21

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was a Whippet Saluki cross smaller and quieter but perfectly capable of standing her ground That was good because Connor could be dominant around other dogs but would back down from assertive females Rosie was the ideal companion for him and together they were the ideal companions for me You see I d soon realised that sighthounds are the perfect writer s dog People who don t know them assume that because they can go like the clappers they need endless exercise but sighthound owners know nothing could be further from the truth If collies are marathon runners then sighthounds are 100metre sprinters unbeatable for a few minutes but quickly exhausted A morning blast around the local field will have them sleeping for the rest of the day leaving a writer or really anyone working at home to work uninterrupted Over the years I ve written hundreds of thousands of words with a hound or two happily snoozing at my feet LONG LEGS OF THE LAW Of course I ve also spent countless hours walking those same hounds and here I should mention Pendle again which is firmly dog country Some estimates place at least one dog in a third of all households and from my study window I watch dog walkers in the park all day long The region is still largely wild and untamed a rural oasis of trees moors valleys and the mighty Pendle Hill itself There s barely a square yard of level ground too so even the plainest walk will give you and your dogs a proper workout Sadly there are no more walks for Connor and Rosie We lost them both in the space of a year shortly before the pandemic They had good long lives but Dogs Today readers will know that doesn t make things any easier So perhaps it s no surprise that during the first lockdown I started writing a new book The Dog Sitter Detective featuring a pair of sighthounds While the fictional dogs are purebred Salukis not Lurchers merely writing the quirky personalities of sighthounds was enough to cheer me up at a time when we all needed it 22 Dogs Today June 2023 But I really do love all kinds of dogs so I set myself a challenge to change the dogs every time Later books in the series will each feature a different breed allowing me to showcase as many different dogs as possible over time Of course that will require lots of hands on research It s a tough job but somebody s got to do it P Find out more about Antony s other work at AntonyJohnston com and follow him on Twitter at AntonyJohnston Visit https dogsitterdetective com Six of the best Holidays The Bodmin Jail Hotel We understand that dogs are family members too So why not allow all the family to enjoy some time away and lap up a little luxury Our dog friendly rooms are spacious with a luxury bathroom to clean off muddy paws The hotel provides a cosy bed for your furry friend feel free to bring any special blankets along because our big beds and furniture are just for human guests To make your reservation please contact the hotel team on 01208 822 822 or email reservations bodminjailhotel com for enquiries please note a nominal fee of 10 applies Talland Bay Hotel Talland Bay Hotel in Cornwall is one of the dog friendliest luxury hotels in the UK where man s best friend is welcomed as one of the family Perks include a pooch pamper pack with a blanket bowls and feeding mat as well as access to most areas of the hotel including all bedrooms the lounge bar and conservatory restaurant Mealtimes see canine guests served fresh locally sourced chicken for dinner and Kittow s sausages for breakfast They ll love the clifftop gardens and year round dog friendly beach as well as miles of coast path From 15 per pup per night www tallandbayhotel co uk 01503 272667 Darwin Forest Our luxury pet friendly lodges are nestled within 47 acres of woodland and have wonderful walks from the doorstep It is ideally located on the edge of the Peak District National Park which has miles of picturesque footpaths to explore There is an on site swimming pool gym restaurant and play centre as well as activities that all the family will enjoy Lodges sleep between 2 8 people and spa lodges include a hot tub on the decking Our Coppice Spa lodges even include a designated pet utility room with doggie shower perfect for muddy paws www darwinforest co uk enquiries darwinforest co uk 01629 732428 The Dog Drink eat and sleep at The Dog at Wingham which is pet friendly throughout in our bars garden restaurant and rooms Bring your four legged friends to explore the Kent countryside and coast Canterbury Sandwich Deal and Whitstable are on our doorstep Our pet friendly hotel has eight individually styled rooms and our restaurant features in the top 50 gastropubs in the UK Dinner with B B packages are available from 99 per person per night based on two sharing We look forward to welcoming you to our family run pub and restaurant with rooms www thedog co uk info thedog co uk 01227 720339 Chestnut Pubs Welcome to Chestnut Our pubs embrace dogs as family and cater to their cravings for treats and attention Discover our doggie menus cosy bedrooms and prime locations Our pubs offer healthy hand baked treats made with natural ingredients breakfast sausages pig s ears and pupsicles Doggie guests can enjoy comfortable stays with dog friendly bedrooms complete with beds towels water bowls and snacks Opt for our Muddy or Sandy Paws Stays for an extraspecial experience including a toy and dinner for humans Our Chestmutts website is the doggie destination to get pupdates on stays events and more chestmutts co uk 01284 339689 Stone House Hotel Treat yourself and your furry friend to a stay in our relaxed country house hotel in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales where a warm welcome beautiful scenery and fantastic food are guaranteed Take your pick of several dog friendly rooms including our popular conservatory rooms which open directly on to the garden with no extra charge for your four legged companion With the delights of the Dales on our doorstep Stone House Hotel is the ideal base for dog lovers who enjoy being well looked after following a day exploring the beautiful countryside We hope to see you soon www stonehousehotel co uk June 2023 Dogs Today 23

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Words JESSICA PRINSLOO Behaviourist burnout Working as a pet behaviourist is immensely rewarding but it s a career that comes with many stresses that can have a devastating impact on your mental health unless they are acknowledged and addressed If you love animals it seems like a perfectly legitimate idea to go into a career where you get to work with them every day What better career choice than an animal behaviourist We not only get to spend time with animals but we get to build relationships between them and their guardians We learn how they function from their facial expressions to their motor patterns to the tiniest neurotransmitters that facilitate each emotional state We get to solve problems and train tricks cuddle play and love them in all their fluffy perfection It can be remarkably rewarding and equally devastating While we do learn the theory and application of understanding mammalian emotions and how to shape their expression there is no mandate to apply these models to ourselves Even if there were we humans are more than just our affected states We are a complex concoction of memories beliefs cognitive distortions cultural histories societal expectations socio economic limitations identity expressions spiritual 24 Dogs Today June 2023 connections and everything else in between Our formal training as behaviourists does not adequately equip us with the mastery required to protect ourselves from the crises and trauma primary or vicarious that inevitably awaits us throughout our careers As would be expected our client base does not consist of happy go lucky animals that frolic in fields of daisies all day As wonderful as that would be those lucky fluffs don t require our services We get those that are fearful anxious bored angry and confused The ferocious fighters the gummy growlers the scary scratchers the boisterous barkers the compulsive chewers and the persistent pee ers We see and by extension experience their distress every day As in other helping professions this exposure increases our risk of disturbances to our mental health if we don t take an active approach to protect it The first step is becoming aware of the unique stressors that can impact our mental health and how to deal with them Some potential areas of concern include the following COMPASSION FATIGUE Animal behaviourists work with distressed animals or in need of behavioural intervention which can be emotionally taxing Over time this can lead to compassion fatigue a condition where individuals feel overwhelmed and exhausted from caring for others There are two types of compassion fatigue both with potentially harmful consequences The first is when the helper is emotionally depleted but retains the desire to help This desire can be a protective factor in that it retains one s humanity and purpose However it can also be harmful to those who continue to see clients without taking time out to replenish their emotional tanks Without recuperation time emotional reserves are depleted and we run the risk of burnout The other type of compassion fatigue can be accompanied by the lack of desire to care at all a self protective mechanism that cuts them off emotionally This distinct lack of empathy can pose a risk to the animals and people in the behaviourist s life because they have lost the spark that connects us as social beings Once empathy fades other values may follow such as meaning and purpose This greatly increases the risk for self harm self sabotage selfmedicating suicidality and lethality Many articles discuss compassion fatigue inherent in other helping professions such as psychology and counselling emergency and welfare services veterinary science and medicine Unfortunately behaviourists are underrepresented in this conversation and I believe this needs to change Although this is a remarkably rewarding career we must recognise the effect of repetitive exposure to animals and their guardians suffering from fear anger panic and sorrow We often have to counsel clients going through periods of crises accompanied by extreme emotions with the bare minimum of counselling skills if any In fact I ve had clients tell me about their anxiety and depression precisely because I am not a psychologist There seems to be less stigma offloading to a behaviourist but unfortunately most of us don t have the tools to cope with these situations Mental health professionals are trained at length on maintaining their well being through active self reflection self care and most importantly supervision Although these mandates are not formally set in place in our profession it is up to us as individuals to recognise ourselves as helpers and implement the same standard of self care BURNOUT Many animal behaviourists have a steady caseload and work long hours researching for each client preparing personalised behaviour modification programmes and reviewing their clients progress for weeks or months after the initial consultation Many work full time in separate careers and practise behaviour as a side hustle after hours or on weekends as this is often the only time clients are available This can lead to burnout a state of physical emotional and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged and excessive stress particularly related to work or other demanding responsibilities It is a response to chronic stress that leaves individuals feeling emotionally and mentally depleted exhausted and unable to function effectively in their daily lives It is essential to recognise the signs of burnout which include Feelings of exhaustion and fatigue extreme tiredness and a lack of energy You may feel like you have little left to give and that even small tasks require much effort Decreased productivity decreased ability to concentrate and get work done It may also take longer to complete tasks Negative attitudes and emotions you may feel irritable angry pessimistic and generally negative more frequently than usual Physical symptoms headaches muscle pain and stomach problems are commonly associated with chronic stress Loss of motivation you may lose interest in things you used to enjoy which may lead to feelings of apathy and disengagement Withdrawal burnout can also lead to social withdrawal as you may feel that you don t have the energy or desire to engage with others The consequences of burnout can be severe so if you are experiencing these symptoms it s essential to take steps to manage your stress This may include taking time off work and or setting realistic goals seeking support from friends or a mental health professional and making lifestyle changes that reduce stress and promote well being EXPOSURE TO SUFFERING Animal behaviourists may be exposed to animal suffering abuse or neglect which can be legitimately traumatic This trauma is severe and people tend to recognise it as serious and seek help But long term exposure to low grade distress can go unnoticed even though it can be equally if not more detrimental to our mental and emotional wellbeing Let me explain Even the most optimistic among us possesses JESSICA PRINSLOO Jessica Prinsloo is a Coape International Companion Animal Behaviourist and a Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator She works with families to repair build and maintain their relationships with their pets Jessica has a special interest in educating families with small children about pet safety and bite prevention She is currently completing a degree majoring in psychology and counselling in order to provide the best possible services for her animal and human clients an innate negativity bias This evolutionary adaptation makes us more sensitive to potential threats in our environment to opportunities to feel fuzzy happy feelings This means that in an environment where there is exposure to an identical amount of positive and negative influences 50 per cent good stuff 50 per cent bad stuff our threat scanning brains will make us believe that there is more bad stuff out there It s a clever adaptive mechanism that keeps us alive we must be aware of threats respond to them ensure our own safety and then we can focus on the warm and fuzzy Due to the exposure in our field of practice this mechanism can June 2023 Dogs Today 25

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For every hissing cat spooking horse and snarling dog we see we have to double up on our exposure to the opposite Coape International s Karin Pienaar takes the baton from longtime contributor Peter Neville to present training and behaviour features on all aspects of living with dogs create a cognitive distortion or belief that all animals are suffering all the time As behaviourists we also have a tendency to adopt the difficult dogs and cats because we have the know how to help them As noble as this goal may be it means that some of us leave our clients or rescue centres and return home in much need of restoration only to be met with another project Although we may love our fluffy projects it s still a stressor and leaves little time to heal We therefore need to take an active approach to reverse this effect on our brains and hearts by exposing ourselves to the joy that animals can bring For every hissing cat spooking horse and snarling dog we see we have to double up on our exposure to the opposite It can be helpful to spend time with issue free animals in order to convince our brains that there are still some of them out there This doesn t have to be firsthand exposure just searching for happy dog images on the internet can provide instant positive mental feedback when pressed for time In fact filling your positivity cup need not involve animals at all taking a break from your profession is just as important to provide balance to your psyche and soul Cooking a new recipe starting a herb garden going for a hike learning to knit or engaging in any hobby you enjoy will fill your optimism cup If you have yet to find an enjoyable hobby do not fear Thanks to the field of positive psychology there are some tricks that I like to think of as neuro hacks that can 26 Dogs Today June 2023 literally rewire your brain towards a positive bias more on those in a bit PERSONAL SAFETY Some animal behaviourists work with dangerous animals which can be physically and mentally stressful We use a multitude of tools to keep ourselves safe yet even the most cautious of professionals are at risk because even the most predictable of animals are still animals and safety tools still malfunction Many behaviourists consult with clients in their homes to see the animal behaving in their home environment This involves willingly entering the houses of strangers without any guarantee that they are not inviting you under false pretences This issue is compounded by the fact that the majority of behaviourists are female which significantly increases the risks for harm When I was studying my lecturer advised us to employ an administrator to communicate on our behalf to ensure that the client is aware that at least one other person knows where you are and is expecting you back at a specific time So we can put protective measures in place but even the mere knowledge that this is an area of potential concern can increase long term stress PROFESSIONAL ISOLATION Animal behaviourists may work independently or in small teams leading to feelings of isolation and lack of support I remember feeling absolutely gutted when I qualified KARIN PIENAAR Coape International Partner DipCABT Coape OCN CertCAB CAPBT Practitioner ICAN Member CAB Karin has worked in animal behaviour therapy since 1997 After more than 20 years of consulting with dog and cat owners Karin now focuses mainly on managing Coape International www coape org presenting the Coape Diploma and mentoring students Karin is also responsible for course advancement and developed the industrychanging MHERATM concept Her book MHERA Mood Matters is available in both paperback and e book format from DogWise Publishers and is a must read for anyone working in the industry Karin is the behaviour consultant to numerous pet companies such as Eukanuba and Ascendis Animal Health and is a regular contributor to several local and international magazines as well as appearing on television and radio when time allows She is often a guest speaker at behaviour related events and conferences When she has time to spare she consults on particularly challenging cases and as an expert witness in legal cases involving animal behaviour T 01252 845988 E info animussurgical com VMiolineEDMoBnolOine NMDonovite Catgut Nylomide NyloBlue Skin Glue For the repair of small cuts Single orders available online No account necessary See website for full product range www animussurgical com

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I had all these plans to work with the best trainers and create new connections In reality I spent most of my time in front of my computer writing programmes and designing my website When I had challenging cases I felt I had nobody to brainstorm with nobody to check my application of theory except my long suffering not a behaviourist husband Supervisory roles in this field are severely lacking and we require an urgent profession wide overhaul of the status quo We can create online communities and connect with other professionals via social media but the detrimental consequences of over reliance on cyberconnection are multifaceted and well documented Social media has turned into a giant digital billboard for advertising every business imaginable and has the potential to induce an even stronger sense of isolation There will always be someone with more followers likes shares and perceived success to which we can compare our perceived inadequacy Nothing beats the real thing Find behaviourists and trainers in your area Go to your local vet and build relationships there Speak to real human people with real animal animals It will fill your soul exponentially more than going viral ever could WISDOM NUGGETS Lastly I promised to provide a few positive psychology wisdom nuggets In Shawn Achor s TED Talk he states that your brain at positive performs significantly better than at neutral negative or stressed He provides these five methods that rewire the brain for optimism and success in only 21 days 1 Write down three new gratitudes per day By forcing your brain to search for novel things for which to be grateful you counteract the negativity bias and train your mind to search for the rose among the thorns As the quintessential pessimist I doubted that this would work for me but it turns out that people who study the neuroscience of happiness might know a thing or two about how to create it 2 Journalling about a positive experience that you ve had within the last 24 hours allows the brain to relive the experience and retain the positive emotional associations 3 Regular exercise teaches the brain that your behaviour matters 4 Meditation as a reduction for cultural ADHD our minds crave stillness but 21st century living has trained us to avoid it at all costs 5 Random acts of kindness This can be as simple as sending an email to someone new every day expressing appreciation that they are connected to you somehow These potential areas of concern and tools to overcome them may only apply to some animal behaviourists However it is crucial for individuals working in this field to prioritise their mental health and seek support if needed P 28 Dogs Today June 2023

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How does actor Hugh Grant feel about dogkind It s Love actually O f course I like dogs I think they are fantastic Hugh Grant revealed I have had dogs befriended other people s dogs and worked with dogs and in all cases I have found them totally amazing and just great to be with Cats are different You kind of have to respect cats whereas dogs just want to love you and have fun with you I don t have a problem with that Hugh has had dogs of his own including Nico his handsome German Shepherd Nico got more fan mail than me said Hugh He was great to go for a walk with because people took more notice of him than me You could almost hear them saying Who is that chap walking with Nico He looks familiar 30 Dogs Today June 2023 Nico was his own person and stardom never appealed to him really To be honest I am much the same Yes I have had a good career and I m still having it but I have learned that you just get on and do your own thing be polite with everyone sign autographs if you are asked to and be nice but don t take yourself too seriously Dogs are like that They will talk to anyone give them a smile allow German Shepherd Dog posed by a model Photo by Tim Rose www timrosephotography co uk Nico was his own person and stardom never appealed to him really To be honest I am much the same Yes I have had a good career and I m still having it but I have learned that you just get on and do your own thing be polite with everyone sign autographs if you are asked to and be nice but don t take yourself too seriously Dogs are like that They will talk to anyone give them a smile allow themselves to receive a pat on the head and then just get on with life following the latest scent they have discovered under a bush Words BERNARD BALE themselves to receive a pat on the head and then just get on with life following the latest scent they have discovered under a bush Hugh Grant s popularity is not just because he is an excellent actor and has chosen his roles well but he has a great sense of humour good looks and a charisma that makes him attractive to all I ATTRACT DOGS I am a Londoner by origin and wanted a decent career but I didn t actually set out to be an actor from the start I was intending on a business career but then some other thoughts came along and finally I started getting offered very small parts It was not an easy career to choose and I did all sorts of other things before I really started earning properly I was never a dog walker but I was an assistant groundsman at Fulham Football Club I also wrote comedy sketches and commercials for radio and voiced some of them myself It took time but I started to get parts and then Four Weddings came along and I have been grateful ever since Hugh supports various charities and is an advocate of dog rescue although he finds it difficult to give a home to a dog himself because he travels so much I have a home in London which is not the best for a dog Maybe one of these days I ll get a place in the countryside and then adopt a lot of dogs he said Mind you I am a real Londoner who loves living in the city so we shall have to see what happens In the meantime he does seem to find himself popular among canines I don t know why but dogs seem to like me and that has nothing to do with being an actor said Hugh If I meet a friend s dog they seem to be all over me very quickly the dog that is Even in the park I attract dogs They are always very friendly but sometimes they seem to want to get amorous too and that can be a bit embarrassing I remember playing football in the park once or twice and inevitably I knelt down to tie my boot lace and then next thing I knew there was a stray dog who was so well known in the area that we knew him as Sandy and he made me an offer I was pleased to decline Hugh is not only popular among dogs of course but has millions of movie fans all over the world It s nice to be popular he said I am flattered and often wonder why I guess I have just been in the right film at the right time I get fan mail and social media messages and most of them are nice One thing that surprises me is that some people have named their dogs after me That is very nice of them but really can you imagine going to the park for a walk and someone has their dog off the leash and starts shouting Hugh Grant Hugh Grant Come here Good boy Sit Perhaps it is Hugh s sense of humour that makes him so popular I think that is for other people to judge but when I meet a dog I can t help but give him or her a proper greeting and lots of fuss maybe that s why they like me That said there was also another occasion when I was doing a TV show and someone had a young bear Yes a bear There we were in the studio having a chat and the bear kept looking at me The next thing I knew he decided to make love to me It took ages to get him off but all was well in the end and I had to explain to the bear that I was already spoken for I was just grateful it wasn t an elephant LEADING CANINES That doesn t happen every time of course No I have acted with dogs in films and it has all been very platonic very well behaved and quite good fun said High Most actor dogs are very well trained know their lines better than us humans and seek only the approval of their owner They are a pleasure to get to know and I do like to spend time with them away from the cameras Let s face it wouldn t the world be a lot less fun if we didn t have those lovely smiling canines to play with P June 2023 Dogs Today 31

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Words EMMA JUDSON The dangers of aversives What s the difference between punishment and correction And why are aversives a big no no in training Y ou ve probably heard the words punishment correction and maybe even aversive but what do they actually mean Science defines positive punishment as something you do to your dog that they find unpleasant painful or scary for example which results in the reduction in frequency of that behaviour An aversive is something your dog doesn t like something he would like to avoid having happen again If your dog pairs an action behaviour or event with an aversive there is a chance he will avoid that situation or that action in future The terms correction and punishment can be misleading People use them incorrectly or don t understand what they mean For example some people think a correction is fine and a punishment is horrid It all boils down to this if you do something to your dog and he does not like it and would like to avoid it happening again then that is aversive If it serves to reduce the frequency of a behaviour then it is a punishment It doesn t matter what you call it or what your intentions were if it s aversive and it makes your dog think twice about performing that behaviour then that is what it is I have yet to find anyone using the word correction who is actually telling the dog what the correct thing is They re delivering an aversive every time However and here we come back to that scientific definition of a punishment it needs to reduce the frequency of a behaviour If it 32 Dogs Today June 2023 doesn t or if it did and then it stops working but you continue doing it it is no longer a punishment It may however still be unpleasant for your dog What would you call something unpleasant painful or scary that someone keeps doing to you even though it isn t improving your behaviour I d call it abusive And even if the aversive is altering behaviour that s still not OK That is still a problem To understand the reason for this we first need to look at human behaviour The principles of learning theory apply to us as well as dogs If we do something that works or that is rewarding to us we do it again That s positive reinforcement So Dave jerks Fido s lead to stop him from pulling when walking Fido stops pulling for a bit Dave thinks Well that worked and he has been positively reinforced for delivering an aversive to Fido SQUIRREL AWAY Let s say that this works as far as Dave is concerned for a week At the end of the week however Fido sees a squirrel disappear over a wall and so he pulls and this time when Dave jerks Fido doesn t stop pulling What does Dave do now Well he s always been rewarded for jerking Fido s lead so the logical thing for Dave to do is jerk the lead harder Now if you re saying No no Dave would think of something else surely let me ask you this What do you do if your pen stops writing Get out a new one or scribble a bit harder What do you do if the key won t turn in the lock Call a locksmith immediately or shove the key in and out wiggle it a bit harder and rattle the handle a bit What do you do if the kids upstairs don t hear you yell them down for tea Go upstairs or yell a little louder Be honest we all experience this It s called an extinction burst If a behaviour we ve previously been rewarded for stops being rewarding we will try harder and harder before we eventually admit defeat So Dave jerks Fido s lead harder and it hurts Fido he squeaks and walks nicely for a bit Now that Dave has been rewarded for jerking harder he s more likely to do it again But Fido s neck is becoming thick with extra muscle and the nerve endings are deadening as a result of all this tugging and jerking So when Fido pulls even harder and Dave jerks harder and Fido doesn t respond now what Illustrations KEVIN BROCKBANK This article is from the fabulous Dog Training and Behaviour Solutions book which is now available as an audiobook from Kobo and Audiobooks at 9 99 and coming soon to Amazon and Google Play The print and e books are available on Amazon Subjecting anyone to aversive experiences they cannot escape from will cause psychological damage Sometimes just a one off experience will have a negative effect Other times the damage occurs after repeatedly using the aversive There is scientific evidence on the effects of prolonged stress and repeated trauma on dog behaviour If we can t fix PTSD in humans who can talk to us what chance do we have in dogs Well there s a strong chance Dave will use two hands and yank Fido off his feet but he might also look at something like a prong collar or even a shock collar Why Because he thinks he needs something stronger to get Fido to listen to him Once you ve started working your way up that scale of aversives it is very difficult to stop There are risks involved beyond just increasing the aversiveness Pain it hurts that is why it works Fear it s scary that might also be why it works Physical damage many aversives are designed to cause pain and with pain comes damage collapsed tracheas bruised necks burnt skin damaged joints the list goes on Mental damage subjecting anyone to aversive experiences they cannot escape from will cause psychological damage Sometimes just a one off experience will have a negative effect Other times the damage occurs after repeatedly using the aversive In humans we d call this post traumatic stress disorder PTSD There is no guaranteed cure for PTSD in humans There is scientific evidence on the effects of prolonged stress and repeated trauma on dog behaviour If we can t fix PTSD in humans who can talk to us what chance do we have in dogs Incorrect associations this is where the dog links the aversive with something other than his own behaviour Worsening or new behavioural problems due to the suppression of behaviour Using aversives does not treat the underlying cause of the problem The behaviour you are seeing is a symptom of a physical or emotional state or condition or it is just something dogs do that is inconvenient for people Simply stopping that behaviour is not addressing the cause of that behaviour June 2023 Dogs Today 33

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Let s go back to Fido and Dave Fido naturally moves faster than Dave His natural and preferred pace for a walk would actually be a trot around 5 7mph Dave s preferred pace is a leisurely walk of around 2 5mph If you ve ever tried to halve your walking pace to match a child or elderly relative you will understand why Fido struggles SLOWER PACE So to begin with we need to teach Fido to walk slowly without pulling He doesn t know how to do this It isn t natural for him We need to give Fido a reason to walk with a person Instead of teaching him it is painful if you go ahead of the person and pull we could teach him it s really rewarding to look at the person and stick next to them We can simply drop treats down on the floor as we walk But Dave has gone for the aversive so what happens next Since Fido is wearing a collar all those lead jerks are happening around his throat Dave asks someone in the pub about this and they show him a thin slip lead that is placed high up on the dog s neck behind the ears This Dave is told is the proper way to use a slip lead It s more effective this way The person telling Dave this is an ex police dog trainer and they are not wrong but they haven t explained why It is more effective because a thin slip lead rather than Fido s broad collar coupled with the placement high up behind the ears and under the throat will cause Fido more pain when he pulls or when Dave jerks the lead So Dave tries this out He gives it a go on a Saturday morning walking through town First they meet Mrs Bunn the Baker Fido pulls forwards to say Hi He likes Mrs Bunn JERK OUCH Then they meet Mr Bones the Butcher Fido pulls forward to say Hi He really likes Mr Bones JERK OUCH Then they meet Mr Smith the Fishmonger what Fido pulls forward to say Hi He really likes stinky Mr Smith JERK OUCHHHH Then they meet Little Jimmy the Lovable Child Fido pulls forward and then growls at Little Jimmy bares his teeth barks loudly and 34 Dogs Today June 2023 backs off And gets a jerk and slap on the nose for growling and making Little Jimmy cry What happened here Well Fido wasn t really aware that he was pulling on the lead to greet people He was focused solely on the people his favourite people He was only thinking of people each time he got a painful jerk to the neck So when he met Little Jimmy he associated seeing a favourite person with feeling pain He did what a dog does when a situation occurs that he feels worried or threatened by He growled bared his teeth and barked to get Little Jimmy to back off And he still got a jerk in the neck and a slap on the nose Now he has learned that people are bad news whether you approach There are lots of aversive devices and training techniques out there and I can t possibly list them all There are collars and harnesses designed to tighten and choke or squeeze a dog s sensitive areas There are collars designed to really hurt with prongs on the inside or electrodes to shock Some are intentionally mislabelled as delivering a tap a stimulation or a buzz but if it s got electrodes it s giving a shock There are slip leads and even braces to hold them up over the sensitive structures behind the ears or not He may also have learned that warning people about how you feel by growling is a bad idea because that earned him more pain The following week Dave takes Fido into town to do the shopping It s Fido s first walk since he growled at Little Jimmy as Dave has been too busy He is quite pleased as Fido seems to be sticking closely to him today not leaving his side The training must be working Here comes Little Jimmy He s sneaking up behind Dave and Fido as they wait at the bus stop He s going to surprise them by jumping out in front of them to say Hi He s totally forgotten about Fido growling and barking at him last week because he s 10 and this is a story Little Jimmy jumps out Hi Surprise Fido is shocked Here is the person that meant a jerk and a slap last week He knows he can t growl it will get him a slap He can t back up either as they re standing against a wall and he can t run as he is on the lead So as Little Jimmy bends down to pat Fido s head Fido snaps and catches Little Jimmy s hand with his teeth Oh dear Fido Oh dear While this story is fiction it is based entirely on real events Fido is an amalgamation of several dogs I have been called on to help and who had bitten people as a result of using aversives and positive punishment TORTURE DEVICES There are lots of aversive devices and training techniques out there and I can t possibly list them all There are collars and harnesses designed to tighten and choke or squeeze a dog s sensitive areas There are collars designed to really hurt with prongs on the inside or electrodes to shock Some are intentionally mislabelled as delivering a tap a stimulation or a buzz but if it s got electrodes it s giving a shock There are slip leads and even braces to hold them up over the sensitive structures behind the ears With some of them it s obvious that they are designed to be aversive Some are more subtle because when it comes down to it it is the dog who decides what he or she finds aversive not you and not me So your dog may hate water being sprayed in her face and my dog might love it It is an aversive for your dog and a reward for mine Some aversives may look innocuous like a can of pebbles or pennies a ribbon loop with metal discs or a bunch of keys or a chain When thrown down on the ground these all make a startling sound They might not ever touch the dog but startling someone to stop their behaviour is unkind ineffective and can have negative effects such as sound phobias which are very hard to fix Some aversives are awful on a psychological level which can be every bit as damaging as the physical punishments The most horrific thing about aversives is that they don t need to be used at all Dogs like Fido experienced them unnecessarily There are ways of teaching that could have been fun and enjoyable for Fido If Fido had been put on a harness so that pulling never hurt him he would have had a very different experience If he had been taught using rewards and even more rewards when Little Jimmy or Mr Bunn appeared so that he understood staying next to Dave was a good thing then he would almost certainly have bounced back from his startle at Little Jimmy jumping out in surprise He would have been happy to see Little Jimmy the Lovable Child He wouldn t have been worried that he couldn t run and couldn t growl as he would not have needed to Next time someone suggests a training method or device to you ask them and yourself these questions How does this work What does my dog receive if he gets it right What are the risks Why is the behaviour occurring in the first place What could I teach instead of the unwanted behaviour Thinking about these things will help you decide whether you should follow the method In case you need a bit more help my final rules of thumb are these If it starts with This sounds awful but then it is awful Don t do it If it starts with You have to be cruel to be kind then it is cruel and no you don t So don t do it If it would get you locked up rather than say raised eyebrows if you applied the method to a toddler then don t do it P June 2023 Dogs Today 35

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Words ALESSANDRA PACELLI Alfie the Great On 22 May 2017 Martin Hibbert went to a concert at the Manchester Arena and he barely escaped with his life In his journey to recovery there was one important figure who has largely gone uncredited until now Alfie the Cocker Spaniel I had Alfie since he was a 10 week old pup and we always did everything together We were best friends hardly spent any time apart Until one day I went to a concert and I didn t return home 36 Dogs Today June 2023 It would be five weeks before Martin Hibbert saw his Alfie again On the evening of 22 May 2017 Martin was one of the people standing closest to Salman Ramadan Abedi when he detonated an improvised explosive device in the foyer area of the Manchester Arena The attack cost the lives of 22 as well as the bomber s and injured hundreds of people 112 concert goers were hospitalised including Martin and his daughter who suffered life changing injuries Martin recalls Alfie was distraught when I did not return home He always suffered from separation anxiety even being gone for a short time resulted in him telling me off once I returned And it would be five weeks before we would see each other again TEARFUL REUNION There is a video showing the moment of Alfie and Martin s first meeting after the terror attack It shows the blue roan Cocker Spaniel pulling desperately on the lead as soon as he spots his owner some distance away in a wheelchair As soon as he reaches Martin he jumps up to get on his lap and then licks his face tail wagging all the time It was a happy encounter but Martin was not coming home just yet At that point he d already been told that he would never walk again and he was facing a long road to get used to his new normal I had missed Alfie terribly while in the hospital seeing him again was great and as I continued to work through my rehab the thought I could see him again on weekends was a great motivation to keep going Martin says My dad was a dog handler in the police force in Manchester and I grew up around dogs When we got Alfie we wanted him to be a member of the family and he is Ever since I returned home Alfie has always been by my side Having him in my life has helped my recovery a great deal people often don t realise how much positivity a dog can bring into one s life The other side of that is June 2020 Dogs Today 37

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Whenever I have something on my mind Alfie will get on my lap put his paws around me and give me kisses He knows when I am going through a difficult time and he s always there that he doesn t like it when I go out waiting for my safe return and he s all over me when I come back And it s not too unusual for Martin to be away for a while in June 2022 he travelled all the way to Tanzania to reach the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro with a specially adapted wheelchair all to raise funds for the Spinal Injuries Association SIA charity Martin s relationship with SIA started on the day he was told he would remain paralysed from the waist down when he met SIA support network officer Gary Dawson at the hospital I saw Gary pretty much every week it was him who first told me that being paralysed wouldn t stop me from leading a fulfilled life and that it was all up to me SIA gives amazing support to people with spinal cord injuries and when I got out of the hospital I wanted to 38 Dogs Today June 2023 give back to them Martin recalls I became a trustee did fundraising and then I climbed Kilimanjaro The fundraising for it is now just shy of a million a goal that we hope to reach soon we re very proud of this result Now vice president of SIA Martin has worked tirelessly to raise funds and awareness for people with spinal cord injuries and advocate for better support so that everyone has the kind of help he has had Only a minority of all the people who suffer from a spinal cord injury every day in the UK are referred to a charity or organisation capable of providing the kind of support I got Of course everyone gets NHS care but it s not just a matter of recovering from a health standpoint there is also so much that people with spinal cord injuries need to re learn depending on the type of injury You need to re learn how to shower how to get in and out of bed how to use the wheelchair and so many other little things people take for granted while also dealing with the mental trauma of what has happened Most people with a spinal cord injury are on their own when it comes to these things and it makes me so angry so with SIA we re working hard to change things I want everyone to be given the chance to go back to their lives back to work and have the best possible quality of life a fulfilled life for everyone affected by spinal cord injury which is the charity s aim HARMFUL CONSPIRACY For his work with SIA Martin has since won a Pride of Britain Regional Fundraiser Award and was the recipient of a Prime Minister s Points of Light Award When home he gets to enjoy Alfie s company to the fullest I probably would not have made it quite this far without Alfie He s always on our mind On the days he s away to the groomer for example not having him in the house it doesn t feel right His energy and personality is all around the house He gives a bit of a telling off when we re gone too long true but he is an integral part of my life and of my recovery Martin s life following the Manchester Arena terror attack has been active and fulfilling with a new sense of purpose but as well as the struggles one would expect to face while adjusting to lifechanging spinal injuries he has had to deal with a particularly persistent conspiracy theorist Convinced that the attack had been faked and that the survivors were actors a man has tracked down survivors at their homes and workplaces this included Martin s daughter RECOVERY ROCK Martin has since filed a legal action against the man hoping to set a precedent that will protect the victims of terror attacks from harassment Through all this Alfie remains his rock Alfie immediately knows when something is wrong Martin says Whenever I have something on my mind he will get on my lap put his paws around me and give me kisses He knows when I am going through a difficult time and he s always there The unconditional love that a dog can give makes a tremendous difference I am sure that everyone with a dog will understand P For more information about SIA visit www spinal co uk Available from Toplife Dogs Today Crufts edition indd 1 Yes your dog can drink Toplife Milk Made from highly digestible vsitChsaoiantmldlue26s 5 in goats milk Used by breeders as a healthy daily treat to complement a dog s diet Added vitamins minerals for a nutritionally beneficial treat Helps keep your pet hydrated Easy re closable screw cap cartons www toplifeformula com The Toplife range is free from any artificial ingredients colours flavours or preservatives and all good pet stores 16 02 2023 8 43 am My portraits are done in pen and ink on bristol board in an 8 5 x 11 format Larger portraits can be provided with an increased turnaround Time and cost will be dependant on the desired size Please allow an approximate 5 week turnaround per portrait A 50 deposit is required at time of order Questions Get In Touch SusieQGraphix com Facebook page SusieQ Graphix 484 678 1862 suzyqmac msn com

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Words MARIA SLOUGH Photos MARIA SLOUGH IAN WAITE MERSAD SEHIC Haunted by the ones left behind There can be no more rewarding experience than saving the lives of strays fighting for their lives But you can never save them all and saying goodbye to the unlucky ones is the cruellest ordeal 4 30am A lone bark in the hills behind us cuts through the silence Knowing what that sound represented I was unbearably grief stricken within a fleeting moment Snowflakes fell from dark skies as the lights of Sarajevo blurred through the snow fall while the car weaved its way down to the city centre The mournful sound of Kaleo s Way Down We Go played on the radio as the sadness of Sarajevo enveloped me and tried to stop me leaving I always feel this way as I say goodbye to the stray dogs of this country to the beautiful dogs in the care of UK charity Saving Strays It s like a slow suffocation that you know you have to survive leaving behind friends who have become family dogs on the streets trying to outwit their inevitable fate the dogs on death row that you have to leave behind this time We had been there for eight days with the sole objective of building a sensory garden and adventure playground for 48 former abandoned stray and death row dogs A small team of volunteers had raised the money to build this special space at the charity s kennel partners so the dogs in our care could learn to forage run play and build muscle strength and sensory understanding IN THE SHELTER SHADOWS As a small entirely volunteer run charity we rescue rehabilitate and rehome when possible abandoned dogs in need and are dedicated to helping address the stray dog problem with a future vision for education at local level through dog walking and open days One of our 40 Dogs Today June 2023 patrons TV presenter and Strictly Come Dancing star Ian Waite had joined us for 24 hours to meet our dogs and learn a little more about the stray crisis that runs through the veins of Europe like hidden mercury In those 24 hours we took Ian to the land sanctuary where since 2017 we have supported the care of many strays originally rescued by lone rescuer Milena Malesevic and to our kennel partners Mersad and Melisa to meet our awesome dogs The volunteers and Ian downed the tools of their trades from daily life and picked up hammers paintbrushes and drills to complete the perimeter of the new garden Soon beautifully coloured murals would adorn the fencing panels and plants and flowers approved by the charity s vet trustee would scatter around this space alongside ramps and tunnels for the dogs to play in Facing page clockwise Maria accompanied Freedom for her vet visit following her rescue some of the dogs sadly left behind at the public shelter in Sarajevo Grady was a sorry sight before her rescue by Saving Strays Above from left Ian Waite with Otis Freedom before rescue and after having her matted coat removed But it was the visit to the public shelter that stayed with us all For Ian and our treasurer Kim it was a firsttime experience Wagging tails and smiling faces of the few dogs that were brave enough to venture to the perimeter fence greeted us Many dogs stayed back in the shadows full of anxiety and fear We took a moment to take in what we were witnessing While the dogs had been fed and fresh water was out in anticipation of our visit several dogs were in need of immediate help They were decaying in front of us An older looking girl could barely walk her right shoulder protruding badly as she limped to eventually fall into a sitting position on the concrete You felt her pain as she hit the ground You could count her ribs Another dog a Chow cross with runny eyes a split nose and skin disease all over her face came to the fence I lifted my hand to her she kissed it and offered me her paw Her coat was so matted in blood and faeces that dreadlocked pieces had started to hang from her body Miraculously her tail wagged What courage it took these dogs to survive the misery that was being imposed upon them I looked around and saw several dogs with tails so badly tangled they couldn t walk properly Next to this little girl was a white dog whose eyes told me he had given up We left knowing that there was nothing we could do with our funds so low and numbers so high but we could not get them out of our minds The team decided to launch a social media post to try to raise enough funds to offer the dogs some medical care and get permission to administer it We had to alleviate their suffering Within one hour the funds had come in with a donor request to save them and we made a plan to liberate the dogs EVERY LIFE MATTERS With the cooperation of the public shelter and our kennel partner Mersad four dogs arrived at our kennels five days later It felt like the longest five days but it was worth the wait We took the dogs to our vet and they received the medical attention they needed immediately The older girl who could barely walk had holes in her skin to the bone Our volunteer Sharne named her Grady in memory of Paul O Grady whom the world had just lost The Chow mix girl offered a kiss despite her desperate condition She had a fever but the extent of her problems were hidden by her coat I travelled with her to a parlour and the gentle shearing of her fur revealed multiple bleeding sores across her skin Her now skinny little tail still wagged She was exhausted we were exhausted but it didn t matter The relief hit us as we had got them out and saved four lives She slept with me on the back seat as we travelled back to our kennel partner We named her Freedom In a world where volunteers across all charities are on their knees desperately fighting to stay open and survive another day we recognise our challenges are not unique but as the news cycle continues to burn we will keep working to raise awareness of the forgotten dogs of Bosnia as well as the hundreds of UK dogs being abandoned each week It is these dogs that haunt our dreams and hurt our hearts as we remember their sense of defeat Dogs don t understand boundaries or location they just want to be loved wherever they are As the scholar Hamza Yusuf said Reality of things is hidden in the unseen We must never stop searching for the unseen exposing it and seeking justice for those suffering within the truth it hides We hope some of those reading this will support our efforts to keep helping dogs in need fighting for dogs like Freedom and Grady and finding solutions at the source of the problem You can donate to the freedom fund at www justgiving com campaign thefreedomfund and follow their work at www savingstrays org uk June 2023 Dogs Today 41

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Staffordshire Bull Terrier Guinea Pig Photo posed by models Great Debate If you have an opinion on this subject that is not already covered here putting Great Debate in the subject line Please limit your response to email enquiries dogstodaymagazine co uk 100 words This month s result Is it ever a good idea to have small animals as well as dogs Lesley Gibson My old dog Roxy was best friends with our three guinea pigs our hamster and my cat The guinea pigs and hamster used to sit on her and groom her and all of them cuddled up together on the sofa Roxy was so calm and gentle with them all I wouldn t get hamsters or guinea pigs or rabbits with my current dog Lady as she is boisterous and has a strong urge to chase but she is great with cats Carol Smith No I don t think it is a good idea to have a small animal with a dog Can it be done Maybe but proceed with caution Karen Gill My Lab never batted an eyelid at the rabbits but my Cocker was obsessed both dogs were introduced to rabbits carefully as puppies The Lab would look in their cage and come out with a bit of veg but the Cocker wanted the rabbit I tried and tried to desensitise the Cocker but for the rabbit s own safety after he lost his female rabbit friend I rehomed him mainly as he d never been on his own and I couldn t bring another rabbit into our hutch Jayne Dendle My two Staffies live with three cats The cats are in charge Helen Newton Absolutely I ve had ex racing Greyhounds and guinea pigs coexist perfectly happily in the same house for the past 10 years I ve had good success with clicker training and my first boy had zero prey drive My piggies have their own room upstairs and the dogs cannot get to them due to baby gates I think it helps that I live alone no kids to worry about opening doors It s all about being realistic the personality of the pets management and training but it can definitely be done and it s the best Jamie Pye I have a Manchester Terrier and Whippet and up until last year I always had rabbits There was a fence between them and the dogs were never in the garden unsupervised It can be done with the right management and training Lottie Willow Salisbury Yes my dogs live alongside two house rabbits and a chinchilla Joe Colling Nutkins It varies hugely depending on the dog the owners and the small animals intended to be kept It also depends on the set up and time constraints of the owners what games have been taught previously or even ensuring the smaller pet doesn t try to engage with the dog as that can lead to a dog playing and accidents happening Cheryl Binns When my adult daughter came back to live with me some years ago now she brought with her two dwarf hamsters She d also had two cats but they had to be rehomed as I knew that was never going to work The hammies were only let out in their balls in the back room with the door closed and the pod thing they lived in was out of reach if dogs got in there My Labrador liked them and wouldn t mean to harm them but nudged their ball with her nose and sent him spinning across the floor so she had to be kept out of the room when they were out Barkley Cocker was much too interested and excited by them to be allowed in the room when they were out he was the main reason the cats had to be rehomed As for little Roly Cocker he adored them and saw them as his little friends he could be in the room when they were out We did have an escape on one occasion when one crashed its ball and it came apart and we had minor panic as to where this little hamster was likely to be but Roly showed us where it was sat under the table a bit traumatised and sopping wet as he d decided his little mate needed a wash Donna Coles I always kept prey and predator species separate even if they behave like they aren t interested All animals are capable of doing something they don t usually do so it just isn t worth the risk Yes accidents can happen but if you are taking all the precautions you can then I don t see why someone can t keep both Even when letting my parrots fly round we ensured both doors were shut locked and windows were secured plus a back up screen just in case Anna Mellett In the case of a hamster I can tell from direct experience that it s a bad call They are escape artists I think most will be able to escape their enclosure at least once in their lives I know my younger sister s did just once and it was all that it took for my parents terrier mix to get to it It was a bloody mess I am sure there are plenty of people who manage to make it work but to me it s simply not worth the risk or the stress of knowing a small mistake can result in a pet s bloody demise Sue Withyhays Brown It can be done although I did have a rescue dog who wanted to give the rabbits and cats a good home in her tummy My other dog would never have harmed them Now I have two cats that are very prey driven and would definitely harm my smaller rabbits It requires good management 21 14 65 No Yes Maybe Jennifer Daniels My Cockers live alongside three rats We just keep separated Perfectly easy Karen Rhodes Depends on the dog and the people in the house I used to have a Jack Russell as a child She was bred for rabbiting this was the 80s She mothered all my small furries we had hamsters rabbits and guinea pigs I had one hamster that escaped and we found him in her bed cuddled up to her Currently I have a Lab Goldie cross and a tortoise The tortoise has a separate enclosure but they do interact appropriately I personally feel that if one animal has to be shut away only for its safety around another then it s a potential accident waiting to happen You train your dog to leave whatever other pets you have alone just like you do with wildlife P Next month s topic is Would you be willing to pay for a dog licence Email editorial dogstodaymagazine co uk with your thoughts putting Great Debate in the subject line or write to Great Debate Dogs Today The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA 42 Dogs Today June 2023 June 2023 Dogs Today 43

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My Dog Crush Many of us have dog crushes soft spots for breeds or types that we love but know we ll probably never own for lots of terribly sensible reasons Maybe you don t have enough hours in the day for the dog you dream of Perhaps you have a wandering eye and there are just too many dogs to fit into a lifetime Or you already have a house squashed full of adored allsorts that chose you In this feature we go through popular dog crushes and take a fresh look at what it would be like to actually live with them Tibetan Spaniel 44 Dogs Today June 2023 Acompanion spaniel at heart rather than a gundog the Tibetan Spaniel is as content living a monastic life as a sociable one at the heart of a family SPONSORED BY Our survey of Tibetan Spaniel owners revealed Character The Tibbie is very people oriented as you d expect from a companion breed 54 of our survey said their Tibbies are their owners shadows following them everywhere More than that they are highly attuned to their loved ones He knows when someone is sad or needs a friend said one owner Another reported that their dog alerted them to their daughter s low sugar levels Some owners reported that their dogs can be suspicious of strangers initially Others said their dogs loved everyone They do not generally enjoy being separated from their family and left for too long Inside the home they are calm but alert and still retain the vestiges of their early monastic life enjoying watching over their property and barking to tell you if something needs reporting High places are favoured as vantage points 83 like to sit up high and look down on the world and this is just one of the ways that the Tibetan Spaniel is very feline in its behaviour Exercise 37 of those surveyed gave their Tibbies 30 45 minutes of exercise a day Only 20 gave less than half an hour they might have been pups or older dogs with the remaining owners giving 45 60 minutes 29 60 90 minutes 11 and more than 90 minutes 3 Training behaviour Over half described their Tibetans as very clever for a dog and as our Owner s View page 47 shows they are certainly very bright versatile creatures Although they are more toy spaniels than working ones many survey respondents told us that their dogs exhibited gundog traits He loves to carry found objects along like a gundog said one Another said their dog had a stuffed otter that was her baby She carried it everywhere It s buried with her Coat grooming The Tibetan double coat consists of a fine dense undercoat and a silky top coat Females generally have less coat than males do Just over half of our owners did their own grooming the rest opted for a professional either occasionally or regularly Most of our survey 69 groomed their Tibbies weekly 14 groomed daily and 17 monthly or more frequently Bath every month brush every other day advised one owner Another said Weekly brushing helps control shedding as does a monthly bath but they are fastidious and don t get stinky Health The Tibetan Spaniel should be eye screened and DNA tested for progressive retinal atrophy PRA3 an eye condition that can lead to vision impairment and eventual blindness No treatment is available The condition is autosomal recessive meaning a dog needs a copy of the faulty gene from both the mother and the father to be affected If only one copy is inherited the dog will be a carrier and pass on the gene to its offspring No one said their Tibetans had made their vets a fortune 15 reported back problems 19 patella luxation 22 skin problems 33 eye problems 26 sensitive stomach and 41 anal gland issues 46 said their dogs are picky eaters Trendy Terrier BUY BANDANAS BOW TIES June 2023 Dogs Today 45 Photos by Tim Rose www timrosephotography co uk

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My Dog Crush Origins Tibetan Spaniels affectionately called Tibbies were bred in monasteries in the mountains of Tibet where they worked as watch dogs barking to warn of approaching visitors to the remote monasteries They were never guard dogs however they simply alerted the monks and Tibetan Mastiffs who could then react accordingly Other monastic duties included keeping monks warm by cuddling up and even learning to turn the prayer wheels There was no uniformity in the early days Village bred Tibbies were usually larger and more robust with the more petite pups being gifted to the monasteries for breeding The breed was first brought to the UK at the end of the 19th century when Lord and Lady Wakefield returned from their time living in Tibet Their friends Colonel and Mrs Hawkins also brought Tibbies with them to the UK and these all formed the basis of breeding lines at a time when dog shows were becoming popular 46 Dogs Today June 2023 Traits Regal Loving Playful Independent Stubborn Happy Smart Cheeky Alert Sweet Best names Miss Tibbs Tashi Tenzin Sherpa Popo Binky Mochi Tsuki Sabo Teddy Owner s view by Fleur Maitland I ve worked with dogs for 20 years but had only met one Tibetan Spaniel before getting Tsampa I have a Lhasa Apso and wanted something a similar size shape and temperament but without the coat care I previously owned terriers and I would say Tsampa s character sits midway between them and my Lhasa He doesn t have the sparkiness of the terrier but he is naughty and has an independent streak In fact the first thing his breeder said when I enquired after the litter was Tibbies are naughty you can t train them or let them off lead Challenge accepted Tsampa has his bronze and silver Good Citizen awards and we are currently going for gold Ironically he failed first time on the emergency stop he kept coming back Tsampa is intelligent but not quick Like my Lhasa he needs a patient clear positive approach If I m upset or he thinks I m cross or if he isn t sure what he s supposed to do he ll play up Tsampa is very active and if I don t give him something to do he ll find something to do We have tried mantrailing and will be going back to it as it made him think If you do find you can t let your Tibbie off the lead I recommend mantrailing as it s all on lead He s a fabulous companion on walks and loves water and mud We enjoy walking with friends that include a Lapphund Australian Shepherds and Coonhounds and he gets on well with them all He can be a bit rumbunctious with smaller dogs and I think most enthusiasts pair them with larger breeds A note of caution when it comes to activity the breed standard calls for a slight bow to the front legs I d like to try agility with him but I am mindful that all his exercise needs to be appropriate I also show Tsampa and have qualified for Crufts I have found the Tibbie community really welcoming and encouraging If you decide a Tibetan Spaniel might be for you I recommend getting in touch with your nearest breed club and asking to attend their Open show As Tibbies are relatively uncommon it s a great way to meet a few and talk to breed enthusiasts in a relaxed environment They may be uncommon but the show entries are large My theory is that they re rather collectible and a few people own a lot of dogs I m certainly hoping to get another next year I m a great believer that training wise you get out of a dog what you put in I also think each dog is an individual However there are some traits that Tsampa displays that are considered typical of the breed For example I frequently walk in to find him asleep on the coffee table He likes to prowl along the back of the sofa He ll sleep in funny nooks around the house He can be possessive and will run off with things On walks he likes to pick up rubbish he s found and parade along with it If there s something he wants and can t get to he stands on his hind legs and waves his front paws they call it praying I call it begging All in all Tsampa is the most inquisitive fun loving dog I ve owned He s a lot more dog than I was expecting from the breed but in the best way His joie de vivre is infectious and I can t wait for our next adventure P Dirty Dachshund B U Y S H A M P O O C O N D I T I O N E R S P R AY S June 2023 Dogs Today 47 Photo Fleur Maitland

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My Dog Crush Love the breed Shop the breed Handmade glass figure of a Tibbie handmade by master craftsman Neil Harris and son from the historic glassmaking town of Stourbridge It measures 4cm x 7cm 39 99 from NHarrisandSon on www etsy com Advice for wannabe owners Join a Facebook group for owners and see what people post about theirs Get to a club show they re relaxed and friendly and you can speak to breeders and meet a lot of Tibbies at once They re not all the same Join a breed society first This breed is not readily available Potential owners have to jump through hoops Tibbies are escapologists a very secure garden is a must they climb well too Make sure you buy from a reputable breeder who health tests and is prepared to let you see the mother and answer all your questions Best Facebook groups Tibetan Spaniels Tibetan Spaniels All Over Tibetan Spaniels UK Lively Labrador BUY COLLARS LEADS HARNESSES 48 Dogs Today June 2023 10oz white ceramic mug which is dishwasher and microwave safe 11 95 from KatePearsonDesign on www etsy com A6 size notebook featuring a small Tibetan Spaniel in the corner of each inside page Metal spiral bound with 30 white pages and a protective white cardboard back 3 99 from StarprintDesigns on www etsy com These fun greetings cards are blank inside so perfect for thank you notes birthday messages and so much more 3 99 for a single card 22 for a pack of 10 from AmberMariesStudio on www etsy com Playful Papillon BUY TOYS TUGS TREAT HIDERS This handmade poo bag holder makes a quirky fun gift for a Tibbie fan 6 75 from Handmadeby AuntieAmy on www etsy com Tibetan Spaniel wrapping paper 2 75 for an A2 sheet and a matching gift card from StarprintDesigns on www etsy com June 2023 Dogs Today 49

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Join our exclusive Sub Club With newsagents and supermarkets reducing their shelf space for magazines it s getting harder to find us Help us by subscribing and reap the rewards Get your first issue for only 1 then it s 9 99 quarterly by Direct Debit Buy s da3vi5reeacaytlmeaanords t Save money enjoy almost a 35 saving over the year Delivered free to your door SUBSCRIBE NOW Prices held for this month but must go up soon 15 voucher for PurrfectlyYappy com minimum spend 75 Call us for the special code Chance to win one of 50 Nerf dog toys Call 01276 402599 lines open weekdays 9am 5pm or subscribe online www dogstodaymagazine co uk product dogs today uk subscriptions All new subscriptions will commence with the current issue Overseas prices Europe 65 20 for 12 issues Rest of World 79 80 for 12 issues The first 50 new or renewing subscribers this month will receive a fabulous Nerf dog toy so even your dog can benefit It s a win win win situation Please remember to include your dog s breed size and age in Dog breed and size during checkout Subscription gifts are only available to the first 50 subscribers each month sorry UK subscribers only UK only By entering you confirm that your details will be passed on to the company providing prizes for distribution marketing purposes 50 Dogs Today June 2023 Six of the best Food Treats Immunity Impact Introducing Immunity Impact a cold pressed dog food with plasma power Finding holistic methods to support normal immune and inflammatory responses is important when it comes to keeping your dog healthy At Cobbydog we understand better than anyone how important it is to ensure your dog gets the ingredients and nutrition needed to be super healthy The effects of plasma are systemic meaning it affects all immune systems and has a broad sustained effect on the efficiency of the total body immune system response to stress It also helps with recovery contributes to systematic wellbeing and supports healthy joints https cobbydog com pages immunity impact Frozzys Naturally Nutritious Treats Frozzys are passionate about developing healthy and nutritious treats for our pets The Frozzys range is full of fun and healthy guiltfree dog treats Unlike ice cream which is notorious for being high in fat and sugar Frozzys Frozen Yogurt is lactose free low calorie and has prebiotic fibre to aid digestion and boost immune health Frozzys Superbites are award winning naturally nutritious treats that are grain free rich in omega 3 and 6 and contain probiotics supporting your dog s digestive health and helping to promote a healthy coat www frozzys com Websters Natural Dog Food Websters Natural Dog Food is made in the UK and enjoyed by many pups Our grain free recipes offer a complete nutritious and tasty meal for your peace of mind as an owner to ensure your dog s diet supports their overall well being Our natural high meat content recipes are suitable for puppies adult dogs working dogs small breeds large breeds senior dogs and those pups that struggle with their weight From only 17 our dog food is formulated to help your dog live a happy healthy life Shop online at www webstersdogfood co uk and quote dogstoday in your order notes Natural dinners from Devon For a natural and nutritious diet free from junk or fillers check out Forthglade s tasty grain free complete wet meals for dogs Available in convenient 395g trays the award winning meals are packed with high quality ingredients vitamins and minerals everything a dog needs to stay fit and well The delicious recipes are specially tailored for puppies adult and senior dogs With 75 meat salmon sardine lamb duck beef or turkey the mouth watering selection of recipes are each mixed with tasty vegetables such as butternut squash or sweet potato Find the range of complete wet meals at Forthglade com ZIWI Peak ZIWI Peak air dried range offers the best of raw with the convenience of dry and the freedom to feed it your own way as either a wholesome feast tantalising topper or rewarding treat All air dried recipes feature free range and grass fed meats sustainably caught seafood and contain 96 meats organs bone and seafood The Provenance range provides your pet a taste of the captivating allure of New Zealand s cultural richness and breath taking landscapes from the majestic Otago Valley with its ancient mountains and remote valleys to East Cape the first place on earth to see the sunrise Taste the Ziwi difference www ziwipets co uk Monty s Larder Monty s Larder is a range of chefprepared fresh food for dogs sourced from the finest ethically reared meat The grain free meals use grass fed meat from small sustainable farms and sustainably caught fish cooked like you would at home You don t need to guess what s in a Monty s Larder meal You can see it smell it and taste it Eating highly processed dog food can lead to a range of health issues Feeding your dog fresh cooked food just makes sense Food for dogs Not dog food Available to buy on subscription or one off purchase www montyslarder co uk June 2023 Dogs Today 51

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Postbag Your news views videos of the incident circulating on social media that the attending officers had little experience in how to recognise or deal with the unit that is comprised of any owner accompanied by their dogs Arriving already brandishing handcuffs tasers and shotguns is not the way to go about it We believe that the inevitable escalation of this incident to its most unnecessary and distressing conclusion is not the fault of the responding officers themselves There is an evident lack of appropriate training in how to best manage such a situation which must take any dog s emotions and perspective into account as FATAL SHOOTING a priority Whatever the severity of injury a dog may have caused We write in response to the fatal in this case the allegedly mauled shooting of two dogs by police victim did not need hospital in Limehouse which has caused treatment the essential nature of considerable public consternation non threatening communication and distress We comment as and negotiation with both clinical animal behaviourists who species must be recognised and are routinely engaged to assess implemented if needless deaths dogs which have been seized are to be avoided by the police as dangerous and Dr Kendal Shepherd BVSc as such we have a great deal of MRCVS veterinary surgeon and experience in how to handle and clinical animal behaviourist communicate with them Helen Howell BSc Hons ACDBC It is immediately apparent from Canine Behaviour Consultant Get in touch We love to hear your news and views and see photos of your dogs Email editorial dogstodaymagazine co uk Write to us at Dogs Today The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA Join the debate Voice your opinions on news stories and other topics on our Dogs Today Magazine Facebook page or through our website www dogstoday magazine co uk UNFORGETTABLE BOND I was struggling with a shocking discovery of a lifelong disease with no cure in medical science it hit me hard and led to major depression and suicidal tendencies During the whole process I didn t even realise when I isolated myself from the world I decided to adopt a pet It has forever changed me I ve experienced resilience strength and unconditional love that I didn t know was possible Pixie passed away on 12 February 2023 She taught me to embrace peace in my life no matter what is going on around me On bad days I must clear my mind and live in that moment Pixie s love and trust have completely changed my life for the better I can never repay what she has done for me The most important and impactful part is the feeling when you get to know that you just saved a life It s mutual appreciation and respect I m certain the dog you adopt knows that you gave them a second chance you ll see and feel it People will often forget the statistics trends and opinions we share But the stories we tell might resonate with them forever So even though it can be painful and uncomfortable to share my story I believe it helps others and might even help a lot of other dogs too Teejay Raj 52 Dogs Today June 2023 Natural Supplements From Bees Join over 25 000 members and be the first to learn about Apipets benefits off furs discounts and promotions Also you ll receive news advice and educational materials on pet care every month JOIN THE PACK Sign up at www apipet shop

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Photo Sally Masson Photography Postbag continued CORONATION DOGS I hope you enjoyed the coronation celebrations I thought you might like this photo of Cyril and Crackle the Norwich Terriers at theirs C C honouring the other C C Ali Hayes TOP MODEL Meet Bell she s six years old and the most charming thing in my life Daniel Winter HUSKY CIRCLE Here are my dogs Cindi Sasha and little Billie They are rescue dogs all from two breeders Billie is from a litter of five I rescued from a hoarder breeding gladly the man was arrested and all dogs are safe All five of the litter thrived after hand feeding and have wonderful homes This little one is now a gorgeous pure white adult and has been very well trained Melanie Hogan From Facebook FOLLOWERS SHARED WITH US HOW THEIR FIRST DOG S ADAPTED TO THE NEW KID ON THE BLOCK Justine Banks It took my dog a while to get used to our little new rescue To be fair it was a bit of an emergency foster which then failed and became an adoption and we didn t have much time to acclimate them as we would have ideally done otherwise She pouted a lot by which I mean she d look at every corner of the room except our faces And when my wife lay on the sofa she absolutely had to sit on her to make sure the pup knew she was hers But the puppy was so sweet he eventually won her over Carly Meyer My current dog took very well to the new kid on the block she began mothering her the second she came into the house Dwight Manning Mine was the perfect nanny to the new pup You d have thought we actually adopted a puppy for him They had an incredible bond When Kane passed away due to bloat the following year the youngster was heartbroken and grieved We brought home a younger rescue dog the following month and he blossomed again becoming the perfect nanny to the new one Ivy Cross My old girl was pretty aloof at first even though the new one would have loved to play with her I made sure they had time apart so as not to force the pup on her A week in I found her teaching the puppy how to drink from the toilet and I knew they d be the best of friends Angela Valdez We had just adopted a pup when a close relative died suddenly at only 50 years young leaving behind an elderly dog We were the only ones with the right lifestyle and big enough home to take him in so we did Not a lot of choice when the alternative is leaving a confused grieving old dog in a shelter We worried it might be a setback in the routine we were establishing with the pup but he took it all in his stride The two of them went from wary strangers to best buds in a short couple of weeks and the old boy enjoyed two good years with us and a new friend 54 Dogs Today June 2023

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Photos by Tim Rose www timrosephotography co uk Felix Roxy Odin Photo submitted by Emma Baker Criss cross answers 1 Otterhound 2 English Toy Terrier 3 Utonagan 4 Alaskan Malamute 5 Old English Sheepdog 6 Italian Greyhound 7 Afghan Hound 8 English Springer Spaniel 9 Irish Wolfhound Tea break Put the kettle on and have a go at our competitions Criss cross Just for fun Use the clues to fill in the words below and solve the anagrams of these breeds that start with a vowel Words can go across or down Letters are shared when the words intersect Across 1 Donut other 10 3 7 Fandango huh 6 5 8 Angel perishing pilsners 7 8 7 9 Huh soon Wilfrid 5 9 Down 6 2 Retrying hoteliers 7 3 7 3 Gout Nana 8 4 Kale mama sultana 7 8 7 5 Dodging helpless hoe 3 7 8 6 Holidaying nature 7 9 1 2 4 5 8 9 Check your chip Since April 2016 it has been compulsory for all dogs over 8 weeks of age to be microchipped and details registered and kept up to date with an authorised database Have you checked that your dog s chip is working is correctly registered and all contact information is up to date Don t know which database your dog s microchip is registered with Type your chip number into www check a chip co uk T P Keep a note of your dog s microchip number and database details on your mobile phone Notify the microchip company immediately if your dog goes missing and register on www doglost co uk In the ring Just for fun Unscramble the jumbled letters in the circles Can you find these big small and inbetween breeds A B LE PET BIT I AS NAN PW H AZGUV RUK C 56 Dogs Today June 2023 Caption this Can you come up with a witty and amusing caption for this photo Do you have a funny pic you d like us to feature Please email it to us at comps dogstoday magazine co uk Winners of the Cross Question and Caption Competition will win a prize from Purrfectly Yappy The winning caption will win a Fuzzu A Gorilly Named Billy Dog Toy worth 13 99 from www purrfectlyyappy com The person who sends the first correct answer to the Cross Question will win a pack of SmartBones a healthy alternative to rawhide from www purrfectlyyappy com How to enter Send your Caption Competition Cross Question entries together with your contact details via email to comps dogstoday magazine co uk or post to June Competitions Dogs Today The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA to arrive by 13 July 2023 We all need an oak tree Winning caption Melanie Whitehouse April Caption Runners up D Artagnan s such a stiff There ll only ever be three mutt a teers Bella Jackson Cross Question We asked for a big hare not big hair Gerri Hickman Charles realised he d misheard parliament s direction of a three line whip Tamsin Crothers Can you guess which breeds Sky s parents are All that walking and I m a bit stiff now Linda Varney April Cross Question Solution Lucy s parents are an Australian Cattle Dog and a Staffordshire Bull Terrier The first correct answer came from Jo Pickering In the ring answers A Tibetan Spaniel B Whippet C Hungarian Kuvasz June 2023 Dogs Today 57 Speedy a Patterdale cross Photo submitted by Cathryn Hawkins Australian Cattle Dog Staffordshire Bull Terrier by Tim Rose Photo submitted by Alessandra Pacelli

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Prize crossword Compiled by Gyles Brandreth Quick clues Across 1 US state from which Malamute originated 6 5 Dog s dish 4 7 Might 3 8 Puli s country of origin 7 9 Mountainous area home of medium sized hound 5 11 Stain 4 12 Aquatic pest 5 3 16 After which this old man came rolling home 4 1 3 1 4 17 Kind of terrier 8 18 Edge of pavement 4 20 de Bordeaux large French breed 5 22 Type of shepherd 7 23 Kangaroo 3 24 Newborn dogs 4 25 Making hound like noises 6 Down 2 Sturdy kind of vehicle 9 3 Remain 4 4 Girl s name 3 5 Incidentally 2 3 3 6 The Dogs of title of Frederick Forsyth novel 3 8 Wartime volunteer force 4 5 10 Container for rubbish 6 3 13 Coral reef 5 14 Ridgeback African breed 9 15 Trainers 8 19 Chase ball perhaps 4 21 Antelope 3 22 Robert in short 3 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 24 18 19 22 23 25 Name _________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ____________________________ Postcode _________________ Telephone _____________________________________________ Email address ___________________________________________ Breed type of dog _______________________________________ We occasionally loan our address list to charities and companies we feel may be of interest to you Please tick if you do not wish to receive this information Q Cryptic clues Across 1 State of a Malamute and an Indian serviceman do you say 6 5 Rover s dish from Hollywood 4 7 The month when 4 Down changes 3 8 Home of a hound one outwardly ravenous 7 9 Home of a hound tucking into party rolls 5 11 A cross or a tick 4 12 Might it have made the Pied Piper feel at sea 5 3 16 This old man s advice on canine feeling 4 1 3 1 4 17 Sport English lead perhaps for a northern breed 8 18 Where guide dog stops showing restraint we hear 4 20 French hound and deer eating 21 Down heartlessly 5 22 Kind of shepherd dog big lean variety 7 23 Aussie beast expressing regret audibly 3 24 Little dogs turning up with odd bits of puss 4 25 Sounding like hounds in parking spot in Gateshead 6 Down 2 Vehicle for a sea dog Hardly 9 3 Not a moving order to Rover 4 4 Girl in the morning takes husky s tail 3 5 Incidentally this is where 18 Across is 2 3 3 6 Fighting involves Weimaraner and Rottweiler for starters 3 8 Volunteer house watchdog 4 5 10 Receptacle for unwanted newborn 24 Across 6 3 13 Island there s a fee for travellers 5 14 Ridgeback turns horn aside 9 15 Dog trainers and pupil entertained by females 8 19 Dramatic sport 4 21 Animal a big nuisance Not entirely 3 22 Ride for a shilling Robert 3 58 Dogs Today June 2023 Pembroke Corgi posed by a model Irish Setters by Tim Rose www timrosephotography co uk Win this The winner of this month s crossword will receive a Kong Wild Knot bird a squeaky plush toy with internal knotted rope and minimal stuffing for minimal mess Available from PurrfectlyYappy com How to enter Complete the crossword grid then post your entry to arrive by 13 July 2023 to June Crossword Dogs Today The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA The first correct entry pulled out of the hat after the closing date will win the prize The judge s decision is final May Solution Across 1 Huckleberry 7 Trio 8 Rampur 9 Pitt 10 Ernest 12 Aire 14 Great 16 Dingo 19 Hops 22 Yapper 25 Sent 26 Dutch 27 At once 28 Atom 29 Cross breeds Down 1 Harrier 2 Croatia 3 Lamina 4 Berger 5 Roman 6 Yours 11 Red 13 Imp 15 The 17 In shape 18 Gundogs 20 Orders 21 Setter 23 Antic 24 Pongo Wordsearch Just for fun R NORWE G I AN E L K HOUND Z D F E N O R WE G I A N B U H U N D I N E F R I QE P O I N T E RNDODHAO S I E P R I OU Y Y J C A U H N R L MR X T I E N R D I G WA I E C U E D C R T P S R K T R E WN D N L O O I N D R Z H M A R I M E N T I A G O H R U J N WA E I M E N V T G Z R G P R R O M O WR X R N N T GE KOE U E E E F I L GA I QN P A H E U L M P J T T WN L L O C Q K I I T C S S O D K T L E S I Y H A WU N N N I I E P F COL NCP EHNUE S PUS L W I E R R U O H A WO H F O C P O I C OR AB OB J NPHUAYCHVCMT H POB J NQABDN I F X E NRK S B E ANU I UUGBDR I AR L I AYKKR E R M L Z V Y I L S A MME R A MY X P NRRE I RRE T E L ADRE T TAPQ F B R QX L S P E MB R OK E C OR G I P KOT Y S O L D T YME B U L L DO G Can you find these breeds Search up down forward backward and on the diagonal Manchester Terrier Maremma Mexican Hairless Min Bull Terrier Min Pinscher Min Poodle Min Schnauzer Neapolitan Mastiff Newfoundland Norfolk Terrier Northern Inuit Norwegian Buhund Norwegian Elkhound Norwich Terrier Old Tyme Bulldog Otterhound Papillon Patterdale Terrier PBGV Pekingese Pembroke Corgi Pharaoh Hound Picardy Sheepdog Pinscher Podengo Pointer Pomeranian Pomsky Poochon Pug June 2023 Dogs Today 59

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Classified adverts Holidays Training Services Products Want to advertise your business in our classified adverts section Call Mike McGlynn now on 01276 402591 or send an email to mike dogstoday magazine co uk Boturnell Farm Cottages Dogs stay free Home from home for you and your dogs If they are relaxed then you can relax Every cottage has an enclosed garden for those late night early morning comfort breaks PLUS 8 acres of woods Throws for the furniture Animal first aid kit www dogs holiday co uk Advertising feature Advertising feature Holiday of the Month We are a family owned business with self drive narrowboats for weekends and short breaks and week long holidays from both bases Stockton or Warwick We also have boats available for longer hire periods when you want to escape and include your canine family member This is not camping on water the boats come equipped with everything you need for a relaxing holiday afloat fully equipped galley including fridge and 4 hob gas cooker a bathroom with a flushing toilet and a shower plenty of hot water central heating and a TV for the days you need to catch up with the real world Don t forget with narrowboat hire the boat is the holiday you don t need to allow for those expensive days out during the week Our quoted prices INCLUDE diesel and damage waiver and linen and car parking if you are comparing prices with other narrowboat holiday firms make sure you compare like for like Star ratings for each narrowboat are displayed on the relevant pages and online availability and reservation is now also a feature but feel free to phone or email if you would like to discuss your canal holiday plans www kateboats co uk Email enquiries kateboats co uk Tel 01926 492968 60 Dogs Today June 2023 Canine Training of the Month Adolescent Dogs For the last 16 years we have been helping busy families with dogs worldwide to go from stressful walks to relaxing and enjoying their canine companions using positive and fun training methods Learn with us via our Online Academy Worldwide train with us via One to One Group Classes or fast forward your training via our home based Residential Dog Training across the UK We have also launched our Owner Trained Assistance Dog Programme where owners can learn with us online The easiest way to contact us and to have a conversation with a professional trainer is to email us direct www adolescentdogs com Email info adolescentdogs com Tel 080 0222 9007 June 2023 Dogs Today 61

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Classified adverts Charities Training Products Art TIME FOR A NEW BED FIND A WARM COSY BED TODAY AT PURRFECTLYYAPPY COM Lintran K9 award winning dog equipment transport systems Estate Cars Dog trailers pick up s vans All 4 x 4 vehicles Dog Gun System T 01673 885959 enquiries lintran co uk www lintran co uk 30 YEARS Lintran SS Brentwood House Lincoln Road Faldingworth Market Rasen Lincs LN8 3SF The Emotional Art of Dog Training not to be missed with the due to retire inspirational speaker John Rogerson Advertising feature Products Services Advertising feature PpY06s1in_gDloegpsaMgoen itnhdlydAp1r19 indd 1 Canine Sanctuary of the Month 252 60 21 12 0210918 161 71 658 Lizzie s Barn SancCtuhaarryity of the Month Our dogs are primarily from organisations unable to manage their complex needs They live a wonderful life here with us and their compatriots free from the mistakes stresses and traumas from their former lives A place of sanctuary a safe haven with essential social experiences where they can relax and become their best selves Sadly they are the forgotten ones It s a constant struggle for financial support as far too few are aware of the role of sanctuaries Find out more about our work and how you can help at www lizziesbarn co uk 62 Dogs Today June 2023 www dogsmonthly co uk Dogs FoPreGt Poroodduct of the Month Dogs for GoodInveyed s yDouurkheelpCtoodoolusbolefthtePneumtbCerooof pleionpgle wMitahtdisabilities we can supportIwviyth dDogusk eWofef reersanailnunxouvraytivraenchgaeriotyf wexaptleorrpinrgowoafyasnddogfsabcarnichmelpemory foam people overcomdeospgebciefidc sc hwallheincghesaarendaellnhriacnhdanmdaidmeprinovEenligvelasnadnd Tchomeymhuanviteierse cently joined We are passionawteitahboCuotooluSroffuttSurleeeapndtohocwrewaetecaannhienlpnmovoaretipveeopnleewwicthoothlienugsemoaft for your dog our assistance dTohges CoolsoftTM technology regulates body temperature to help keep your Discover all ofdtohge cwoamysfowretahbellep on hot days after exercise and even on your travels Assistance DoTgh eomuraatsissisitnasntcaendtolygscsouoplptoortthadeutltosuacnhd cchoilnddreuncwtsithheaartaanwgeaoyf from the body dCthiosemairbmiilniutdineepsiteaynndDdeaoannglcs deMo ciawoshcueimhllrdlbicorneoeieinmsn tgwmuwairutanehnsd iahwtsuyaktibdicilsolklmsegi ns ugapntdtootkh4ee0ierdpspeyegocriuealreisdst ohtghaneadsmlecraostmheefvlopernttoasibtmalepyrsaosvceopoolsasifbteler washing and because it is Family Dog coourmFpamaciltyaDnodg pteoamrtagbivleeseandoviucegahntdostuapkpeoratntoywhehlpefraem ailsiews weiltlhasanusing it in your dog s bed or crate you autistic child tocgaent tthaekme oitstwoiutthoyfothueiinr rtehlaeticoanrshainpdweitvhetnheoirnpyeot duorgh olidays This product is a summer essential www dogsforwgowodw o rigvy a01n2d9d5 u25k2e6 0c0o uinkfo dogsfoUrsgeoocdo odrge DTMAT10 for 10 off RRP 35 March 2020 81 June 2023 Dogs Today 63

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CChhaarriittyySSppoottlliigghhtt WWeellccoommeettoo CChhaarriityySSppoottlliigghht a handy rreference point for good ffoollkkddooininggggrreeaattwwoorrkk WWee r erehheelplpininggttoorraaiisseetthheepprroofifillee ooff this ddiivveerrsseeggrroouuppaonfdpewoepelencaonudrwageeeynocuotuoraggeet yinovuotlvoegdewt inthvothlveemd bwyitohfftehreinmg abefoirtefvuenrdhraoimsineg fournedvraeinsivnogluonr tveoelurintge ering established 1958 We are a non destruction sanctuary for abandoned unwanted dogs PRIORY ROAD ASCOT BERKSHIRE SL5 8RJ 01344 882689 Freshfields has been rescuing and rehoming dogs for almost 50 years Registered Charity No 256728 We have a recognised track record of finding loving homes for dogs who have been most cruelly abused With gentleness compassion and excellent medical care our team give new hope to dogs many of whom have been turned away from other centres because of their age medical conditions or behavioural problems www foreverhoundstrust org Mimi s story is one of many dogs in desperate need who have passed through our doors A gorgeous little Charity of the month Shih Tzu Mimi was thrown over the wall of our car park Found terrified and Freshfields alone her fur was dirty and so matted that she couldn t see Animal Rescue With love and reassurance Mimi soon began to trust us and we looked Chilterns Dog Recue NCohaanritimy oafltlheeftmboenhthind for a foster home a peaceful calm environment where she could learn to relax and recover from her ordeal FoVuonludnetederindo1g96w3a lkCehr Jilitmermnest DMoimgi RanedsictuweasSloovceieattyfir sCt sDigRhSt has a long hisJtimortyoookfMreimsci iunteo afonsdterrecahreomandinsgayasnthdatcwointhtiinnaudeasythoegkrnoeww htehcaonuklds to ntehveerdgeivdeihceartbioancka Hnedr peenrstohnuasliitaysm of many dog lovers shone through and it became clear that she had stolen Jim s heart We Aare dfetleigr hmteadnythyaetaJrismofwheanrdt ownotrok adopCt DMRimS ib oanudghsthietstroowttnedproefmf tioses CDRS is an independent charity It receives no Government funding and hinerCfhoirveevreyr hnoemareTrtiongb eHgeinrtshearnndew relies entirely on the generosity of the lidfevaesloapbeedlopvuerdpfoasme iblyuipltefta Tchilieties for public to continue its vital rescue and tdraongssfowrmithatnionwihneMreimelisheatsobteuernn rehoming work Your support would trulyThweoRnedsecrufuel Centre has 40 kennels be greatly appreciated and a small team of highly trained NEUTER AND SPAY NO MORE STRAYS staff who provide outstanding CcAarNe fYoOr dUoHgsEoLfPaUll SagHeEs LtPypMeOs aRnEd DbOacGkSgrLoIuKnEdsMinIMnIe ed of protection Ftrreasihnfiinegldasnfadcreeshaomtripinleg tihnreaadtd ition to dao5nastiaornlsicaernecdeofwornb aosaprdeionpgl e For further information please contact CDRS Tel 01296 623885 enquiries cdrs org uk www chilternsdogrescue org uk We neuter and spay thousands of dogs and cats in Romania every year worLryaragbeokuetnpnaeylsinhgatvheeuirnbdilelsr fclooostrs ahreaetvinegr ipnclernetaysionfgn antudrathl leigdhetmwaitnhd fionrdoouorrsaenrvdicoeustdhoaos rqauraedarsu pGlreedenin www animalsni uk Your cChhaaritny Ncoe 11t7o231w6 in at www aht org uk lottery PayPal eRmegiasteilr eddCohanriatytNioumnbse r 2a09n6i4m2 alsni uk ttheechpnaostlo18gymhoansthbse eUnnidnectoerrpreodra twede atiomretodubceehreurnenfionrgtchoesntse xSte5n0siytievaers changing dogs lives for the better every day Dogs Today 2018 Charity spotlight lottery2a3d v0e1r t2v031 8ind1d4 417 10 lanFdinscdaopuintghohwas ycoreuacteadn asuwpopodrtlaunsdand get involved walk for potential adopters to get wtowknoww fthreedsohgfis weillddlisfe oarregas uankd If you d like to see your RtewgisoteDreod gChZaorintyeNsot o116p03r4o8vide grassy organisation featured in these enrichment paddocks for the dogs to pages please call us on 01276 play soIcfiyaloisue danlidkeretlaoxs ee your organisation fe8a5t8u8r8e0dfoinr mthoerseedpetaagiless please call us on 01276 402591 for more details 6644DDooggssTTooddaayyJJuunlye 20203 Help us to help more We rescue and rehome 100s of dogs and cats in London every year themayhew org 020 8962 8000 Registered Charity No 1077588 We rescue and rehome collies and collie crosses throughout the UK Why not subscribe to our Border Collie World quarterly magazine Only 10 00 pa BORDER COLLIE TRUST GB Please contact us or visit our website for more information Heathway Colton Rugeley Staffs WS15 3LY Tel 0871 560 2282 www bordercollietrustgb org uk Reg Charity No 1053585 Rescue centre open daily 9 11 am 2 4 pm AS BCT_0310 4x1 CSinEHEdANd4NONN1EL Bringing pets and people closer together woodgreen org uk 4 1 10 16 55 42 Sponsor a puppy from just 1 a week Visit guidedogs org uk DogsToday A charity registered in England and Wales 209617 and Scotland SC038979 Smokey Paws provides pet oxygen masks to the fire service But many more masks are needed The next pet saved could be yours You can donate via www smokeypaws co uk or email info smokeypaws co uk Registered Charity No 298348 00526nc0819 Legacy Gift Improve the lives of Type 1 Diabetic children by leaving a gift in your Will Help us train dogs to give children back their lives hypohounds org uk WE RESCUE KILL SHELTER AND ABANDONED DOGS FROM ROMANIA AND REHOME THEM IN THE UK AND GERMANY barkingmaddogrescue bmdrdogs www barkingmaddogrescue co uk We are a small dog and cat rescue that specialises in the rehabilitation of pets who need their second chance at happiness No matter your age location or family status PAWS gives everyone a chance to be a part of the rescue story www pennineanimalwelfare society org We rescue and rehome 100s of dogs and cats in London every year Please help us to help more www themayhew org 020 8962 8000 Registered Charity No 1077588 Saving We rescue and rehome collies and collie crosses Yorkshirthero usghout the UK Why not subscribe to our Border Dogs Collie World quarterly magazine Only 10 00 pa Registered Charity No 1167291 BOTRoDreEscRue CreOhaLbLiliItEateTaRndUrSehTomGe B Pvleualsneecroantbaclet uas nordvisaittoruirswkebdsoitegfsorfmroorme inYfoorrmkastihonir e HSTteaeaftfhsl wWa0Sy17 5C5o3Ll6tYo2n R9ug8e6le1y 01 TEeml 0a8i7l1 5s6a0v2in28g2yorkshiresdogs gmail com wWwewb bworwdewrc oslyldierterussctugbe oorgrg u kuk Reg Charity No 1053585 RFeinscduuescoenntre open daily 9 11 am 2 4 pm Become a Companion RegisteredCharityinEnglandandWalesNo 113B9C99T9_0310 4x1K CSinEHeEdAAeNdS4NpOWNTN1EiLatihlsaWRaeggguilnagr Gift As a rescue charity Rushton helps abandoned abused and unwanted dogs on a international scale Rescuing dogs from all over the world Bringing pets and people especially the meat trade in Asia and China closer together woodgreen org uk 4 1 10 16 55 42 GreySheonuinodrsSmtaakfefygrCelautbpets Lincolnshire GreyOhouurndaims are Trust has been rehoming Greyhounds since 1988 We have rehomed over 2 300 retired Greyhounds Kennels in Lincolnshire Oxfordshire Epping www lincolnshiregreyhoundtrust co uk www sen0io79r4s1ta3ff13y0c2l5ub co uk skeenvi olrinsctaolffnyshcliruebg reyhhootumndatirlu csot c uomk Call Now 44 0 1823 49 10 52 mail rushtondogrescue co uk Rescue and rehoming centre for dogs and cats www leicesteranimalaid org uk Tel 01455 888257 Registered Charity No 242560 Finding the cures for serious pet illnesses helping them live longer healthier lives www petsavers org uk Smokey Paws provides pet oxygen masks to the fire service But many more masks are needed Registered Charity No 298348 00526nc0819 Scottish Charity No SC006914 barki www JJuulyne20220023DDogosgsToToddaayy6655 We r of do

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Confessions of a dogaholic The editor of the Mail on Sunday offered me a contract to have my own dog column every week and he d pay me what seemed like a small fortune There was a catch I had to stop writing for anyone else I assumed that didn t include the sister title the Daily Mail but I was wrong The two papers were rivals for Lord Rothermere s affection I had no idea It sounded an easy yes but I would earn every penny Every Tuesday morning I had to pitch my next column idea to a difficult section editor who obviously didn t much like dogs and hated that my column had meant less space for travel and gardening content I d then write my piece and send it to a very posh lady who also didn t like dogs She would make me write and rewrite the column several times until it was time to go to press At this point someone else would take over and re edit it This went on every week for the next eight years It was however well worth all the run around it gave me a way to reach ordinary dog lovers who might never have otherwise heard of our magazine HEARTS AND MINDS The new office at Pankhurst Farm was on the first floor and poor old Sally my Bearded Collie was beginning to struggle It was kinder and quicker to carry her Sal had been well since she went on vet John Carter s alternative cancer treatment but there was no denying her visible decline into old age One of my early MoS columns was on the inevitable sadness of our old dogs starting to struggle I decided to share with the readers my search for a miracle cure A new wonder drug called Weekend supplements Vivitonin had just been launched but the drug makers were loath to advertise it Consequently few pet owners knew to ask for it and vets were shy to mention it as it sounded too good to be true and also very very expensive I knew some vet friends who had given it to their own oldies and they had been blown away with the results I dug a bit deeper this drug was originally developed as a heart drug for people but while testing they spotted a very desirable side effect Someone techy explained to me that it put the bounce back into the walls of the red blood cells so they could travel around the body more freely making everything start working again There was even talk of a trial on people in Japan as a dementia treatment TURNING BACK TIME Another potential miracle product was sent in for scrutiny this had a more modest beginning One of our advertisers had brought a pot in for Sally to try Runaround didn t have a huge development budget but the manufacturer believed in it so much he wanted people with creaky dogs to try it for free as long as they reported their findings It was astonishing how many dogs started to look and feel a whole lot better In only a couple of weeks Sally was galloping up the office stairs every morning But which of the two miracle products had worked I think they both did Runaround was one of the very first supplements to include glucosamine and chondroitin Back then no one had even sniffed a green lipped mussel Lord R even tried it Well I hope his dog did but then again he did have very sparkly eyes and a lot of energy for a man of his years P 66 Dogs Today June 2023 Illustration KEVIN BROCKBANK 2020 G1l0ob0al WINNER Best Dog Collar Manufacturer 2020 UK Winners 2013 2023 For Dog People by Dog People Because your dog deserves the BEST REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR Stops dogs pulling on the lead and gives you back control Life Changing products for you and your dog PRODUCT I CAN T LIVE WITHOUT NO MORE PULLING NO MORE RIDING UP NO MORE RUBBING NO MORE COMING OFF NO MORE DISCOMFORT Matching accessories in a selection of colours with high quality workmanship and fittings Also available Collars Non Slip Leads and Gripper Training Leads offering added security and confidence throughout the winter months Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at www dogmatic org uk Endorsed by Dr David Sands BSc PhD CFBA Fellow of the Canine Feline Behaviour Association AWARDED Best Dog Collar Manufacturer 2020 21 UK and Most Innovative Dog Collar Manufacturers 2019

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